What's New?

About CINDY2011


Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), which is the dominant intraseasonal mode in the tropics, is known as a phenomenon which has a strong impact on not only the tropical climate but also the global climate through the interaction with El Nino, monsoon, tropical cyclone genesis, and so on.


The aim of the field experiment CINDY2011 is to collect in-situ atmospheric and oceanic data to study MJO over the equatorial Indian Ocean, with a focus on the initiation process. Key scientific issures are 1) evolution of moisture (and moist static energy), 2) relationships between the evolution and meso-scale convective systems, and 3) roles of the equatorial wave and sea surface condition. [more]

Observational Plan

Wide-areal observation network will be construced over the central Indian Ocean with ships, land-based sites, and a mooring array as a multi-national effort. Currently, intensive observation is sucheduled from October 2011 to January 2012.[more]

Data Policy

CINDY2011/DYNAMO adopts "timely release and free/open sharing data policy" for all data obtained during field campaign.[more]

Special Notes

CINDY2011 and DYNAMO are endorsed by WCRP/CLIVAR.


Science Committee

Comittee members

Contact Information

CINDY2011 Office
