JAMSTEC > HPCI SPIRE Field3 > R&D Project > Creation of Promotional Frameworks for Computer Science and Technology Managing Director


Project Managing Director

Creation of Promotional Frameworks for Computer Science and Technology

  Project Managing Director
Keiko Takahashi

 Our purpose is the establishment of research environment for using “K Computer” more quickly and more efficiently. For example, we have to optimize the applications, which have been executed on Earth Simulator, in order to make them work on “K Computer”. We conduct to the promotion of the project by supporting the optimization of applications with sharing information between the engineers of AICS (RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science) and us.
Also we try to educate young scientists and discuss the future and strategy for educating researchers. In addition, research products by this project are provided in various events for comprehensible understand of the public. On the occasion of your taking this pamphlet, we would appreciate it if you could access our website and take part in the events such as symposiums and the open house.

K Conputer ( RIKEN AICS )                         Earth Simulator ( JAMSTEC )

計算科学技術推進体制の構築 計算科学技術推進体制の構築