Guideline for Using Core Samples

Requesting core samples

Please download the "Sample Request for JAMSTEC cores" form from the following list. Fill up and submit the request form with related documents to DMG. If you are submitting a request form and a sample information list in electronic form, DMG can accept them as attachments to E-mail. If you are submitting electronic forms, JAMSTEC core curators recommend that you use the "Sample Information List" form to describe the sample usage and sampling plan in detail.

  • Sample Request for JAMSTEC Cores (MS-Word)
  • Sample Information List (MS-Excel)

JAMSTEC core curators and DMG staff may communicate with requesters to confirm/adjust request information or to arrange a schedule for sample handling. Please describe your purpose, usage, and requesting sample volumes in detail and attach related documents, to justify your project. Please consult the description in "Typical Volumes for Discrete Samples" to complete the form/table for "Sample Information".

Discrete sampling

Curators and requesters will discuss handling of samples by e-mail, and arrange a schedule for discrete sampling and shipping. Please be noted that requesters are liable for shipping costs and consumable supplies.

Using core samples

In general, provided samples are loaned to users for 1 year. If there is residual sample left after use, requesters should send them back to KOCHI/JAMSTEC, except for cases when JAMSTEC core curators decide that sample conditions are no longer suitable for other uses.

Biological research using core samples

In the case of biological research (including DNA extraction) using core samples, the request is regard as the usage of biological samples. Please see "Guide for use of JAMSTEC's Biological Samples" in JAMSTEC Marine Biological Sample Database.

    *Current rules of JAMSTEC do not allow sending core sample (collected by Natsushima, Kaiyo, Yokosuka, Mirai, Kairei) for biological study to foreign countries.

Obligations for report and citation

Users of core samples are required to report obtained analytical data to DMG. In publications, users should cite cruise reports or cruise summaries to acknowledge JAMSTEC for providing data and samples. Please send the "Notification of Publication of Results" to by E-mail. Please visit and read the "Terms and Conditions" in "JAMSTEC Data Site for Research Cruises" for detailed information related to these issues.