
- 自律型海洋観測プラットフォームを用いた西部北太平洋の生態系・生物地球化学研究
- アクティブ蛍光法による植物プランクトン基礎生産の測定法の開発
- 原生動物と藻類の光共生に関する研究
国立研究開発法人 海洋研究開発機構 地球表層システム研究センター
〒237-0061 神奈川県横須賀市夏島町2-15
TEL:046-867-9482 FAX:046-867-9455
1974/9 | 大阪府豊中市生まれ |
2002/3 | 創価大学大学院工学研究科生物工学専攻 博士後期課程修了[博士(工学)] |
2002/4~8 | 創価大学大学院工学研究科 奨励研究員 |
2002/8~2003/6 | 名古屋大学地球水循環研究センター 研究機関研究員 |
2003/7~2005/10 | 科学技術振興機構 研究員 |
2005/11~2010/3 | 海洋研究開発機構 むつ研究所 研究員 |
2010/4~2013/3 | 海洋研究開発機構 物質循環研究プログラム 研究員 |
2013/4~2014/3 | 海洋研究開発機構 物質循環研究プログラム 主任研究員 |
2014/4~2019/3 | 海洋研究開発機構 地球環境観測研究開発センター 主任技術研究員 |
2019/4~ | 海洋研究開発機構 地球表層システム研究センター 主任研究員 |
2023/10~ | Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) Visiting Scientist |
2024/4~ | 東北大学・海洋研究開発機構 変動海洋エコシステム高等研究所 WPI-AIMEC 研究員(兼務) |
- 日本海洋学会
- 日本プランクトン学会
- Japan Geoscience Union
- The Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
2024/1~ | 日本学術会議IMBeR小委員会 委員 |
2023/10~ | Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), Working Group 168 (Full Member) |
2023/9~ | Biogeochemical-Argo Scientific Technology Task Team member |
2023/2~ | IOC協力推進委員会 海洋環境・生物国内専門部会 委員 |
2022/10~ | 日本海洋学会 海洋生物研究会 運営委員 |
2021/11~ | G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative Resource Strategy Group for BGC Argo Array 2030 Scientific Expert |
2019/2~2023/3 | 海底資源利用促進技術開発プログラム 海洋情報把握技術開発「BGC-Argo搭載自動連続炭酸系計測システムの開発」助言委員会 委員 |
2018/10~2023/10 | Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), Working Group 156 (Full Member) |
2016/5~ | Biogeochemical-Argo Scientific Steering Committee member |
2016/4~2017/12 | AQUAFLUO II International Scientific Steering Committee member |
2016/3~ | 日本海洋学会ブレークスルー研究会 委員 |
2015/4~2018/3 | 創価大学教育学部 非常勤講師 |
2015/4~ | Editor of Plankton and Benthos Research |
航海 (2014年以降)
2023/7~8 | 海洋地球研究船「みらい」 MR23-05航海 次席研究者 |
2022/4~5 | 海洋地球研究船「みらい」 MR22-03航海 次席研究者 |
2020/11~12 | 海洋地球研究船「みらい」 MR20-02航海 次席研究者 |
2019/5~6 | 海洋地球研究船「みらい」 MR19-02航海 首席研究者 |
2018/7~8 | 海洋地球研究船「みらい」 MR18-04 Leg.1航海 首席研究者 |
2017/7~8 | 海洋地球研究船「みらい」 MR17-04 Leg.1航海 首席研究者 |
2016/11 | 深海潜水調査船支援母船「よこすか」 YK16-16航海 首席研究者 |
2015/6~7 | 学術研究船「白鳳丸」 KH-15-J01航海 首席研究者 |
2014/6 | 海洋調査船「かいよう」 KY14-09航海 次席研究者 |
- 56. Kana NAGASHIMA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Koji SUGIE, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Jun NISHIOKA, Yoko IWAMOTO, Toshihiko TAKEMURA, Takuma MIYAKAWA, Fumikazu TAKETANI and Maki NOGUCHI AITA. 2023. Asian dust‑deposition flux to the subarctic Pacific estimated using single quartz particles. Scientific Reports. 13:15424. [doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-41201-6]
- 55. Phillipe D. TORTELL, Nina SCHUBACK, David J. SUGGETT, Ilana BERMAN-FRANK, Douglas A. CAMPBELL, Aurea M. CIOTTI, Zachary K. ERICKSON, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kimberly HALSEY, Anna HICKMAN, Maxim Y. GORBUNOV, David J. HUGHES, Zbigniew KOLBER, Mark C. MOORE, Kevin OXBOROUGH, Ondřej PRÁŠIL, Charlotte M. ROBINSON, Thomas J. RYAN-KEOGH, Greg SILSBE, Stefan SIMIS, Sandy THOMALLA and Deepa R. VARKEY. 2023. Application of single turnover active chlorophyll fluorescence for phytoplankton productivity measurements. SCOR Working Group 156 User Guide. 160pp. [https://repository.oceanbestpractices.org/handle/11329/1585.2]
- 54. Chisato YOSHIKAWA, Naoko O. OGAWA, Yoshito CHIKARAISHI, Akiko MAKABE, Yohei MATSUI, Yoshikazu SASAI, Masahide WAKITA, Makio C. HONDA, Yoshihisa MINO, Maki N. AITA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Takuro NUNOURA, Naomi HARADA and Naohiko OHKOUCHI. 2022. Nitrogen isotopes of sinking particles reveal the seasonal transition of the nitrogen source for phytoplankton. Geophysical Research Letters. 49: e2022GL098670.
- 53. Aya Yamamoto HOSHIHARA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Satoka SHIGEOKA and Makoto HIRAYAMA. 2022. Physiological response of the symbiotic dinoflagellate Pelagodinium béii to ultraviolet radiation: synthesis and accumulation of mycosporine‑like amino acids. Symbiosis. 86: 281-292.
- 52. Haruka TAKAGI, Katsunori KIMOTO and Tetsuichi FUJIKI. 2022. Photosynthetic carbon assimilation and electron transport rates in two symbiont-bearing planktonic foraminifera. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9: 803354.
- 51. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Shigeki HOSODA and Naomi HARADA. 2022. Phytoplankton blooms in summer and autumn in the northwestern subarctic Pacific detected by the mooring and float systems. Journal of Oceanography. 78: 63-72.
- 50. Ryo DOBASHI, Hiromichi UENO, Nozomi MATSUDER, Isao FUJITA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Makio C. HONDA and Naomi HARADA. 2022. Impact of mesoscale eddies on particulate organic carbon flux in the western subarctic North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography. 78: 1-14.
- 49. 平井惇也、宮正樹、藤木徹一、吉田聡、乙坂重嘉、帰山秀樹、加古真一郎、片岡智哉、松岡大祐、日高弥子、杉山大祐、小嶌不二夫. 2021. 海洋学の10年展望2021:新たな手法と問題. 海の研究. 30: 227-253.
- 48. Akira NAGANO, Masahide WAKITA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Hiroshi UCHIDA. 2021. El Niño related vertical mixing enhancement under the winter mixed layer at western subarctic North Pacific station K2. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 126: e2020JC016913.
- 47. Nina SCHUBACK et al., Tetsuichi FUJIKI, (8/24). 2021. Single-turnover variable chlorophyll fluorescence as a tool for assessing phytoplankton photosynthesis and primary productivity: Opportunities, caveats and recommendations. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8: 690607.
- 46. Yoshihisa MINO, Chiho SUKIGARA, Makio C. HONDA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Masahide WAKITA, Kosei SASAOKA, Chisato YOSHIKAWA, Osamu ABE, Jan KAISER, Katsunori KIMOTO, Minoru KITAMURA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO and Toshiro SAINO. 2020. Seasonal and interannual variations in nitrogen availability and particle export in the northwestern North Pacific subtropical gyre. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 125: e2019JC015600.
- 45. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Ryuichiro INOUE, Makio C. HONDA, Masahide WAKITA, Yoshihisa MINO, Chiho SUKIGARA and Osamu ABE. 2020. Time-series observations of photosynthetic oxygen production in the subtropical western North Pacific by an underwater profiling buoy system. Limnology and Oceanography. 65: 1072-1084.
- 44. Florian BREIDER, Chisato YOSHIKAWA, Akiko MAKABE, Sakae TOYODA, Masahide WAKITA, Yohei MATSUI, Shinsuke KAWAGUCCI, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Naomi HARADA and Naohiro YOSHIDA. 2019. Response of N2O production rate to ocean acidification in the western North Pacific. Nature Climate Change. 9: 954-958.
- 43. Takahito IKENOUE, Katsunori KIMOTO, Yusuke OKAZAKI, Miyako SATO, Makio C. HONDA, Kozo TAKAHASHI, Naomi HARADA, and Tetsuichi FUJIKI. 2019. Phaeodaria: an important carrier of particulate organic carbon in the mesopelagic twilight zone of the North Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles.33: 1146-1160.
- 42. Haruka TAKAGI, Katsunori KIMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Hiroaki SAITO, Christiane SCHMIDT, Michal KUCERA and Kazuyoshi MORIYA. 2019. Characterizing photosymbiosis in modern planktonic foraminifera. Biogeosciences. 16: 3377-3396.
- 41. Dean ROEMMICH et al., Tetsuichi FUJIKI, (33/80). 2019. On the future of argo: a global, full-depth, multi-disciplinary array. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6: Article 439.
- 40. Chiho SUKIGARA, Yoshihisa MINO, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Makio C. HONDA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Masahide WAKITA and Toshiro SAINO. 2019. Sinking dynamics of particulate matter in the subarctic and subtropical regions of the western North Pacific. Deep Sea Research I. 144: 17-27.
- 39. Haruka TAKAGI, Katsunori KIMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Kazuyoshi MORIYA. 2018. Effect of nutritional condition on photosymbiotic consortium in cultured Globigerinoides sacculifer (Rhizaria, Foraminifera). Symbiosis. 76: 25-39.
- 38. Keisuke SHIMIZU, Katsunori KIMOTO, Koji NOSHITA, Masahide WAKITA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Takenori SASAKI. 2018. Phylogeography of the pelagic snail Limacina helicina (Gastropoda: Thecosomata) in the subarctic western North Pacific. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 84: 30-37.
- 37. Masahide WAKITA, Akira NAGANO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2017. Slow acidification of the winter mixed layer in the subarctic western North Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 122: 6923-6935.
- 36. Makio C. HONDA, Masahide WAKITA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Eko SISWANTO, Kosei SASAOKA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Yoshihisa MINO, Chiho SUKIGARA, Minoru KITAMURA, Yoshiyuki SASAI, Sherwood Lan SMITH, Taketo HASHIOKA, Chisato YOSHIKAWA, Katsunori KIMOTO, Shuichi WATANABE, Toru KOBARI, Toshi NAGATA, Koji HAMASAKI, Ryo KANEKO, Mario UCHIMIYA, Hideki FUKUDA, Osamu ABE and Toshiro SAINO. 2017. Comparison of carbon cycle between the western Pacific subarctic and subtropical time-series stations: highlights of the K2S1 project. Journal of Oceanography. 73: 674-667.
- 35. Yoshihisa MINO, Chiho SUKIGARA, Makio C. HONDA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Masahide WAKITA, Minoru KITAMURA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kosei SASAOKA, Osamu ABE, Jan KAISER and Toshiro SAINO. 2016. Seasonal variations in the nitrogen isotopic composition of settling particles at station K2 in the western subarctic North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography. 72: 819-836.
- 34. Masahide WAKITA, Makio C. HONDA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Sayaka YASUNAKA, Yoshikazu SASAI, Chiho SUKIGARA, Mario UCHIMIYA, Minoru KITAMURA, Toru KOBARI, Yoshihisa MINO, Akira NAGANO, Shuichi WATANABE and Toshiro SAINO. 2016. Biological organic carbon export estimated from the annual carbon budget observed in the surface waters of the western subarctic and subtropical North Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2013. Journal of Oceanography. 72: 665-685.
- 33. Ryuichiro INOUE, Makio C. HONDA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Shinya Kouketsu, Toshio SUGA and Toshiro SAINO. 2016. Western North Pacific Integrated Physical-Biogeochemical Ocean Observation Experiment (INBOX): Part 2. Biogeochemical responses to eddies and typhoons revealed from the S1 mooring and shipboard measurements. Journal of Marine Research. 74: 71-99.
- 32. Ryuichiro INOUE, Minoru KITAMURA and Tetsuichi FUJIKI. 2016. Diel vertical migration of zooplankton at the S1 biogeochemical mooring revealed from acoustic backscattering strength. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 121: 1031-1050.
- 31. Sherwood Lan SMITH, Markus PAHLOW, Agostino MERICO, Esteban ACEVEDO-TREJOS, Yoshikazu SASAI, Chisato YOSHIKAWA, Kosei SASAOKA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO and Makio C. HONDA. 2016. Flexible phytoplankton functional type (FlexPFT) model: Size-scaling of traits and optimal growth. Journal of Plankton Research. 38(4): 977-992.
- 30. Eko SISWANTO, Makio C. HONDA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Yoshiyuki SASAI, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kosei SASAOKA and Toshiro SAINO. 2016. Sixteen-year phytoplankton biomass trends in the northwestern Pacific Ocean observed by the SeaWiFS and MODIS ocean color sensors. Journal of Oceanography. 72: 479-489.
- 29. Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Osamu ABE, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Chiho SUKIGARA and Yoshihisa MINO. 2016. Primary productivity at the time-series stations in the northwestern Pacific Ocean: Is the subtropical station unproductive? Journal of Oceanography. 72: 359-371.
- 28. Makio C. HONDA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Masahide WAKITA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Yoshihisa MINO, Chiho SUKIGARA, Toru KOBARI, Mario UCHIMIYA, Ryo KANEKO and Toshiro SAINO. 2016. Comparison of sinking particles in the upper 200 m between subarctic station K2 and subtropical station S1 based on drifting sediment trap experiments. Journal of Oceanography. 72: 373-386.
- 27. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kosei SASAOKA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Masahide WAKITA and Yoshihisa MINO. 2016. Seasonal variability of phytoplankton community structure in the subtropical western North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography. 72: 343-358.
- 26. Haruka TAKAGI, Katsunori KIMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Atsushi KURASAWA, Kazuyoshi MORIYA and Hiromichi HIRANO. 2016. Ontogenetic dynamics of photosymbiosis in cultured planktic foraminifers revealed by fast repetition rate fluorometry. Marine Micropaleontology. 122: 44-52.
- 25. Hajime KAWAKAMI, Makio C. HONDA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Masahide WAKITA, Minoru KITAMURA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2015. POC fluxes estimated from 234Th in late spring-early summer in the western subarctic North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography. 71: 311-324.
- 24. Eko SISWANTO, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Makio C. HONDA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kosei SASAOKA and Toshiro SAINO. 2015. Reappraisal of meridional differences of factors controlling phytoplankton biomass and initial increase preceding seasonal bloom in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Remote Sensing of Environment. 159: 44-56.
- 23. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Haruka TAKAGI, Katsunori KIMOTO, Atsushi KURASAWA, Tomoko YUASA and Yoshihisa MINO. 2014. Assessment of algal photosynthesis in planktic foraminifers by fast repetition rate fluorometry. Journal of Plankton Research. 36(6): 1403-1407.
- 22. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Yoshihisa MINO, Kosei SASAOKA, Masahide WAKITA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Makio C. HONDA, Shuichi WATANABE and Toshiro SAINO. 2014. Seasonal cycle of phytoplankton community structure and photo-physiological state in the western subarctic gyre of the North Pacific. Limnology and Oceanography. 59(3): 887-900.
- 21. Yoshihisa MINO, Satsuki MATSUMURA, Thaithernworn LIRDWITAYAPRASIT, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Tetsuo YANAGI and Toshiro SAINO. 2014. Variations in phytoplankton photo-physiology and productivity at a dynamic eutrophic ecosystem: a fast repetition rate fluorometer based study. Journal of Plankton Research. 36(2): 398-411.
- 20. Masahide WAKITA, Shuichi WATANABE, Makio HONDA, Akira NAGANO, Katsunori KIMOTO, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Minoru KITAMURA, Kenichi SASAKI, Kosei SASAOKA, Yoshiyuki NAKANO and Akihiko MURATA. 2013. Ocean acidification from 1997 to 2011 in the subarctic western North Pacific Ocean. Biogeosciences. 10: 7817-7827.
- 19. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Toshiro SAINO, Masahide WAKITA and Shuichi WATANABE. 2013. Distribution and photo-physiological condition of phytoplankton in the tropical and subtropical North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography. 69: 35-43.
- 18. 松本和彦、藤木徹一、本多牧生、脇田昌英、川上創、喜多村稔、才野敏郎. 2012. ニスキン採水器内部のニトリルゴム製Oリングによる一次生産阻害. JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development. 14: 17-25.
- 17. 大橋理恵、石井健一郎、藤木徹一、喜多村稔、松本和彦、本多牧生、山口篤. 2011. セジメントトラップにより採集された初夏の西部北太平洋亜寒帯域におけるプランクトン群集の短期時系列変動. 日本プランクトン学会報. 58(2): 123-135.
- 16. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Shuichi WATANABE, Takuji HOSAKA and Toshiro SAINO. 2011. Phytoplankton productivity in the western subarctic gyre of the North Pacific in early summer 2006. Journal of Oceanography. 67: 295-303.
- 15. 中野善之、細江雄三、藤木徹一、吉川泰司、渡邉修一. 2011. 可視光域分光測定用低消費電力LED光源の開発. JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development. 12: 53-60.
- 14. Hajime KAWAKAMI, Makio C. HONDA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2010. East-west distribution of nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon in the northern North Pacific in autumn. The Open Oceanography Journal. 4: 99-106.
- 13. Sarat C. TRIPATHY, Joji ISHIZAKA , Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Tatsuya SHIBATA, Kazumaro OKAMURA, Takuji HOSAKA and Toshiro SAINO. 2010. Assessment of carbon- and fluorescence-based primary productivity in Ariake Bay, southwestern Japan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 87: 163-173.
- 12. Hajime KAWAKAMI, Makio C. HONDA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2010. East-west distribution of POC fluxes estimated from 234Th in the northern North Pacific in autumn. Journal of Oceanography. 66: 71-83.
- 11. 藤木徹一、中野善之、渡邉修一. 2009. 海洋観測機器への生物付着防止法の検討 ~シリコーン系防汚塗料の防汚効果試験~. JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development. 9(3): 1-8.
- 10. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Makio C. HONDA, Hajime KAWAKAMI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2009. Phytoplankton composition in the subarctic North Pacific during autumn 2005. Journal of Plankton Research. 31(2): 179-191.
- 9. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Takuji HOSAKA, Hideshi KIMOTO, Takashi ISHIMARU and Toshiro SAINO. 2008. In situ observation of phytoplankton productivity by an underwater profiling buoy system: use of fast repetition rate (FRR) fluorometry. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 353: 81-88.
- 8. 藤木徹一、才野敏郎. 2007. クロロフィル蛍光を利用した基礎生産の推定. 沿岸海洋研究. 45(1): 5-10.
- 7. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Takahiko SUZUE, Hideshi KIMOTO and Toshiro SAINO. 2007. Photosynthetic electron transport in Dunaliella tertiolecta (Chlorophyceae) measured by fast repetition rate fluorometry: Relation to carbon assimilation. Journal of Plankton Research. 29(2): 199-208.
- 6. Hideo MIYAGUCHI, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Tomohiko KIKUCHI, Victor KUWAHARA and Tatsuki TODA. 2006. Relationship between the bloom of Noctiluca scintillans and environmental factors in the coastal waters of Sagami Bay, Japan. Journal of Plankton Research. 28(3): 313-324.
- 5. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Tatsuki TODA, Tomohiko KIKUCHI, Hideki AONO and Satoru TAGUCHI. 2004. Phosphorus limitation of primary productivity during the spring-summer blooms in Sagami Bay, Japan. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 283: 29-38.
- 4. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Tatsuki TODA, Tomohiko KIKUCHI and Satoru TAGUCHI. 2003. Photoprotective response of xanthophyll pigments during phytoplankton blooms in Sagami Bay, Japan. Journal of Plankton Research. 25(3): 317-322.
- 3. Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Satoru TAGUCHI. 2002. Variability in chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient in marine phytoplankton as a function of cell size and irradiance. Journal of Plankton Research. 24(9): 859-874.
- 2. Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Satoru TAGUCHI. 2001. Relationship between light absorption and the xanthophyll-cycle pigments in marine diatoms. Plankton Biology and Ecology. 48(2): 96-103.
- 1. 平譯享、鈴木光次、岸野元彰、古谷研、田口哲、斎藤誠一、才野敏郎、松本和彦、播本孝史、佐々木宏明、藤木徹一、古原慎一、柏俊行. 2001. QFT法及び現場型水中分光光度計による植物プランクトンの光吸収スペクトル測定プロトコル. 海の研究. 10(6): 471-484.
- 14. 藤木徹一. 2022. アルゴフロートを利用したプランクトンの生態学的研究. 日本プランクトン学会報. 69: 53-54.
- 13. 藤木徹一. 2019. 西部北太平洋亜寒帯域の海洋酸性化研究. 学術研究船「白鳳丸」30年のあゆみ. 10.
- 12. 藤木徹一、木元克典、高木悠花、湯浅智子. 2016. 浮遊性原生動物と藻類の光共生. 月刊海洋. 48: 50-56.
- 11.中野善之、藤木徹一、渡邉修一. 2010. 現場型センサーによる海水中炭酸成分の観測. 月刊海洋. 42: 684-688.
- 10. 渡邉修一、中野善之、藤木徹一. 2010. 二酸化炭素センサーの開発. Blue Earth Special Issue 2010: 16-17.
- 9. 渡邉修一、中野善之、藤木徹一. 2007. Argoにおける化学計測の可能性と効果. 月刊海洋. 39: 479-483.
- 8. 中野善之、藤木徹一、渡邉修一. 2007. 海洋表層二酸化炭素分圧観測装置の開発. 社団法人 日本深海技術協会 会報. 55: 9-13.
- 7. 藤木徹一、紀本英志、保坂拓志、石丸隆、才野敏郎. 2006. 高速フラッシュ励起蛍光法を用いた基礎生産の現場測定. 月刊海洋. 38: 877-882.
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2023/4~ | 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 特別推進研究 (代表: 原田 尚美 東京大学) 「東南極周辺南大洋の環境変化と生物地球化学循環・低次生態系の応答」(研究分担者) |
2022/4~ | 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究B (代表: 藤木徹一 JAMSTEC) 「光に満ちた海洋表層でのUV防御戦略:共生生態の新たな視点」 |
2022/4~ | 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究B (代表: 塩崎 拓平 東京大学) 「全海洋区を対象とした生物ポンプに寄与するプランクトン種の解明」(研究分担者) |
2021/10~ | Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) (代表: 桑原ビクター 創価大学) 「Ocean Hitchhikers: Remote Sensing Plastic Debris as Vector for Transport of Harmful Micro-organisms in Southeast Asia」(研究分担者) |
2017/4~2020/3 | 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究B (代表: 淺原良浩 名古屋大学) 「鉄とネオジム同位体を指標とした海洋生態系物質循環の解明」(研究分担者) |
2016/4~2019/3 | 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究C (代表: 藤木徹一JAMSTEC) 「原核藻類と原生動物の光共生に関する研究」 |
2015/6~2020/3 | 日本学術振興会 新学術領域研究 (研究領域提案型) (代表: 原田尚美 JAMSTEC) 「北太平洋の海洋低次生態系とその変動機構の解明」(研究分担者) |
2013/4~2016/3 | 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究B (代表: 藤木徹一JAMSTEC) 「原生動物に共生した藻類の光合成能力評価に関する研究」 |
2012/10~2018/3 | 科学技術振興機構 戦略的創造研究推進事業 (CREST) (代表: Sherwood Lan Smith JAMSTEC) 「北太平洋域における低次生態系の動的環境適応に基づいた新しい生態系モデルの開発」(研究分担者) |
2005/11~2010/3 | 文部科学省 海洋開発及地球科学技術調査研究促進費 (観測プラン) (代表: 渡邉修一 JAMSTEC) 「地球観測システム構築推進プラン地球温暖化・炭素循環観測研究プロジェクト 海洋二酸化炭素センサー開発と観測基盤構築」(研究分担者) |
2004/11~2010/3 | 科学技術振興機構 戦略的創造研究推進事業 発展研究 (SORST) (代表: 才野敏郎 名古屋大学) 「人工衛星による海洋基礎生産モニタリング」(研究分担者) |
2002/8~2004/10 | 科学技術振興機構 戦略的創造研究推進事業 (CREST) (代表: 才野敏郎 名古屋大学) 「衛星利用のための実時間海洋基礎生産計測システム」(研究分担者) |