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  3. Reports on the Information Security Incident (unauthorized access)
December 10, 2021

Reports on the Information Security Incident (unauthorized access)

As announced in a press release on March 18, 2021, there was unauthorized access to the core network system of the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (after this JAMSTEC).

We would like to express our deepest apologies for any inconvenience or concern this may have caused you.
Followings report the facts found from our careful investigation based on the advice of experts and other factors and our measures to prevent a recurrence.

【The situations that led up to this incident】

On March 16, 2021, the contractor we entrusted with network monitoring reported to JAMSTEC that the account information of staff members and others had been stolen.
Subsequent investigations revealed that unauthorized access to the JAMSTEC's internal network was conducted for approximately one year from March 27, 2020, to March 16, 2021.

【The situation of damage】

The stolen information is as follows. We confirmed that the information did not contain highly confidential information.

  • 1,949 account information of staff members
  • 219 files containing seminar scripts
  • Electronic files attached to 4 of 16 e-mails illegally viewed
  • List of e-mails sent externally (including 8,487 e-mail addresses of people outside JAMSTEC)

【Contacting persons concerned with stolen information】

We have e-mailed apologies by December 10, 2021 to people outside JAMSTEC.

【Measures to prevent a recurrence】

We have implemented security measures in the core system and enhanced the security of login authentication.
We have reviewed our management system and will continue to check the security measures of the entire JAMSTEC and raise staff members' awareness of information security.

After confirming the information leakage, we conducted a thorough investigation with the cooperation of external expert organizations to accurately grasp the facts for a public announcement. We sincerely apologize again it was announced at this time, as it took time to confirm the scope of the leaked information.

No secondary damage has been confirmed so far.


Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)

General Affairs Section, General Affairs Department
e-mail: johotaisaku_info[at]jamstec.go.jp
Tel: 046-867-9030

(For press release)
Public Relations Section, Marine Science and Technology Strategy Department
e-mail: press[at]jamstec.go.jp
Tel: 045-778-5383

*Please replace [at] with @ when addressing Emails.