Application Laboratory (APL) of JAMSTEC is a world leading research center for variability and predictability studies of our ocean and climate. In addition to discovering new modes of variations and investigating the underlying processes in ocean and atmosphere, APL has been developing various societal applications on water management, crop yield and infectious diseases. For example, in one of the application projects, funded by the Ministry of the Environment(*1), the role of climate in the crop productions and infectious diseases is evaluated for southeast Asia using climate forecasts produced by APL. In another such a project funded by JICA, JST/AMED(*2), an early warning system for the infectious diseases like malaria, diarrhea and pneumonia is being developed for southern Africa.
In the symposium, we will introduce APL's overall research and development activities in an effort to disseminate the research outcomes to the general public. In the workshop, we will discuss the detail research activities and through interactions with international experts we try to develop new research collaborations in ocean and climate studies as well as the societal applications. Genaral Information.
- *1:
- the Environmental Research and Technology Development Fund (2–1405) of the Ministry of the Environment, Japan on “Prediction of newly found climate phenomena and its societal application”.
- *2:
- SATREPS project in the field of Infectious Diseases Control.