
Marine Ecosystem Research Group
Research Scientist
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
2-15 Natsushima, Yokosuka, Kanagawa, 237-0061, Japan
Research experience
- 2005- : Research Scientist at JAMSTEC
- 2002-2005: Post-doc researcher at JAMSTEC
Professional activity
- 2020- : Committee member, MONITOR, PICES
- 2016-2022: Committee member, Research committee for marine biology, The Oceanographic Society of Japan
- Ph. D., 2001, in Aquatic Bioscience, Tokyo University of Fisheries
Research interests
- Biological oceanography
- Zooplankton Ecology
Research Projects
- Species diversity of subtropical zooplankton in the western Pacific. Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (C), FY2018-2023.
- Reconstruction of decadal dynamism on zooplankton biomass using ADCP archived data, Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (C), FY2014-2018.
- Transfer and accumulation of radioactive isotopes in marine ecosystem (PI: J. Kanda), Grant-in Aid for Scientific Research (Innovative Areas), FY2012-2016.
- Grazing impact of microzooplankton on phytoplankton distribution and material cycle in subtropical ocean, Grant-in Aid for Early-Career Scientists (B), FY2010-2012.
- Taxonomic study of edible jellyfish in southeast Asia, Scientific Research Grant from Research Institute of Marine Invertebrates, FY2001-2002.
Peer reviewed journal papers
- 43) Kitamura, M., N. Murata (2024) Seasonal changes of community structure and vertical distribution/migration for mesopelagic fish in the western subarctic Pacific. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K., 104, e91, 1-18.
- 42) Nagano, A., M. Kitamura, K. Watari, I. Ueki (2024) Kuroshio extension cold-core ring and wind drop-off observed in 2021-2022 winter. Prog. Earth Plan. Sci., 11:48.
- 41) Amei, K., R. Dobashi, M. Kitamura, A. Yamaguchi (2023) Diel, seasonal and vertical changes in the abundance, biomass and community structure of pelagic polychaetes at the subtropical station S1 in the western North Pacific: comparison with the results from the subarctic station K2. J Plankton Res., 45, 661-676.
- 40) Taniguchi, R., K. Amei, K. Tokuhiro, Y. Yamada, M. Kitamura, A. Yamaguchi (2023) Diel, seasonal, and vertical changes in the pelagic amphipod communities in the subarctic Pacific: insights from imaging analysis. J Plankton Res., 45, 554-570.
- 39) Ikenoue T., S. Otosaka, M.C. Honda, M. Kitamura, Y. Mino, H. Narita, T. Kobayashi (2022) Neocalanus cristatus (Copepoda) from a deep sediment trap: abundance and implications for ecological and biogeochemical studies. Front. Mar. Sci., 9: 884320.
- 38) Kobari, T., R. Nakamura, M. N. Aita, M. Kitamura (2022) Mesopelagic community supported by epipelagic production in the western North Pacific Ocean based on stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen. ,Deep-Sea Res. I, 182, 103722.
- 37) Amei K., R. Dobashi, N. Jimi, M. Kitamura, A. Yamaguchi (2021) Vertical changes in abundance, biomass and community structure of pelagic polychaetes down to 1000 m depths at station K2 in the western subarctic Pacific Ocean covering the four seasons and day-night. J. Plankton Res., 43, 442-457.
- 36) Tsujii, K., M. Otsuki, T. Akamatsu, K. Amakasu, M. Kitamura, T. Kikuchi, A. Fujiwara, H. Shirtakawa, K. Miyashita, Y. Mitani (2021) Annual variation of oceanographic conditions changed migration timing of bowhead whales Balaenea mysticetus in the southern Chukchi Sea. Pol. Biol., 44, 2289-2298.
- 35) Amei, K., N. Jimi, M. Kitamura, N. Yokoi, A. Yamaguchi (2020) Community structure and seasonal changes in population structure of pelagic polychaetes collected by sediment traps moored in the subarctic and subtropical western North Pacific Ocean. Zoosymposia, 19: 41-50.
- 34) Kitamura, M., N. Murata (2020) Seasonal occurrence and vertical distribution of larval and juvenile northern smoothtongue, Leuroglossus schmidti (Pisces, Bathylagidae), in the western subarctic Pacific. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U. K., 100: 969-977.
- 33) Mino, Y., C. Sukigara, M.C. Honda, H. Kawakami, M. Wakita, K. Sasaoka, C. Yoshikawa, O. Abe, J. Kaiser, K. Kimoto, M. Kitamura, T. Fujiki, K. Matsumoto, T. Saino (2020) Seasonal and interannual variations in nitrogen availability and particle export in the northwestern North Pacific subtropical gyre. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 125, e2019JC015600.
- 32) Uchimiya, M., H. Fukuda, M. Wakita, M. Kitamura, H. Kawakami, M.C. Honda, H. Ogawa, T. Nagata (2018) Balancing organic carbon supply and consumption in the ocean’s interior: evidence from repeated biogeochemical observations conducted in the subarctic and subtropical western North Pacific. Limnol. Oceanogr. 63: 2015-2027.
- 31) Yokoi, N., Y. Abe, M. Kitamura, M.C. Honda, A. Yamaguchi (2018) Comparisons between POC and zooplankton swimmer flux from sediment traps in the subarctic and subtropical North Pacific. Deep-Sea Res. I, 133: 19-26.
- 30) Honda, M.C., M. Wakita, K. Matsumoto, T. Fujiki, E. Siswanto, K. Sasaoka, H. Kawakami, Y. Mino, C. Sukigara, M. Kitamura, Y. Sasai, S.L. Smith, T. Hashioka, C. Yoshikawa, K. Kimoto, S. Watanabe, T. Kobari, T. Nagata, K. Hamasaki, R. Kaneko, M. Uchimiya, H. Fukuda, O. Abe, T. Saino (2017) Comparison of carbon cycle between the western Pacific subarctic and subtropical time-series stations: highlights of K2S1 project. J. Oceanogr., 73: 647-667.
- 29) Kitamura, M., M.C. Honda, Y. Hamajima, Y. Kumamoto, M. Aoyama, H. Kawakami, T. Aono, M. Fukuda, Y. Mino (2017) Temporal changes in radiocesium contamination derived from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident in oceanic zooplankton in the western North Pacific. J. Environ. Radioact., 172: 163-172.
- 28) Kitamura, M., K. Amakasu, T. Kikuchi, S. Nishino (2017) Seasonal dynamics of zooplankton in the southern Chukchi Sea revealed from acoustic backscattering strength. Cont. Shelf Res., 133: 47-58.
- 27) Azimuddin K. M., J. Hirai, S. Suzuki, M. N. Haider, A. Tachibana, K. Watanabe, M. Kitamura, F. Hashihama, K. Takahasi, K. Hamasaki (2016) Possible association of diazotrophs with marine zooplankton in the Pacific Ocean. Microbiology Open, 5: 1016-1026.
- 26) Mino, Y., C. Sukigara, M.C. Honda, H. Kawakami, K. Matsumoto, M. Wakita, M. Kitamura, T. Fujiki, K. Sasaoka, O. Abe, J. Kaiser, T. Saino (2016) Seasonal variations in the nitrogen isotopic composition of settling particle at station K2 in the western subarctic North Pacific. J. Oceanogra., 72: 819-836.
- 25) Wakita, M., M. C. Honda, K. Matsumoto, T. Fujiki, H. Kawakami, S. Yasunaka, Y. Sasai, C. Sukigara, M. Uchimiya, M. Kitamura, T. Kobari, Y. Mino, A. Nagano, S. Watanabe, T. Saino (2016) Biological organic carbon export estimated from the annual carbon budget observed in the surface waters of the western subarctic and subtropical North Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2013. J. Oceanogra., 72: 665-685.
- 24) Tsujii, K., M. Otsuki, T. Akamatsu, I. Matsuo, K. Amakasu, M. Kitamura, T. Kikuchi, K. Miyashita, Y. Mitani (2016) The migration of fin whales into the southern Chukchi Sea as monitored with passive acoustics. ICES J Mar. Sci., 73: 2085-2092.
- 23) Kitamura, M., T. Kobari, M.C. Honda, K. Matsumoto, K. Sasaoka, R. Nakamura, K. Tanabe (2016) Seasonal changes in the mesozooplankton biomass and community structure in subarctic and subtropical time-series stations in the western North Pacific. J. Oceanogra., 72: 387-402.
- 22) Kobari, T., R. Nakamura, K. Unno, M. Kitamura, K. Tanabe, H. Nagafuku, A. Niibo, H. Kawakami, K. Matsumoto, M.C. Honda (2016) Seasonal variability in carbon demand and flux of mesozooplankton communities at subarctic and subtropical sites in the western North Pacific Ocean. J. Oceanogra., 72: 403-418.
- 21) Inoue, R., M. Kitamura, T. Fujiki (2016) Diel vertical migration of zooplankton at S1 biogeochemical mooring revealed from acoustic backscattering strength. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 121: 1031-1050.
- 20) Kawakami, H., M.C. Honda, K. Matsumoto, M. Wakita, M. Kitamura, T. Fujiki, S. Watanabe (2015) POC fluxes estimated from 234Th in late spring-early summer in the western subarctic North Pacific. .J. Oceanogr., 71: 311-324.
- 19) Kitamura, M., Y. Kumamoto, H. Kawakami, E.C. Cruz, K. Fujikura (2013) Horizontal distribution of Fukushima-derived radiocesium in zooplankton in the northern Pacific Ocean. Biogeosciences, 10: 5729-5738.
- 18) Wakita, M., S. Watanabe, M. Honda, A. Nagano, K. Kimoto, K. Matsumoto, ,M. Kitamura, K. Sasaki, H. Kawakami, T. Fujiki, K. Sasaoka, Y. Nakano, A. Murata (2013) Ocean acidification from 1997 to 2011 in the subarctic western North Pacific Ocean. Biogeosciences, 10: 7817-7827.
- 17) Kobari, T., M. Kitamura, M. Minowa, H. Isami, H. Akamatsu, H. Kawakami, K. Matsumoto, M. Wakita, M.C. Honda (2013) Impacts of the wintertime mesozooplankton community to downward carbon flux in the subarctic and subtropical Pacific Oceans. Deep-Sea Res. I, 81: 78-88.
- 16) Kawabata, T., D.J. Lindsay, M. Kitamura, S. Konishi, J. Nishikawa, S. Nishida, M. Kamio, H. Nagai (2013) Evaluation of the bioactivities of water-soluble extracts from twelve deep-sea jellyfish species. Fish. Sci., 79: 487-494.
- 15) Kubota, S., Y. Hirano, S. Ikeguchi, R. Minemizu, M. Kitamura (2012) Wide geographical distribution of Atorella vanhoeffeni (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa, Coronatae) in Japan. Biogeography, 14: 83-86.
- 14) Matsumoto, K., T. Fujiki, M.C. Honda, M. Wakita, H. Kawakami, M. Kitamura, T. Saino (2012) Inhibition of primary production by nitrile rubber O-rings in Niskin sampler. JAMSTEC Rep. Res. Dev., 14: 17-25. (in Japanese with English abstract)
- 13) Honda, M.C, T. Aono, M. Aoyama, Y. Hamajima, H. Kawakami, M. Kitamura, Y. Masumoto, Y. Miyazawa, M. Takigawa, T. Saino (2012) Dispersion of artificial caesium-134 and -137 in the western North Pacific one month after the Fukushima accident. Geochemical J., 46: e1-e9.
- 12) Kobari, T., K. Hijiya, M. Minowa, M. Kitamura (2011) Depth distribution, biomass and taxonomic composition of subtropical microbial community in southwestern Japan. South Pacific Studies, 32: 31-43.
- 11) Ohashi, R., K. Ishii, T. Fujiki, M. Kitamura, K. Matsumoto, M.C. Honda, A. Yamaguchi (2011) Short-term changes in planktonic community of the western subarctic Pacific during early summer: analysis on sediment trap samples. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan, 58: 123-135. (in Japanese with English abstract)
- 10) Kitamura, M., M. Omori (2010) Synopsis of edible jellyfishes collected from Southeast Asia, with note on jellyfish fisheries. Plankton Benthos Res., 5: 106-118.
- 9) Kobari, T., D.K. Steinberg, A. Ueda, A. Tsuda, M.W. Silver, M. Kitamura (2008) Impacts of ontogenetically migrating copepods on downward carbon flux in the western subarctic Pacific Ocean. Deep-Sea Res. II, 55: 1648-1660.
- 8) Takikawa, T., M. Kitamura, N. Horimoto (2008) Horizontal current field, ADCP backscatter, and plankton distribution in Sagami Bay, Japan. Fish. Oceanogr., 17: 254-262.
- 7) Kitamura, M., D. J. Lindsay, H. Miyake (2005) Description of a new midwater medusa, Tiaropsidium shinkai n. sp. (Leptomedusae, Tiaropsidae). Plankton Biol. Ecol., 52 (2): 100-106.
- 6) Miyake, H., D. Lindsay, M. Kitamura, S. Nishida (2005) Occurrence of the Scyphomedusa Parumbrosa polylobata Kishinouye, 1910 in Suruga Bay. Plankton Biol. Ecol., 52: 58-66.
- 5) Lindsay, D., Y. Furushima, H. Miyake, M. Kitamura, J. Hunt (2004) The scyphomedusan fauna of the Japan Trench: preliminary results from a remotely operated vehicle. Hydrobiologia, 530/531: 537-547.
- 4) Omori, M., M. Kitamura (2004) Taxonomic review of three Japanese species of edible jellyfish (Scyphozoa: Rhizostomeae). Plankton Biol. Ecol., 51: 36-51.
- 3) Kitamura, M., Y. Tanaka, T. Ishimaru (2003) Coarse scale distribution and community structure of hydromedusae related to water mass structure in two locations of Japanese waters in early summer. Plankton Biol. Ecol., 50 (2): 43-54.
- 2) Kitamura, M., S Kubota, M. Murano (1997) Description of some oceanic hydromedusae from Japan. Publ. Seto Mar. Biol. Lab., 38: 63-71.
- 1) Watanabe, T., H. Inada, T. Takayama, S. Yamazaki, M. Kitamura (1997) Retinal adaptation of neon flying squid Ommastrephes bartrami at capture with jigs and fishing lights. Nippon Suisan Gakkaisi, 63: 899-904. (in Japanese with English abstract)
Other publications
- 18) Kitamura, M., H. Kaeriyama, T. Ikenoue, H. Takata, T. Ishimaru (2022) Contamination of radioisotopes in the zooplankton. Kaiyo Monthly, 623: 530-538. (in Japanese)
- 17) Kitamura, M. (2017) Question 33, no life in deep sea? In: M. Kaminoyama (ed.), 50 questions of seawater, Seizando-Shoten Publishing, pp. 116-118. (in Japanese)
- 16) Takata, H., H. Kaeriyama, M. Kitamura, M. Yokota, T. Ikenoue, M. Kusakabe (2015) Spatial and temporal change of radiocesium in zooplankton in the marine environment after the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident. Aquabiology, 218: 310-318. (in Japanese)
- 15) Kitamura, M. (2014) 2.2 Environment and organisms: Material transport into ocean interior. In Encyclopedia of deep sea and earth, Maruzen Publishing, pp. 61-68. (in Japanese)
- 14) Kitamura, M. (2014) Chapter 5, Deep sea. In: Sciences for fisheries and ocean, Kaibundo, pp. 113-127. (in Japanese)
- 13) Kitamura, M. (2009) Vertical distribution of planktonic cnidarian in three areas of the northwestern Pacific. Kaiyo Monthly, 465: 382-392. (in Japanese)
- 12) Kitamura, M., H. Miyake, T. Horita (2008) Chapter 7, Chemotrophic community, Ctenophora. In: K. Fujikura, T. Okutani, T. Maruyama (eds.), Deep-sea life, Biological observations using research submersibles, Tokai University Press, p. 98. (in Japanese)
- 11) Uchida, H., H. Miyake, M. Kitamura (2008) Chapter 16, Deep-sea benthos, Cnidaria. In: K. Fujikura, T. Okutani, T. Maruyama (eds.), Deep-sea life, Biological observations using research submersibles, Tokai University Press, pp. 228-243. (in Japanese)
- 10) Kitamura, M., D. Lindsay, H. Miyake, T. Horita (2008) Chapter 17, Deep-sea benthos, Ctenophora. In: K. Fujikura, T. Okutani, T. Maruyama (eds.), Deep-sea life, Biological observations using research submersibles, Tokai University Press, p. 244. (in Japanese)
- 9) Kitamura, M., H. Miyake, D. Lindsay (2008) Chapetr 24, mesopelagic community, Cnidaria. In: K. Fujikura, T. Okutani, T. Maruyama (eds.), Deep-sea life, Biological observations using research submersibles, Tokai University Press, pp. 295-320. (in Japanese)
- 8) Kitamura, M., Dhugal Lindsay, H. Miyake, T. Horita (2008) Chapter 25, mesopelagic community, Ctenophora. In: K. Fujikura, T. Okutani, T. Maruyama (eds.), Deep-sea life, Biological observations using research submersibles, Tokai University Press, pp. 321-328. (in Japanese)
- 7) Kitamura, M. (2008) Chapter 29, mesopelagic community, Chaetognatha. In: K. Fujikura, T. Okutani, T. Maruyama (eds.), Deep-sea life, Biological observations using research submersibles, Tokai University Press, p. 350. (in Japanese)
- 6) Kitamura, M. (2008) Chapter 30, mesopelagic community, Urochordata. In: K. Fujikura, T. Okutani, T. Maruyama (eds.), Deep-sea life, Biological observations using research submersibles, Tokai University Press, pp. 351-355. (in Japanese)
- 5) Kitamura, M. (2004) Biology and ecology of jellyfishes [5] Symbiosis and association. Aquabiology, 26, 589-597. (in Japanese)
- 4) Kitamura, M. (2004) Biology and ecology of jellyfishes [4] Parasitism. Aquabiology, 26, 351-355. (in Japanese)
- 3) Kitamura, M. (2004) Biology and ecology of jellyfishes [3] Where are jellyfishes positioned in food web? Aquabiology, 26: 47-56. (in Japanese)
- 2) Kitamura, M. (2003) Biology and ecology of jellyfishes [2] Phylogenic history. Aquabiology, 25: 496-502. (in Japanese)
- 1) Kitamura, M. (2003) Biology and ecology of jellyfishes [1] Taxonomy. Aquabiology, 25: 374-381. (in Japanese)