The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as “JAMSTEC”) will give the
first priority to ensuring safety and health in performing its operation, and all staff will work together on
various safety and health activities in order to promote creating a free, vigorous, and comfortable workplace
In addition, recognizing the responsibility as Japan’s core marine research and development institute aiming for an
integrated understanding of the Ocean, Earth, and Life, JAMSTEC will contribute to the realizing of a prosperous society
and the building of a sustainable future, while responding the urgent demands of society.
Based on the above determinations, JAMSTEC will establish the basic policy regarding safety and health, and environmental consideration.
[Safety and Health] Pursuit of Zero Accidents and Zero Diseases, and Creating a Healthy and Comfortable Workplace Environment
In JAMSTEC, with a firm will to prevent accidents and disasters from occurring, the individuals will communicate risks, share them as an organization, pursue zero accidents and zero diseases, maintain and improve the physical and mental health of staff, and in order to build good relationships, create a healthy and comfortable workplace environment through the following activities.
[Environment] Contribution to Building a Sustainable Society
JAMSTEC will make the best use of the research and development resources it possesses as a research and development institute, and contribute to building a sustainable society, achievement of SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and carbon-neutral through the following activities.
Hiroyuki YAMATO
President of Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
April 1, 2022
Revision record:
April 25, 2014: Enactment
May 1, 2019: Revision
July 1, 2020: Revision
April 1, 2022: Revision