Promoting diverse work styles

To promote more active roles for women and raise the proportion of women employed by JAMSTEC, we have set numerical targets for employment of women as directors and managers. Other concrete steps include distribution of a handbook explaining pre- and post-natal leave and other systems related to child rearing, providing financial assistance for use of babysitters, the opening of a “Childrearing Cafe” where parents can exchange views on how best to raise children, and providing a website for our staff with child rearing-related information.

Steps are also being taken to improve working conditions to achieve better work-life balance. Starting with child care leave for those with children up to the age of three as well as nursing care leave, additional measures include child care leave for men and natal leave for partners. The objective is to provide ample leave to meet needs for nursing and child care leave. We are also working toward greater flexibility in working hours through staggering work hours and flex time policies to permit a choice of work modes with consideration for the individual's personal life. Regulations are being implemented to prevent harassment of those who take leave related to pregnancy, birth, child care and nursing responsibilities. New systems, workshops, and consciousness-raising sessions are being used to further promote diversity, respect for human rights, diverse work modes, and better work-life balance.

Human Resources Department