Ship Borne Lower Troposphere Radar (SB-LTR)
Observation Data

Archive parameters:
CSV (Comma Separated Values) formatted data are available.
File names of CSV data are composed of date and variable abbreviations: (year)(month)(day).(variable).csv

Variables File Units Comments
Zonal wind uwnd m/s Westerly wind is positive
Meridional wind vwnd m/s Southerly wind is positive
Vertical wind wwnd m/s Upflow is positive
Echo intensity for Beam 1 pwr1 dB Arbitrary unit
Echo intensity for Beam 2 pwr2 dB Arbitrary unit
Echo intensity for Beam 3 pwr3 dB Arbitrary unit
Echo intensity for Beam 4 pwr4 dB Arbitrary unit
Echo intensity for Beam 5 pwr5 dB Arbitrary unit
Spectral width for Beam 1 wdt1 m/s Half power full width
Spectral width for Beam 2 wdt2 m/s Half power full width
Spectral width for Beam 3 wdt3 m/s Half power full width
Spectral width for Beam 4 wdt4 m/s Half power full width
Spectral width for Beam 5 wdt5 m/s Half power full width

Beam Direction
Beam 1 is perpendicular to deck. Beam 2-4 are Bow, Starboard, Stern, Port directions, respectively, with 9.8 degrees from Beam 1. The antenna beam is steered every FFT.

Data Format

Specifications of the SB-LTR
Parameter Value
Frequency 1357.5 MHz
Output power 2 kW (Peak envelope)
Antenna system Active phased array (4 m x 4 m)
Beam width 4 deg. (Half power, one way)

Observation Parameters
Parameter Value
Subpulse length 1 micro sec
Inter Pulse Period 50 micro sec
Number of coherent integrations 32
Number of incoherent integrations 32
Number of FFT points 128
Pulse compression 8 bit optimized code (*)
(*) Spano, E. and O. Ghebrebrhan, Sequences of complementary codes for the optimum decoding of truncated ranges and high sidelobe suppression factors for ST/MST radar systems, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing., 34, 330-345, 1996.

October, 2006
GIF File: Winds , Echo intensity , Spectral width
November, 2006
GIF File: Winds , Echo intensity , Spectral width

Hiroyuki Hashiguchi
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University
Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan
Created: August 30, 2007