Main screen
state map_search_screen {
state "map" as mapsearch_mapview
state "hole selection control" as mapsearch_holeselector
state "Borehole Details Dialog" as mapsearch_holedetail
[*] --> mapsearch_mapview
mapsearch_mapview --> mapsearch_holeselector : Click a point \n with multiple boreholes
mapsearch_mapview --> mapsearch_holedetail : Click a point \n with only one borehole\n
mapsearch_holeselector --> mapsearch_holedetail : Click on the borehole name \n in the borehole selection control
state data_search_screen {
state "data list table" as datasearch_table
state "Borehole details dialog" as datasearch_holedetail
[*] --> datasearch_table
datasearch_table --> datasearch_holedetail
state data_detail_screen {
state "data chart" as datadetail_datachart
state "X-ray CT preview" as datadetail_xrayct
state "half section image preview" as datadetail_splitsection
map_search_screen --> data_detail_screen : Press Detail button \n of borehole selection control
map_search_screen --> data_detail_screen : Press the Open Detail Page button \n in the borehole detail dialog
data_search_screen --> data_detail_screen : Press the Detail button \n on the data list table
data_search_screen --> data_detail_screen : Press the Detail button \n on the borehole detail dialog
Screen transition diagram

Overall map search screen
Filters the borehole information displayed on the map.

Map Search Screen Search Control
- Expedition
- This is the menu for selecting the cruises to be displayed.
Select "all" if you do not want to target a specific voyage.
- Site
- Menu for selecting the drilling site to be displayed.
If you do not target a specific drilling site, please select "all".
- Hole
- This is the menu to select the borehole to be displayed.
If you do not target a specific drilling site, please select "all".
- Keywords
- This is an input field for specifying keywords that the data to be displayed includes. For details, refer to the help displayed by clicking "Help" on the right side of Keywords.
Leave blank if no keyword is specified.
- Data columns
- Input field for specifying the data items of the data to be displayed. If you check multiple items, you can use the AND/OR radio button to select whether to search by "having all of the specified items" or "having any of the specified items".
If you do not specify data items, remove all checks.
- Clear
- A button to clear the search conditions.
- Search
- Button for setting search conditions. Boreholes that meet the conditions are extracted and displayed on the map.
Shows boreholes.

Map Search Screen Map

Map search screen IODP KML

Map search screen Borehole selection control
- Google Maps
- Use Google Maps for the background map.
If you choose Google Maps, you can choose general maps and satellite images as background maps.
- GEBCO 2022
- Use GEBCO WMS 2022 version for the background map.
- orange marker
- Represents a published borehole.
Clicking a marker displays the borehole selection controls if there is another borehole nearby, or the borehole details dialog if not.
- gray marker
- Represents an unpublished borehole.
You can view the data if you are logged in and you have the viewing permission.
- Read the KML file published by IODP and display it with a red marker on the map.
- red marker
- Represents a borehole read from KML.
Clicking on a marker will pop up information about that borehole.
- Borehole selection control
- When you click the map, it is displayed when there are multiple drill holes near the clicked point and one cannot be identified.
Click on the borehole name to display the borehole details dialog.
Click the Detail button to move to the data detail screen with the borehole specified.
Details of the selected borehole are displayed.

Map search screen drill hole detail dialog
- Download
- If you are logged in, download the file.
- Open Detail Page
- Moves to the data detail screen with this borehole specified.

Overall data search screen
Filters the borehole information displayed in the table.

Data search screen search control
- Expedition
- This is the menu for selecting the cruises to be displayed.
Select "all" if you do not want to target a specific voyage.
- Site
- Menu for selecting the drilling site to be displayed.
If you do not target a specific drilling site, please select "all".
- Keywords
- This is an input field for specifying keywords that the data to be displayed includes. For details, refer to the help displayed by clicking "Help" on the right side of Keywords.
Leave blank if no keyword is specified.
- Data columns
- Input field for specifying the data items of the data to be displayed. If you check multiple items, you can use the AND/OR radio button to select whether to search by "having all of the specified items" or "having any of the specified items".
If you do not specify data items, remove all checks.
- Clear
- A button to clear the search conditions.
- Search
- Button for setting search conditions. Drill holes that meet the conditions are extracted and displayed on the data list table.

Data search screen Data list table
- header row
- Click to sort in ascending or descending order using the value of the corresponding column.
- data line
- Click to display the Drillhole Details dialog.
- Detail
- Moves to the data detail screen with the borehole specified.
Details of the selected borehole are displayed.

Data search screen Drill hole detail dialog
- Download
- If you are logged in, download the file.
- Open Detail Page
- Moves to the data detail screen with this borehole specified.

Full data detail screen
Filters the borehole information to be displayed.

Data detail screen search control
- Expedition
- This is the menu for selecting the cruises to be displayed.
Select "all" if you do not want to target a specific voyage.
- Site
- Menu for selecting the drilling site to be displayed.
If you do not target a specific drilling site, please select "all".
- Keywords
- This is an input field for specifying keywords that the data to be displayed includes. For details, refer to the help displayed by clicking "Help" on the right side of Keywords.
Leave blank if no keyword is specified.
- Data columns
- Input field for specifying the data items of the data to be displayed. If you check multiple items, you can use the AND/OR radio button to select whether to search by "having all of the specified items" or "having any of the specified items".
If you do not specify data items, remove all checks.
- Clear
- A button to clear the search conditions.
- Search
- Button for setting search conditions. The drill holes that meet the conditions are extracted and displayed in the drill hole list table.
- Drill hole list table
- The drill holes matching the search criteria are displayed.
Click the checkbox to the right of the table to view information about the borehole. Up to 3 items can be set.
View charts for the selected borehole.

Detailed data screen Data chart
- Depth setting slider
- Set the range to display on the chart.
You can set any range from 0m to 5000m by dragging the slider handle or directly entering a value in the input field.
- Borehole core data histogram
- Display the depth information of 'Hole', 'Core' and 'Section' of the specified borehole as a histogram.
Items to be displayed can be selected from the menu.
- Log data line chart
- Display logging data for the specified borehole as a line plot.
If the lines are overlapping each other and it is difficult to see, you can switch the display on and off individually by clicking the legend at the bottom of the figure.
Items to be displayed can be selected from the menu.
- Download
- Download depth information of currently displayed well logging data in CSV format.
You can download only if you are logged in.
Preview and download X-ray CT and half-section images of boreholes.

Data detail screen preview area
![Data detail screen X-ray CT preview] (J-SODD_MANUAL/datadetail_xrayct.png)
Data detail screen X-ray CT preview

Data details screen half-size section image preview
- borehole menu
- Select the target borehole.
- X-Ray CT Preview
- Displays a preview of X-ray CT.
- X-Ray CT Download
- Download the X-ray CT image file.
You can download only if you are logged in.
- Split Section Image Preview
- Shows a preview of the half-section image.
- Split Section Image Download
- Download the image file of the half-cut section image.
You can download only if you are logged in.