Professor Dr. Toshio Yamagata received the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon.
Professor Dr. Toshio Yamagata (Project Principal Researcher, Application Laboratory, Research Institute for Value-Added-Information Generation (VAiG)) received the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon in the Spring of 2021.
The Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon is awarded to those who have made meritorious contributions to the nation or the public and who have been engaged in public service for many years.
Prof. Yamagata has led research projects for many decades while holding several positions, including the Director of the Applications Laboratory of JAMSTEC. He has led research teams in the discovery and naming of the Indian Ocean Dipole Mode phenomenon, which is a remarkable climate variation mode in the Indian Ocean with global impacts, and a number of other phenomena such as El Niño Modoki, Ningaloo Niño and other coastal Ninos. He also developed a highly accurate coupled atmosphere-ocean prediction model based on those advanced research results. This has enabled us to predict El Niño, Indian Ocean Dipole Mode and other climate phenomena and to establish a framework for the social applications based on those predictions. This is just one example, besides capacity developments by mentoring young researchers from many countries, of his unparalleled contribution to international society through his climate variation research and applications.
We would like to congratulate him on his remarkable achievements and receiving the special award.

Professor Emeritus, The University of Tokyo
Former Dean, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo