README for moored ADCP data:
2006/10/11 prepared by K. Ando
2011/11/2 revised by Y. Kashino

Moored ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) data observed by Tropical Ocean Climate Study group since 1993 to present. 

The ADCP instruments used in this study are the RDI 150KHz BBSC-ADCP for measuring in the western Pacific Ocean, and the RDI 75KHz WH-SC-ADCP for measuring in the eastern Indian Ocean. The nominal locations are EQ-165E, EQ-156E, EQ-147E, EQ-142E, EQ-138E, 2N138E, 7N127E, 2S142E, 2.5S142E, 4N127.5E, 3.2N128.5E, 5N125E, EQ-90E and 5S95E, Several kinds of noises such as side-lobe effect were removed in the data processing. The data was then corrected to 10 meters depth bin.

The data format is common, except for the number of layers, which is counted from 10 meters depth, therefore, n-th layer indicate the data at n*10 meters depth. Almost files contain u-, v- and w-velocities at 35 layers, however, please note that the number of observation layers of some files differs from 35.

[Data Format] ASCII format
Line 1: Date, Month, Day, hour, minute (i4,4(x,i2)) in UTC
Line 2-Layer Number: U, V, W (3f7.1)

Example:  The ADCP data at Eq-156E. 
[Observation Period]
959600n156e.cor  [24 layers, Missing data= 9999.9] 00:00 19 Jul 1995 - 23:00 27 Jul 1996 [ 9000 hr]
969700n156e.cor  [35 layers, Missing data= 9999.9] 00:00 29 Jul 1996 - 02:00 09 Aug 1997 [ 9027 hr]
979800n156e1.cor [35 layers, Missing data= 9999.9] 06:00 09 Aug 1997 - 22:00 01 Mar 1998 [ 4913 hr]
979800n156e2.cor [35 layers, Missing data= 9999.9] 23:30 01 Mar 1998 - 19:30 25 Aug 1998 [ 4245 hr]
989900n156e.cor  [35 layers, Missing data= 9999.9] 00:00 26 Aug 1998 - 20:00 07 Nov 1999 [10533 hr]
010200s156e.cor  [35 layers, Missing data= 9999.9] 03:00 07 Mar 2002 - 22:00 12 Oct 2002 [ 5276 hr]
040500s156e.cor  [35 layers, Missing data= 9999.9] 05:00 11 Feb 2004 - 22:00 03 Feb 2005 [ 8610 hr]

We sometimes put some optional sensors (current meter and CTD) in the moorings. Its data is also opened in this web page. Data format is “stranger format”, which is used for WOCE current meter dataset. (Please see

If you use the data in publications, please acknowledge the TOCS Project.
Also, we would appreciate receiving a preprint and/or reprint of those publications utilizing the data for inclusion in the TOCS Project bibliography. 
Relevant publications should be sent to:
     Indo-Pacific Climate Variations Research Team
     Research Institute for Global Change
     Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
     2-15 Natsushima-cho
     Yokosuka, 237-0061 JAPAN

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