本多 牧生


地球環境部門 地球表層システム研究センター 





国立研究開発法人 海洋研究開発機構 海洋研究棟206-1
〒237-0061 神奈川県横須賀市夏島町2-15
TEL:046-867-9502 FAX:046-867-9455


1961 大阪府生まれ
1973 枚方市立第三中学校入学
1974 枚方市立樟葉中学校転校
1976 大阪府立長尾高等学校入学
1979 北海道大学水産学部入学
1986 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究科修士課程修了
1986 海洋科学技術センター(現海洋研究開発機構)入所 海域開発研究部に配属
1991 深海研究部に配置換え
1992-1994 米国ウッズホール海洋研究所にて在外研究員兼海外駐在員
1996 海洋観測研究部に配置換え
2001 むつ研究所研究グループに配置換え
2009 海洋工学センター先端技術研究プログラムに配置換え
2010 地球変動領域 物質循環研究プログラム 海洋物質循環研究チームに配置換え
2014 地球表層物質循環研究分野に配置換え
2017 地球環境観測研究開発センターに配置換え
2019 地球環境部門 地球表層システム研究センターに配置換え
=2001= 学位取得(地球環境科学)
=2003~2009= 神戸大学 連携大学院 非常勤講師
=2007~= 日本大学 生物資源科学部 非常勤講師


  • 97. 本多牧生(2025)(解説)海洋への二酸化炭素除去(mCDR)に関する実現可能性調査ー全米科学・工学・医学アカデミー報告書の要点ー. 海の研究 34(1) 1-36 doi: 10.5928/kaiyou.34.1_1(日本語、英語要旨付)
  • 96. Ikenoue, T., R. Nakajima, S. Osafune, E. Siswanto, and M. C. Honda (2024) Vertical flux of microplastics in the deep subtropical Pacific ocean: moored sediment trap observations within the Kuroshio extension recirculation gyre. Environmental Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.4c02212
  • 95. Tada, N., A. Nagano, S. Tanaka, H. Ichihara, D. Suetsugu, D. Matsuoka, M. Ito, T. Kuwatani and M. C. Honda: Challenge for multifaceted data acquisition around active volcanoes using uncrewed surface vessel. Frontiers in Marine Science 11:1406381. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1406381 (2024)
  • 94. Lange, N., B. Fiedler, M. Álvarez, A. Benoit-Cattin, H. Benway, P. L. Buttigieg, L. Coppola, K. Currie, S. Flecha, D. S. Gerlach, M. C. Honda, I. E. Huertas, S. K. Lauvset, F. Muller-Karger, A. Körtzinger, K. M. O'Brien, S. R. Ólafsdóttir, F. C. Pacheco, D. Rueda-Roa, I. Skjelvan, M. Wakita, A. White, and T. Tanhua. Synthesis Product for Ocean Time Series (SPOTS) – a ship-based biogeochemical pilot, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16, 1901–1931, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-16-1901-2024 (2024).
  • 93. Cronin, M.F., N.D. Anderson, D. Zhang, P. Berk, S.M. Wills, Y. Serra, C. Kohlman, A.J. Sutton, M.C. Honda, Y. Kawai, J. Yang, J. Thomson, N. Lawrence-Slavas, J. Reeves Eyre, and C. Meinig. PMEL Ocean Climate Stations as reference time series and research aggregate devices. Oceanography 36(2–3):46–53, https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2023.224. (2023)
  • 92. Mino Y., C. Sukigara, H. Kawakami, M. Wakita and M. C. Honda. Mesopelagic particulate nitrogen dynamics in the subarctic and subtropical regions of the western North Pacific. Frontiers in Earth Science 11:1176889. doi: 10.3389/feart.2023.1176889 (2023)
  • 91. Siswanto E, M. L. R. Sarker, B. N. Peter, T. Takemura, T. Horii, K. Matsumoto, F. Taketani and M. C. Honda. Variations of phytoplankton chlorophyll in the Bay of Bengal: Impact of climate changes and nutrients from different sources. Frontiers in Marine Science. 10:1052286. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.1052286 (2023)
  • 90. Yoshikawa, C., N. O. Ogawa, Y. Chikaraishi, A. Makabe, Y. Matsui, Y. Sasai, M. Wakita, M. C. Honda, Y. Mino, M. N. Aita, T. Fujiki, T. Nunoura, N. Harada and N. Ohkouchi: Nitrogen isotopes of sinking particles reveal the seasonal transition of the nitrogen source for phytoplankton. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098670. http://doi.org/10.1029/2022GL098670 (2022)
  • 89. Conte M.H., R. Pedrosa Pàmies R, M. C.Honda and G. J. Herndl: Editorial: The oceanic particle flux and its cycling within the deep water column. Frontiers in the Earth Science 10:1020065. doi: 10.3389/feart.2022.1020065 (2022)
  • 88. van Beek P, R. Francois, M. C. Honda, M. Charette, J-L. Reyss, R. Ganeshram, C. Monnin and S. Honjo: Fractionation of 226Ra and Ba in the upper North Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science 9:859117. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2022.859117 (2022)
  • 87. Isaji, Y., C. Yoshikawa, N. O. Ogawa, K. Matsumoto, A. Makabe, S. Toyoda, N. F. Ishikawa, H. Ogawa, H. Saito, M. C. Honda and N. Ohkouchi: Nitrogen sources for phytoplankton in the eastern Indian Ocean determined from δ15N of chlorophyll a and divinylchlorophyll a. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 23, e2021GC010057. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GC010057 (2022)
  • 86. Siswanto, E., Y. Sasai, K. Matsumoto, M. C. Honda. Winter–Spring Phytoplankton Phenology Associated with the Kuroshio Extension Instability. Remote Sens, 14, 1186. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14051186 (2022)
  • 85. Onodera, J., E. Watanabe, M. Itoh, N. Harada, M. C. Honda, A. Tengberg, Y. Tanaka, T. Kikuch: Interannual variation of settling particles reflects upper-ocean circulation in the southern Chukchi Borderland, 2010-2014. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2021JC017431. https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JC017431 (2021)
  • 84. Dobashi, R., H. Ueno, N. Matsudera, I. Fujita, T. Fujiki, M. C. Honda, N. Harada: Impact of mesoscale eddies on particulate organic carbon flux in the western subarctic North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10872-021-00620-7 (2021)
  • 83. Ikenoue, T., ,K. Kimoto, Y. Nakamura, K. R. Bjørklund, N. Kuramoto, M. Ueki, Y. Ota, J. Onodera, N. Harada, M. C. Honda, M. Sato, E. Watanabe, M. Itoh, S. Nishino, T. Kikuchi: New evaluation of species-specific biogenic silica flux of radiolarians (Rhizaria) in the western Arctic Ocean using microfocus X-ray computed tomography. Limnology and Oceanography, 9999, 1–15. https://doi.org/10.1002/lno.11928 (2021)
  • 82. Cael, B. B., L. Bisson, M. Conte, M. T. Duret, C. L. Follett, S. A. Henson, M. C. Honda, M. H. Iversen, D. M. Karl, R. S. Lampitt, C. B. Mouw, F Muller-Karger, C. A. Pebody, K. L. SmitH Jr, and D Talmy: Open ocean particle flux variability from surface to seafloor. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL092895. https://doi. org/10.1029/2021GL092895 (2021)
  • 81. Matsumoto, K., Y. Sasai, K. Sasaoka, E. Siswanto, M. C. Honda: The formation of subtropical phytoplankton blooms is dictated by water column stability during winter and spring in the oligotrophic northwestern North Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans,126, e2020JC016864. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JC016864 (2021)
  • 80. Mino, Y., C. Sukigara, M. C. Honda, H. Kawakami, M. Wakita, K. Sasaoka, Y. Yoshikawa, O. Abe, J. Kaiser, K. Kimoto, M. Kitamura, T. Fujiki, K. Matsumoto, and T. Saino: Seasonal and interannual variations in nitrogen availability and particle export in the northwestern North Pacific subtropical gyre. Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans 125, e2019JC015600. (2020)
  • 79. Honda, M. C.: Effective Vertical Transport of Particulate Organic Carbon in the Western North Pacific Subarctic Region. Frontiers in Earth Science 8:366. doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00366 (2020) https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2020.00366
  • 78. Anderson, N.D., K. A.Donohue, M. C. Honda, M. F. Cronin, and D. Zhang: Challenges of Measuring Abyssal Temperature and Salinity at the Kuroshio Extension Observatory. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanographic Technology. https://doi.org/10.1175/JTECH-D-19-0153.1 (2020)
  • 77. Ikenoue T., K. Kimoto, Y. Okazaki, M. Sato, M.C. Honda, K. Takahashi, N. Harada, T. Fujiki: Phaeodaria: An important carrier of particulate organic carbon in the mesopelagic twilight zone of the North Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019GB006258 (2019)
  • 76. Sasai Y., M.C. Honda, E. Siswanto, S. Kato, K. Uehara, H. Sasaki, M. Nonaka:
    Impact of Ocean Physics on Marine Ecosystems in the Kuroshio and Kuroshio Extension Regions: A High‐Resolution Coupled Physical‐Biological Model Study. 175-190. in (Eds) T. Nagai, H. Saito, K. Suzuki, M. Takahashi. Kuroshio Current: Physical, Biogeochemical, and Ecosystem Dynamics. American Geophysical Union Geophysical Monograph Series No.242, John Wiley & Sons. Inc. pp. 336 (2019)
  • 75. Sukigara C, Y. Mino, H. Kawakami, M.C. Honda, T. Fujiki, K. Matsumoto, M. Wakita, T. Saino: Sinking dynamics of particulate matter in the subarctic and subtropical regions of the western North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research Part I 144 17-27. doi: org/10.1016/j.dsr.2018.11.004 (2018)
  • 74. Honda M.C., Y. Sasai, E. Siswanto, A. Kuwano-Yoshida, H. Aiki, M. F. Cronin: Impact of cyclonic eddies and typhoons on biogeochemistry in the oligotrophic ocean based on biogeochemical / physical / meteorological time-series at station KEO. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 5:42, https://doi:org/10.1186/s40645-018-0196-3 (2018)
  • 73. Taketani F, M.N. Aita, K. Yamaji, T. Sekiya, K. Ikeda, K. Sasaoka, T. Hashioka, M.C.Honda, K. Matsumoto, Y. Kanaya: Seasonal Response of North Western Pacific Marine Ecosystems to Deposition of Atmospheric Inorganic Nitrogen Compounds from East Asia. Scientific Reports doi:10.1038/s41598-018-27523-w (2018)
  • 72. Uchimiya M., H. Fukuda, M. Wakita, M. Kitamura, H. Kawakami, M.C. Honda, H. Ogawa, T. Nagata. Balancing organic carbon supply and consumption in the ocean’s interior: evidence from repeated biogeochemical observations conducted in the subarctic and subtropical western North Pacific. Limnology and Oceanography doi:10.1002/lno.10821 (2018)
  • 71. Yokoi N., Y. Abe, M. Kitamura, M. C. Honda, A. Yamaguchi. Comparison between POC and zooplankton swimmer from sediment traps in the subarctic and subtropical North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I 133 19-26. doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2018.01.03 (2018)
  • 70. Kitamura M., M. C.Honda, Y. Hamajima, Y. Kumamoto, M. Aoyama, H. Kawakami, T. Aono, M. Fukuda, Y. Mino: Temporal changes in radiocesium contamination derived from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in oceanic zooplankton in the western North Pacific. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 172, 163-172 (2017).
  • 69. Honda M. C., M. Wakita, K. Matsumoto, T. Fujiki, E. Siswanto, K. Sasaoka, H. Kawakami, Y. Mino, C. Sukigara, M. Kitamura, Y. Sasai, S. L. Smith, T. Hashioka, C. Yoshikawa, K. Kimoto , S. Watanabe, T. Kobari, T. Nagata, K. Hamasaki, R. Kaneko, M. Uchimiya, H. Fukuda, O. Abe, Toshiro Saino: Comparison of carbon cycle between the western Pacific subarctic and subtropical time-series stations: highlights of the K2S1 project. Journal of Oceanography, DOI: 10.1007/s10872-017-0423-3 (2017).
  • 68. Mino, Y., C. Sukigara, M. C. Honda, H. Kawakami, K. Matsumoto, M. Wakita, M. KItamura, T Fujiki, K. Sasaoka, O. Abe, J. Kaiser, T. Saino. Seasonal variations in the nitrogen isotopic composition of settling particles at station K2 in the western Subarctic North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography, 10.1007/s10872-016-0381-1 (2016).
  • 67. Wakita, M., M. C. Honda, K. Matsumoto, T. Fujiki, H. Kawakami, S. Yasunaka, Y. Sasai, C. Sukigara, M. Uchimiya, M. Kitamura, T. Kobari, Y. Mino, A. Nagano, S. Watanabe, , T. Saino. Biological organic carbon export estimated from the annual carbon budget observed in the surface waters of the western subarctic and subtropical North Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2013. Journal of Oceanography, 10.1007/s10872-016-0379-8 (2016).
  • 66. Siswanto, E., M. C. Honda, Y. Sasai, K. Sasaoka, T. Saino. Meridional and seasonal footprints of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on phytoplankton biomass in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Oceanography, 10.1007/s10872-016-0367-z (2016).
  • 65. Siswanto, E., M. C. Honda, K. Matsumoto, Y. Sasai, T. Fujiki, K. Sasaoka, T. Saino. Sixteen-year phytoplankton biomass trends in the northwestern Pacific Ocean observed by the SeaWiFS and MODIS ocean color sensors. Journal of Oceanography, 10.1007/s10872-016-0357-1(2016).
  • 64. Kobari, T., R. Nakamura, K. Unno, M. Kitamura, K. Tanabe, H. Nagafuku, A. Niibo, H. Kawakami, K. Matsumoto, M. C. Honda. Seasonal variability in carbon demand and flux by mesozooplankton communities at subarctic and subtropical sites in the western North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography, DOI 10.1007/s10872-015-0348-7 (2016).
  • 63. Kitamura, M., T. Kobari, M. C. Honda, K. Matsumoto, K. Sasaoka, R. Nakamura, K. Tanabe. Seasonal changes in the mesozooplankton biomass and community structure in subarctic and subtropical time-series stations in the western North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography, DOI 10.1007/s10872-015-0347-8 (2016).
  • 62. Sasai, Y., C. Yoshikawa, S. L. Smith, T. Hashioka, K. Matsumoto, M. Wakita, K. Sasaoka, M. C. Honda. Coupled 1-D physical-biological model study of phytoplankton production at two contrasting time-series stations in the western North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography, DOI 10.1007/s10872-015-0341-1 (2016).
  • 61. 本多牧生. 時系列式セジメントトラップによる原子力発電所由来の粒状態放射性核種の挙動に関する観測研究. 地球化学 49, 227-238, doi: 10.14934/chikyukagaku.49.227 (2015)
  • 60. Buesseler, K. O., C. R. German, M. C. Honda, S. Otosaka, E. E. Black, H. Kawakami, S. J. Manganini, and S. M. Pike. Tracking the fate of particle associated Fukushima Daiichi cesium in the ocean off Japan. Environmental Science and Technology, "49, 9807-9816", DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b02635 (2015).
  • 59. Yoshikawa, C., H. Abe, M. N. Aita, F. Breider, K. Kuzunuki, S. Toyoda, N. O. Ogawa, H. Suga, N. Ohkouchi, S. O. Danielache, M. Wakita, M. C. Honda and N. Yoshida. Insight into nitrous oxide production processes in the western North Pacific based on a marine ecosystem isotopomer model. Journal of Oceanography, DOI 10.1007/s10872-015-0308-2 (2015).
  • 58. Smith S. L, M. Pahlow, A. Merico, E. Acevedo-Trejos, Y. Sasai, C. Yoshikawa, K. Sasaoka, T. Fujiki, K. Matsumoto and M. C. Honda. Flexible phytoplankton functional type (FlexPFT) model: size-scaling of traits and optimal growth. Journal of Plankton Research, doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbv038. (2015)
  • 57. Onodera, J., E. Watanabe, N. Harada and M. C. Honda. Diatom flux reflects water-mass conditions on the southern northwind abyssal plain, Arctic Ocean. Biogeosciences 12, 1373-1385, doi:10.5194/bg-12-1373-2015 (2015)
  • 56. Siswant, E., K. Matsumoto, M. C. Honda, T. Fujiki, K. Sasaoka, and T. Saino. Reappraisal of meridopnal differences of factors controlling phytoplankton biomass and initial increase preceding seasonal bloom in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Remote Sensing of Environment 159, 44-56 (2015)
  • 55. Kawakami, H., M. C. Honda,K. Matsumoto, M. Wakita, M. Kitamura, T. Fujiki, S. Watanabe. POC fluxes estimated from 234Th in late spring-early summer in the western subarctic North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 71, 311-324, DOI 10.1007/s10872-015-0290-8 (2015).
  • 54. Honda, M. C., H. Kawakami, K. Matsumoto, M. Wakita, T. Fujiki, Y. Mino, C. Sukigara, T. Kobari, M. Uchimiya, R. Kaneko and T. Saino. Comparison of sinking particles in the upper 200 m between subarctic station K2 and subtropical station S1 based on drifting sediment trap experiments. Journal of Oceanography DOI 10.1007/s10872-015-0280-x (2015).
  • 53. Matsumoto, K., M. C. Honda, K. Sasaoka, M. Wakita, H. Kawakami, and S. Watanabe: Seasonal variability of primary production and phytoplankton biomass in the western pacific subarctic gyre: Control by light availability within the mixed layer. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 119, doi:10.1002/2014JC009982. (2014).
  • 52. Watanabe, E., J. Onodera, N. Harada, M. C. Honda, K. Kimoto, T. Kikuchi, S. Nishino, K. Matsuno, A. Yamaguchi, A. Ishida, and M. J. Kishi: Enhanced role of eddies in the Arctic marine biological pump. Nature communications. DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4950 (2014).
  • 51. Honda, M. C. and H. Kawakami: Sinking velocity of particulate radiocesium in the northwestern North Pacific, Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 3959–3965, doi:10.1002/2014GL060126. (2014)
  • 50. 小野寺丈尚太郎・大橋敦・高橋孝三・本多牧生:北西北太平洋定点観測点Station K2における珪藻殻フラックスの時系列変動. Diatom 30: 104-121 (2014)
  • 49. Fujiki, T., K. Matsumoto, Y. Mino, K. Sasaoka, M. Wakita, H. Kawakami, M. C. Honda, S. Watanabe and T. Saino. The seasonal cycle of phytoplankton community structure and photo-physiological state in the western subarctic gyre of the North Pacific, Limnology and Oceanography 59, 3, 887-900. (2014)
  • 48. Kawakami, H., M. C. Honda, S. Watanabe and T. Saino: Time-series observations of 210Po and 210Pb radioactivity in the western North Pacific: J. Radiological Nucl. Chem. DOI 10.1007/s10967-014-3141-y (2014)
  • 47. Wakita, M., S. Watanabe, M. C. Honda, A. Nagano, K. Kimoto, K. Matsumoto, H. Kawakami, T. Fujiki, M. KItamura, K. Sasaki, K. Sasaoka, Y. Nakano, and A. Murata, Ocean acidification from 1997 to 2011 in the subarctic western North Pacific Ocean, Biogeosciences, 10, 7817-7827, doi:10.5194/bg-10-7817-2013 (2013).
  • 46. Kobari, T., M. Kitamura, M. Minowa, H. Isami, H. Akamatsu, H. Kawakami, K. Matsumoto, M. Wakita, M. C. Honda: Impacts of the wintertime mesozooplankton community to downward carbon flux in the subarctic and subtropical Pacific Oceans. Deep-Sea Research I 81, 78-88 (2013).
  • 45. 神田穣太、石井雅男、小川浩史、小埜恒夫、小畑元、川合美千代、鈴村昌弘、本多牧生、山下洋平、渡邉豊:海洋学の10年展望ー日本海洋学会将来構想委員会化学サブグループの議論からー. 海の研究, 22 (6), 219-251 (2013)
  • 44. Honda, M. C., H. Kawakami, S. Watanabe and T. Saino: Concentration and vertical flux of Fukushima-derived radiocesium in sinking particles from two sites in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean. Biogeosciences 10, 3525-3534 (2013).
  • 43. Bu, W. T., J. Zheng, T. Aono, K. Tagami, S. Uchida, J. Zhang, M. C. Honda, Q. J. Guo, and M. Yamada: Vertical distributions of plutonium isotopes in marine sediment cores off the Fukushima coast after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Biogeosciences, 10, 2497–2511 (2013).
  • 42. Miyazawa, Y., Y. Masumoto, S. M. Varlamov, T. Miyama, M. Takigawa, M. Honda and T. Saino: Inverse estimation of source parameters of oceanic radioactivity dispersion models associated with the Fukushima accident. Biogeosciences 10, 2349-2363 (2013).
  • 41. Zheng, J., Aono, T., Uchida, S., Zhang, J., and Honda, M. C.: Distribution of Pu isotopes in marine sediments in the Pacific 30 km off Fukushima after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident, Geochem. J., 46, 361-369 (2012).
  • 40. Kawagucci, S., Y. T. Yoshida, T. Noguchi, M. C. Honda, H. Uchida, H. Ishibashi, F. Nakagawa, U.Tsunogai, K. Okamura, Y. Takaki, T. Nunoura, J. Miyazaki, M. Hirai, W. Lin, H. Kitazato,and K. Takai: Disturbance of deep-sea environments induced by the M9.0 Tohoku. Earthquake, Scientific Reports, 2-270; doi:10.1038/srep00270 (2012)
  • 39. Noguchi, T., W. Tanikawa, T. Hirose, W. Lin, S. Kawagucci, Y. Yoshida-Takashima, M. C. Honda, K. Takai, H. Kitazato, and K. Okamura: Dynamic process of turbidity generation triggered by the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake: Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., doi:10.1029/2012GC004360 (2012)
  • 38. Honda, M. C., Aono, T., Aoyama, M., Hamajima, Y., Kawakami, H., Kitamura, M., Masumoto, Y., Miyazawa, Y., Takigawa, M., Saino, T.: Dispersion of artificial caesium-134 and -137 in the western North Pacific one month after the Fukushima accident. Geochemical Journal Vol. 46, pp. e1 to e9 (2012).
  • 37. 松本和彦, 藤木徹一, 喜多村稔, 本多牧生, 脇田昌英, 川上創, 才野敏郎: ニスキン採水器内部のニトリルゴム製Oリングによる一次生産阻害. JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development, 14, 17-25 (2012).
  • 36. 大橋理恵, 石井憲一郎, 藤木徹一, 喜多村稔, 松本和彦, 本多牧生, 山口篤: セジメントトラップにより採集された初夏の西部北太平洋亜寒帯域におけるプランクトン群集の短期時系列変動. 日本プランクトン学会誌 58, 2, 123-135 (2011).
  • 35. Kawakami, H., Honda, M. C., Matsumoto, K., Fujiki, T., Watanabe, S.: East-west distribution of nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon in the northern North Pacific in autumn. The Open Oceanography Journal 4, 99-106 (2010).
  • 34. Wakita, M., Watanabe, S., Murata, A., Tsurushima, N., Honda, M. C.: Decadal change of dissolved inorganic carbon in the subarctic western North Pacific Ocean. Tellus, DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2010.00476.x (2010).
  • 33. Shigemitsu, M., Watanabe, Y. W., Yamanaka, Y., Kawakami, H., Honda, M. C.: Relationship between sinking organic matter and minerals in the shallow zone of the western subarctic Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 66, 697-708 (2010).
  • 32. Sarma, V. V. S. S., Abe, O., Honda, M. C., Saino, T.: Estimating of gas transfer velocity using triple isotopes of dissolved oxygen. Journal of Oceanography 66, 505-512 (2010).
  • 31. Honda, M. C., Watanabe, S.: Importance of biogenic opal as ballast of particulate organic carbon (POC) transport and existence of mineral ballast-associated and residual POC in the Western Pacific Subarctic Gyre. Geophysical Research Letters 37, L02605, doi:10.1029/2009GL041521 (2010).
  • 30. Kawakami, H., Honda, M. C., Matsumoto, K., Fujiki, T., Watanabe, S.: East-west distribution of POC fluxes estimated from 234Th in the northern North Pacific in autumn. Journal of Oceanography 66, 71-83 (2010).
  • 29. Honda, M. C., Sasaoka, K., Kawakami, H., Matsumoto, K., Watanabe, S., Dickey, T.D.: Application of underwater optical data to estimation of primary productivity. Deep-Sea Research I 56, 2281-2292 (2009).
  • 28. Fujiki, T., Matsumoto, K., Honda, M. C., Kawakami, H., Watanabe, S.: Phytoplankton composition in the subarctic North Pacific during autumn 2005. Journal of Plankton Research 31, 179-191 (2009).
  • 27. Buesseler, K. O., Trull, T. W., Steinberg, D. K., Silver, M. W., Siegel, D. A., Saitoh, S. I., Lamborg, C. H., Lam, P. J., Karl, D. M., Jiao, N. Z., Honda, M. C., Elskens, M., Dehairs, F., Brown, S. L., Boyd, P. W., Bishop, J. K. B., Bidigare, R. R.: VERTIGO (VERtical Transport In the Global Ocean): A study of particle sources and flux attenuation in the North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II 55, 1522-1539 (2008).
  • 26. Kawakami, H., Honda, M.C.: Time-series observation of POC fluxes estimated from 234Th in the northwestern North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research I 54, 1070-1090 (2007).
  • 25. Kawakami, H., Honda, M. C., Wakita., M, Watanabe, S.: Time-series observation of dissolved inorganic carbon and nurtients in the northwestern North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 63, 967-982 (2007).
  • 24. Buesseler, K. O., Lamborg, C. H., Boyd, P. W., Lam, P. J., Trull, T. W., Bidigare, R. R., Bishop, J. K. B., Casciotti, K. L., Dehairs, F., Elskens, M., Honda, M. C., Karl, D. M., Siegel, D. A., Silver, M. W., Steinberg, D. K., Valdes, J., Van Moot, B., Wilson, S.: Revisiting carbon flux through the ocean’s twilight zone. Science 316, 567-570 (2007).
  • 23. Honda, M. C., Watanabe, S.: Utility of an automatic water sampler to observe seasonal variability in nutrients and DIC in the Northwestern North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 63, 349-362 (2007).
  • 22. Honda, M. C., Kawakami, H., Sasaoka, K., Watanabe, S., Dickey, T.: Quick transport of primary produced organic carbon to the ocean interior. Geophysical Research Letters 33, 10.1029/2006GL026466 (2006).
  • 21. Harada, N., Sato, M., Shiraishi, A., Honda, M. C.: Characteristics of alkenonedistributions in suspended and sinking particles in the northwestern North Pacific. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta 70, 2045-2062 (2006).
  • 20. Onodera, J., Takahashi, K., Honda, M. C.,: Pelagic and coastal diatom fluxes and the environmental changes in the northwestern North Pacific during December 1997-May 2000. Deep-Sea Research II 52, 2218-2239 (2005).
  • 19.Okazaki, Y., Takahashi, K., Onodera, J., Honda, M. C.,: Temporal and spatial flux changes of radiolarians in the northwestern Pacific ocean during 1997-2000. Deep-Sea Research II, 52, 2240-2274 (2005).
  • 18. Xu, X., Yamasaki, M., Oda, M., Honda, M. C.: Comparison of seasonal flux variations of planktonic foraminifera in sediment traps on both sides of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Marine Micropaleontology 58, 45-55 (2005).
  • 17. Kawakami, H., Yang, Y-L., Honda, M. C., Kusakabe, M.: Particulate organic carbon fluxes estimated from 234Th deficiency in winters and springs in the northwestern North Pacific. Geochemical Journal 38, 581-592 (2004).
  • 16. Otosaka, S., Honda, M. C., Noriki, S.: La/Yb and Th/Sc in settling particles: Vertical and horizontal transport of lithogenic material in the western North Pacific. Geochemical Journal 38, 515-525 (2004).
  • 15. Honda, M. C.: Biological pump in the northwestern North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography 59, 671-684 (2003).
  • 14. Okazaki, Y., Takahashi,K., Nakatsuka, T., Honda, M. C.: The production scheme of Cycladophora davisiana (Radiolaria) in the Okhotsk Sea and the northwestern North Pacific: implication for the paleoceanographic conditions during the glacials in the high latitude oceans. Geophysical Research Letters 30(18), doi:10.1029/2003GL018070 (2003).
  • 13. Kumamoto, Y., Murata, A., Saito, C., Honda, M. C., Kusakabe, M.: Bomb radiocarbon invasion into the northwestern North Pacific. Deep-Sea Research II 49, 5339-5352 (2002).
  • 12. Kuroyanagi, A., Kawahata, H., Nishi, H., Honda, M. C.: Seasonal change in planktonic foraminifera in the northwestern North Pacific Ocean: sediment trap experiments fromsubarctic and subtropical gyres. Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 5627-5645 (2002).
  • 11. Honda, M. C., Imai, K., Nojiri, Y., Hoshi, F., Sugawara, T., Kusakabe, M.: The biological pump in the northwestern North Pacific based on fluxes and major components of particulate matter obtained by sediment trap experiments (1997-2000). Deep-Sea Research II 49, 5595-5625 (2002).
  • 10. Sasaoka, K., Saitoh, S., Asanuma, I., Imai, K., Honda, M. C., Nojiri, Y., Saino, T.: Temporal and spatial variability of chlorophyll-a in the western subarctic Pacific determined from satellite and ship observations from 1997 to 1999, Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 5557-5576 (2002).
  • 9. Andreev, A., Kusakabe, M., Honda, M. C., Murata, A., Saito, C.: Vertical fluxes of nutrients and carbon through the halocline in the western subarctic Gyre calculated by mass balance. Deep-Sea Research II 49, 5577-5593 (2002).
  • 8. 本多牧生: セジメントトラップ実験と炭素14による西部北太平洋における炭素循環の研究. 博士論文、北海道大学、pp. 193 (2001).
  • 7. Honda, M. C., Kusakabe, M., Nakabayashi, S., Katagiri, M.: Radiocarbon of sediment trap samples from the Okinawa trough: lateral transport of 14C-poor sediment from the continental slope. Marine Chemistry 68, 231-247 (2000).
  • 6. 日下部正志、本多牧生、中林成人: 東シナ海の海洋構造-MASFLEX projectの観測結果より-. 沿岸海洋研究 36, 5-17 (1998).
  • 5. 本多牧生:最終氷期の基礎生産力-海洋における炭酸系の変化-. 地学雑誌 107, 166-189 (1998).
  • 4. Honda, M. C., Kusakabe, M., Nakabayashi, S., Manganini, S., Honjo, S.: Change in pCO2 through biological activity in the marginal seas of the western North Pacific -The efficiency of the biological pump estimated by a sediment trap experiment-. Journal of Oceanography 53, 645-662 (1997).
  • 3. Honda, M.: Inorganic radiocarbon in time-series sediment trap samples: Implication of seasonal variation of 14C in the upper ocean. Radiocarbon 36, 583-595 (1996).
  • 2. Tsunogai, S., Watanabe, S., Honda, M., Aramaki, T: North Pacific Intermediate Water studied chiefly with radiocarbon. Journal of Oceanography 51, 519-536. (1995).
  • 1. 本多牧生:最終氷期における深層水循環と基礎生産力. 海の研究 3, 205-225 (1994).


  • (20) 本多牧生、三野義尚、乙坂重嘉. 総論:シンポジウム海中粒子研究の現状と展望. 月刊海洋 vol.55 . 1-3. (著者校正版)(2022)
  • (19) 本多牧生. 西部北太平洋時系列観測研究による生物ポンプの研究ー第37回海洋化学学術賞(石橋賞)受賞記念論文ー. 海洋化学研究, Vol. 35 No. 2, 99-109. (著者校正版)(2022)
  • (18) Clayton S., P. Gaube, T. Nagai, M. M. Omand, M. C. Honda. Fine-scale biophysical controls on nutrient supply, phytoplankton community structure, and carbon export in Western Boundary current regions. US CLIVAR VARIATION 15, 4. 17-22. doi:10.5065/D6SJ1JB2 (2017)
  • (17) Honda, M.C. : Short introduction to the K2S1 project. Journal of Oceanography 72, 341-342. DOI 10.1007/s10872-016-0375-z (2016)
  • (16) 本多牧生、乙坂重嘉:福島原発事故由来の放射性物質が付着した海底堆積物の再懸濁と水平輸送過程、日本原子力学会誌 58, 4, 24-27 (2016).
  • (15) 本多牧生:水中光測定による海洋内炭素循環研究、光アライアンス 26, 5, 17-21 (2015)
  • (14) Chang, G., Honda, M. C., Nencioli, F.: Innovations in optics for coastal and open-ocean mooring spplications. Sea technology August 2008, 17-22 (2008).
  • (13) 本多牧生、渡邉修一: 北西部北太平洋における時系列観測研究。月刊海洋 39, 61-67. (2007).
  • (12) 本多牧生、川上創、松本和彦、脇田昌英、渡邉修一: Station K2における係留系、観測船を用いた生物ポンプ研究と今後の展開. 月刊海洋 39, 68-79 (2007).
  • (11) 本多牧生: 海洋の炭素循環における動物プランクトンの役割、日本プランクトン学会報 52, 103-106 (2006).
  • (10) 本多牧生: 係留系を用いた北太平洋の二酸化炭素循環に関する時系列観測研究. Navigation 163, 67-77 (2005).
  • (9) Idai, T., Honda, M. C., Honjo, H., Kemp, J.: Mooring systems for time-series observation for biogeochemistry in the northwestern North Pacific: design, preparation and mooring work. JAMSTEC Report Research and Development 1, 73-91 (2005).
  • (8) 小野寺丈尚太郎、高橋孝三、本多牧生: 北西部北太平洋Station KNOTにおける珪藻殻フラックス. 日本プランクトン学会報 50, 1-15 (2003).
  • (7) 本多牧生、今井圭理、野尻幸宏: セジメントトラップ実験から推定する北西部北太平洋の生物ポンプ能力. 月刊海洋 号外 25, 108-109 (2001).
  • (6) 本多牧生、熊本雄一郎、原田尚美、日下部正志、片桐政信、中尾清隆、林一宏、気仙憲之: 水中放射性炭素測定のための準自動化海水前処理装置. 海洋科学技術センター試験研究報告 39, 1-16 (1999).
  • (5) 本多牧生、日下部正志、中林成人、田中武男: 沖縄トラフ海域におけるセジメントトラップ実験:陸起源物質の挙動と沖縄トラフ海域の生物地球化学的特徴.海洋科学技術センター試験研究報告 36, 9-52 (1997).
  • (4) 本多牧生.: セジメントトラップ実験から推察する大気-海洋間の二酸化炭素交換過程-西部北太平洋における生物ポンプ効率. 月刊海洋 28, 481-486 (1996).
  • (3) 本多牧生: 最終氷期における海洋の基礎生産力-paleoproductivity推定のためのトレーサーの進歩. 月刊海洋 27, 540-544 (1995).
  • (2) 本多牧生, 橋本惇、仲二郎、田中武男、堀田宏: 深海におけるCO2ハイドレイトの形成と液体CO2と海水の密度の逆転:「しんかい6500」による実験的研究. 海洋科学技術センター試験研究報告 27, 1-17 (1992).
  • (1) 本多牧生: 海洋から見た二酸化炭素問題. 海洋科学技術センター試験研究報告 24, 189-222 (1990).


  • 本多牧生:13章 化石の研究方法 沈降粒子、p608-609, 日本古生物学会編「古生物学の百科事典」p790、丸善出版(執筆分担。九州大学 岡崎裕典博士との共著)
  • Hood, R.R., H.W. Bange, L. Beal, L.E. Beckley, P. Burkill, G.L.Cowie, N. D'Adamo, G. Ganssen, H. Hendon, J. Hermes, M. C. Honda, M. McPhaden, M. Roberts, S. Singh, E. Urban and W. Yu. Science plan on the Second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2): A Basin-Wide Research Program. Scientific Committee on Ocean Research, Newark, Delaware, USA pp.101 (2015)
  • 本多牧生:第7章海洋 7.1 粒子の移動、「図説 地球環境の辞典」、野田彰、吉崎正憲編、朝倉書店、p.378(執筆分担)
  • 本多牧生:第四章 化学海洋学ー二酸化炭素と海:現在、過去、未来ー、「海の科学がわかる本」、藤岡換太郎編、成山堂、204pp. (2010)(執筆分担).
  • 本多牧生:2.2.4 沈降粒子. 日本化学会編 「第5版 実験科学講座 20-2 環境化学」、丸善、519pp. (2007)(執筆分担).

