Tetsuichi FUJIKI


Tetsuichi FUJIKI

Marine Ecosystem Research Group
Senior Researcher

Research Interests

  • Time-series study of the ecosystem and biogeochemistry of the western North Pacific by autonomous ocean observation platforms
  • Development of method for measuring phytoplankton productivity by active chlorophyll fluorescence techniques
  • Study of photosymbiosis between planktonic protozoan and algae


Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Earth Surface System Research Center
2-15 Natsushima, Yokosuka, 237-0061, Japan

Curriculum Vitae

1974/9 Born in Osaka
2002/3 Ph.D., Faculty of Engineering, Soka University (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Satoru TAGUCHI)
2002/4~8 Postdoctoral fellow, Soka University
2002/8~2003/6 Postdoctoral fellow, Hydrospheric Atmospheric Research Center, Nagoya University
2003/7~2005/10 Postdoctoral fellow, Japan Science and Technology Agency
2005/11~2010/3 Researcher, Mutsu Institute for Oceanography, JAMSTEC
2010/4~2013/3 Researcher, Research Institute for Global Change, JAMSTEC
2013/4~2014/3 Senior Researcher, Research Institute for Global Change, JAMSTEC
2014/4~2019/3 Senior Research Scientist, Research and Development Center for Global Change, JAMSTEC
2019/4~ Senior Researcher, Earth Surface System Research Center, JAMSTEC
2023/10~ Visiting Scientist, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI)
2024/4~ Tohoku University & JAMSTEC Advanced Institute for Marine Ecosystem Change WPI-AIMEC Researcher (concurrent)

Affiliated academic organization

  • The Oceanographic Society of Japan
  • The Plankton Society of Japan
  • Japan Geoscience Union
  • The Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography

A member of committee

2023/10 - present Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), Working Group 168 (Full Member)
2023/9 - present Member of Biogeochemical-Argo Scientific Technology Task Team
2022/10 – present Member of Society for Marine Biology Research, The Oceanographic Society of Japan
2021/11 – present G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative Resource Strategy Group for BGC Argo Array 2030 Scientific Expert
2018/10 – 2023/10 Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), Working Group 156 (Full Member)
2016/5 – present Biogeochemical-Argo Scientific Steering Committee member
2016/4 – 2017/12 AQUAFLUO II International Scientific Steering Committee member
2016/3 – present Member of Panel for Ocean Breakthrough Studies, The Oceanographic Society of Japan
2015/4 – 2018/3 Lecturer of Soka University
2015/4 – present Editor of Plankton and Benthos Research

Field works (2014 – present)

2023/7 – 8 R/V Mirai MR23-05 (Deputy Chief Scientist)
2022/4 – 5 R/V Mirai MR22-03 (Deputy Chief Scientist)
2020/11 – 12 R/V Mirai MR20-02 (Deputy Chief Scientist)
2019/5 – 6 R/V Mirai MR19-02 (Chief Scientist)
2018/7 – 8 R/V Mirai MR18-04 Leg.1 (Chief Scientist)
2017/7 – 8 R/V Mirai MR17-04 Leg.1 (Chief Scientist)
2016/11 R/V Yokosuka YK16-16 (Chief Scientist)
2015/6 – 7 R/V Hakuho-Maru KH-15-J01 (Chief Scientist)
2014/6 R/V Kaiyo KY14-09 (Deputy Chief Scientist)

Publications (Peer-reviewed)

  • 56. Kana NAGASHIMA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Koji SUGIE, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Jun NISHIOKA, Yoko IWAMOTO, Toshihiko TAKEMURA, Takuma MIYAKAWA, Fumikazu TAKETANI and Maki NOGUCHI AITA. 2023. Asian dust‑deposition flux to the subarctic Pacific estimated using single quartz particles. Scientific Reports. 13:15424. [doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-41201-6]
  • 55. Phillipe D. TORTELL, Nina SCHUBACK, David J. SUGGETT, Ilana BERMAN-FRANK, Douglas A. CAMPBELL, Aurea M. CIOTTI, Zachary K. ERICKSON, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kimberly HALSEY, Anna HICKMAN, Maxim Y. GORBUNOV, David J. HUGHES, Zbigniew KOLBER, Mark C. MOORE, Kevin OXBOROUGH, Ondřej PRÁŠIL, Charlotte M. ROBINSON, Thomas J. RYAN-KEOGH, Greg SILSBE, Stefan SIMIS, Sandy THOMALLA and Deepa R. VARKEY. 2023. Application of single turnover active chlorophyll fluorescence for phytoplankton productivity measurements. SCOR Working Group 156 User Guide. 160pp. [https://repository.oceanbestpractices.org/handle/11329/1585.2]
  • 54. Chisato YOSHIKAWA, Naoko O. OGAWA, Yoshito CHIKARAISHI, Akiko MAKABE, Yohei MATSUI, Yoshikazu SASAI, Masahide WAKITA, Makio C. HONDA, Yoshihisa MINO, Maki N. AITA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Takuro NUNOURA, Naomi HARADA and Naohiko OHKOUCHI. 2022. Nitrogen isotopes of sinking particles reveal the seasonal transition of the nitrogen source for phytoplankton. Geophysical Research Letters. 49: e2022GL098670.
  • 53. Aya Yamamoto HOSHIHARA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Satoka SHIGEOKA and Makoto HIRAYAMA. 2022. Physiological response of the symbiotic dinoflagellate Pelagodinium béii to ultraviolet radiation: synthesis and accumulation of mycosporine‑like amino acids. Symbiosis. 86: 281-292.
  • 52. Haruka TAKAGI, Katsunori KIMOTO and Tetsuichi FUJIKI. 2022. Photosynthetic carbon assimilation and electron transport rates in two symbiont-bearing planktonic foraminifera. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9: 803354.
  • 51. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Shigeki HOSODA and Naomi HARADA. 2022. Phytoplankton blooms in summer and autumn in the northwestern subarctic Pacific detected by the mooring and float systems. Journal of Oceanography. 78: 63-72.
  • 50. Ryo DOBASHI, Hiromichi UENO, Nozomi MATSUDER, Isao FUJITA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Makio C. HONDA and Naomi HARADA. 2022. Impact of mesoscale eddies on particulate organic carbon flux in the western subarctic North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography. 78: 1-14.
  • 49. Junya HIRAI, Masaki MIYA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Akira YOSHIDA, Shigeyoshi OTOSAKA, Hideki KAERIYAMA, Shinichiro KAKO, Tomoya KATAOKA, Daisuke MATSUOKA, Mitsuko HIDAKA, Daisuke SUGIYAMA and Fujio KOJIMA. 2022. Decadal vision in oceanography 2021: New methods and problems. Oceanography in Japan. 30: 227-253. (in Japanese)
  • 48. Akira NAGANO, Masahide WAKITA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Hiroshi UCHIDA. 2021. El Niño related vertical mixing enhancement under the winter mixed layer at western subarctic North Pacific station K2. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 126: e2020JC016913.
  • 47. Nina SCHUBACK et al., Tetsuichi FUJIKI, (8/24). 2021. Single-turnover variable chlorophyll fluorescence as a tool for assessing phytoplankton photosynthesis and primary productivity: Opportunities, caveats and recommendations. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8: 690607.
  • 46. Yoshihisa MINO, Chiho SUKIGARA, Makio C. HONDA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Masahide WAKITA, Kosei SASAOKA, Chisato YOSHIKAWA, Osamu ABE, Jan KAISER, Katsunori KIMOTO, Minoru KITAMURA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO and Toshiro SAINO. 2020. Seasonal and interannual variations in nitrogen availability and particle export in the northwestern North Pacific subtropical gyre. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 125: e2019JC015600.
  • 45. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Ryuichiro INOUE, Makio C. HONDA, Masahide WAKITA, Yoshihisa MINO, Chiho SUKIGARA and Osamu ABE. 2020. Time-series observations of photosynthetic oxygen production in the subtropical western North Pacific by an underwater profiling buoy system. Limnology and Oceanography. 65: 1072-1084.
  • 44. Florian BREIDER, Chisato YOSHIKAWA, Akiko MAKABE, Sakae TOYODA, Masahide WAKITA, Yohei MATSUI, Shinsuke KAWAGUCCI, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Naomi HARADA and Naohiro YOSHIDA. 2019. Response of N2O production rate to ocean acidification in the western North Pacific. Nature Climate Change. 9: 954-958.
  • 43. Takahito IKENOUE, Katsunori KIMOTO, Yusuke OKAZAKI, Miyako SATO, Makio C. HONDA, Kozo TAKAHASHI, Naomi HARADA, and Tetsuichi FUJIKI. 2019. Phaeodaria: an important carrier of particulate organic carbon in the mesopelagic twilight zone of the North Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles.33: 1146-1160.
  • 42. Haruka TAKAGI, Katsunori KIMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Hiroaki SAITO, Christiane SCHMIDT, Michal KUCERA and Kazuyoshi MORIYA. 2019. Characterizing photosymbiosis in modern planktonic foraminifera. Biogeosciences. 16: 3377-3396.
  • 41. Dean ROEMMICH et al., Tetsuichi FUJIKI, (33/80). 2019. On the future of argo: a global, full-depth, multi-disciplinary array. Frontiers in Marine Science. 6: Article 439.
  • 40. Chiho SUKIGARA, Yoshihisa MINO, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Makio C. HONDA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Masahide WAKITA and Toshiro SAINO. 2019. Sinking dynamics of particulate matter in the subarctic and subtropical regions of the western North Pacific. Deep Sea Research I. 144: 17-27.
  • 39. Haruka TAKAGI, Katsunori KIMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Kazuyoshi MORIYA. 2018. Effect of nutritional condition on photosymbiotic consortium in cultured Globigerinoides sacculifer (Rhizaria, Foraminifera). Symbiosis. 76: 25-39.
  • 38. Keisuke SHIMIZU, Katsunori KIMOTO, Koji NOSHITA, Masahide WAKITA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Takenori SASAKI. 2018. Phylogeography of the pelagic snail Limacina helicina (Gastropoda: Thecosomata) in the subarctic western North Pacific. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 84: 30-37.
  • 37. Masahide WAKITA, Akira NAGANO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2017. Slow acidification of the winter mixed layer in the subarctic western North Pacific. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 122: 6923-6935.
  • 36. Makio C. HONDA, Masahide WAKITA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Eko SISWANTO, Kosei SASAOKA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Yoshihisa MINO, Chiho SUKIGARA, Minoru KITAMURA, Yoshiyuki SASAI, Sherwood Lan SMITH, Taketo HASHIOKA, Chisato YOSHIKAWA, Katsunori KIMOTO, Shuichi WATANABE, Toru KOBARI, Toshi NAGATA, Koji HAMASAKI, Ryo KANEKO, Mario UCHIMIYA, Hideki FUKUDA, Osamu ABE and Toshiro SAINO. 2017. Comparison of carbon cycle between the western Pacific subarctic and subtropical time-series stations: highlights of the K2S1 project. Journal of Oceanography. 73: 674-667.
  • 35. Yoshihisa MINO, Chiho SUKIGARA, Makio C. HONDA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Masahide WAKITA, Minoru KITAMURA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kosei SASAOKA, Osamu ABE, Jan KAISER and Toshiro SAINO. 2016. Seasonal variations in the nitrogen isotopic composition of settling particles at station K2 in the western subarctic North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography. 72: 819-836.
  • 34. Masahide WAKITA, Makio C. HONDA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Sayaka YASUNAKA, Yoshikazu SASAI, Chiho SUKIGARA, Mario UCHIMIYA, Minoru KITAMURA, Toru KOBARI, Yoshihisa MINO, Akira NAGANO, Shuichi WATANABE and Toshiro SAINO. 2016. Biological organic carbon export estimated from the annual carbon budget observed in the surface waters of the western subarctic and subtropical North Pacific Ocean from 2004 to 2013. Journal of Oceanography. 72: 665-685.
  • 33. Ryuichiro INOUE, Makio C. HONDA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko Matsumoto, Shinya Kouketsu, Toshio SUGA and Toshiro SAINO. 2016. Western North Pacific Integrated Physical-Biogeochemical Ocean Observation Experiment (INBOX): Part 2. Biogeochemical responses to eddies and typhoons revealed from the S1 mooring and shipboard measurements. Journal of Marine Research. 74: 71-99.
  • 32. Ryuichiro INOUE, Minoru KITAMURA and Tetsuichi FUJIKI. 2016. Diel vertical migration of zooplankton at the S1 biogeochemical mooring revealed from acoustic backscattering strength. Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 121: 1031-1050.
  • 31. Sherwood Lan SMITH, Markus PAHLOW, Agostino MERICO, Esteban ACEVEDO-TREJOS, Yoshikazu SASAI, Chisato YOSHIKAWA, Kosei SASAOKA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO and Makio C. HONDA. 2016. Flexible phytoplankton functional type (FlexPFT) model: Size-scaling of traits and optimal growth. Journal of Plankton Research. 38(4): 977-992.
  • 30. Eko SISWANTO, Makio C. HONDA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Yoshiyuki SASAI, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kosei SASAOKA and Toshiro SAINO. 2016. Sixteen-year phytoplankton biomass trends in the northwestern Pacific Ocean observed by the SeaWiFS and MODIS ocean color sensors. Journal of Oceanography. 72: 479-489.
  • 29. Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Osamu ABE, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Chiho SUKIGARA and Yoshihisa MINO. 2016. Primary productivity at the time-series stations in the northwestern Pacific Ocean: Is the subtropical station unproductive? Journal of Oceanography. 72: 359-371.
  • 28. Makio C. HONDA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Masahide WAKITA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Yoshihisa MINO, Chiho SUKIGARA, Toru KOBARI, Mario UCHIMIYA, Ryo KANEKO and Toshiro SAINO. 2016. Comparison of sinking particles in the upper 200 m between subarctic station K2 and subtropical station S1 based on drifting sediment trap experiments. Journal of Oceanography. 72: 373-386.
  • 27. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kosei SASAOKA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Masahide WAKITA and Yoshihisa MINO. 2016. Seasonal variability of phytoplankton community structure in the subtropical western North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography. 72: 343-358.
  • 26. Haruka TAKAGI, Katsunori KIMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Atsushi KURASAWA, Kazuyoshi MORIYA and Hiromichi HIRANO. 2016. Ontogenetic dynamics of photosymbiosis in cultured planktic foraminifers revealed by fast repetition rate fluorometry. Marine Micropaleontology. 122: 44-52.
  • 25. Hajime KAWAKAMI, Makio C. HONDA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Masahide WAKITA, Minoru KITAMURA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2015. POC fluxes estimated from 234Th in late spring-early summer in the western subarctic North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography. 71: 311-324.
  • 24. Eko SISWANTO, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Makio C. HONDA, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kosei SASAOKA and Toshiro SAINO. 2015. Reappraisal of meridional differences of factors controlling phytoplankton biomass and initial increase preceding seasonal bloom in the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Remote Sensing of Environment. 159: 44-56.
  • 23. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Haruka TAKAGI, Katsunori KIMOTO, Atsushi KURASAWA, Tomoko YUASA and Yoshihisa MINO. 2014. Assessment of algal photosynthesis in planktic foraminifers by fast repetition rate fluorometry. Journal of Plankton Research. 36(6): 1403-1407.
  • 22. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Yoshihisa MINO, Kosei SASAOKA, Masahide WAKITA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Makio C. HONDA, Shuichi WATANABE and Toshiro SAINO. 2014. Seasonal cycle of phytoplankton community structure and photo-physiological state in the western subarctic gyre of the North Pacific. Limnology and Oceanography. 59(3): 887-900.
  • 21. Yoshihisa MINO, Satsuki MATSUMURA, Thaithernworn LIRDWITAYAPRASIT, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Tetsuo YANAGI and Toshiro SAINO. 2014. Variations in phytoplankton photo-physiology and productivity at a dynamic eutrophic ecosystem: a fast repetition rate fluorometer based study. Journal of Plankton Research. 36(2): 398-411.
  • 20. Masahide WAKITA, Shuichi WATANABE, Makio HONDA, Akira NAGANO, Katsunori KIMOTO, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Minoru KITAMURA, Kenichi SASAKI, Kosei SASAOKA, Yoshiyuki NAKANO and Akihiko MURATA. 2013. Ocean acidification from 1997 to 2011 in the subarctic western North Pacific Ocean. Biogeosciences. 10: 7817-7827.
  • 19. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Toshiro SAINO, Masahide WAKITA and Shuichi WATANABE. 2013. Distribution and photo-physiological condition of phytoplankton in the tropical and subtropical North Pacific. Journal of Oceanography. 69: 35-43.
  • 18. Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Makio C. HONDA, Masahide WAKITA, Hajime KAWAKAMI, Minoru KITAMURA and Toshiro SAINO. 2012. Inhibition of primary production by nitrile rubber O-rings in Niskin sampler. JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development. 14: 17-25. (in Japanese with English abstract)
  • 17. Rie OHASHI, Ken-Ichiro ISHII, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Minoru KITAMURA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Makio C. HONDA and Atsushi YAMAGUCHI. 2011. Short-term changes in the planktonic community of the western subarctic Pacific during early summer: analysis of sediment trap samples. Bull. Plankton Soc. Japan. 58(2): 123-135. (in Japanese with English abstract)
  • 16. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Shuichi WATANABE, Takuji HOSAKA and Toshiro SAINO. 2011. Phytoplankton productivity in the western subarctic gyre of the North Pacific in early summer 2006. Journal of Oceanography. 67: 295-303.
  • 15. Yoshiyuki NAKANO, Yuzo HOSOE, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Yasushi YOSHIKAWA and Shuichi WATANABE. 2011. Development of low power consumption LED light source for visible light spectrophotometry. JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development. 12: 53-60. (in Japanese with English abstract)
  • 14. Hajime KAWAKAMI, Makio C. HONDA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2010. East-west distribution of nutrients and dissolved inorganic carbon in the northern North Pacific in autumn. The Open Oceanography Journal. 4: 99-106.
  • 13. Sarat C. TRIPATHY, Joji ISHIZAKA , Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Tatsuya SHIBATA, Kazumaro OKAMURA, Takuji HOSAKA and Toshiro SAINO. 2010. Assessment of carbon- and fluorescence-based primary productivity in Ariake Bay, southwestern Japan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 87: 163-173.
  • 12. Hajime KAWAKAMI, Makio C. HONDA, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2010. East-west distribution of POC fluxes estimated from 234Th in the northern North Pacific in autumn. Journal of Oceanography. 66: 71-83.
  • 11. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Yoshiyuki NAKANO and Shuichi WATANABE. 2009. Prevention of marine biofouling for ocean instruments: A study of effectiveness of silicon-based antifouling paint. JAMSTEC Report of Research and Development. 9(3): 1-8. (in Japanese with English abstract)
  • 10. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Makio C. HONDA, Hajime KAWAKAMI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2009. Phytoplankton composition in the subarctic North Pacific during autumn 2005. Journal of Plankton Research. 31(2): 179-191.
  • 9. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Takuji HOSAKA, Hideshi KIMOTO, Takashi ISHIMARU and Toshiro SAINO. 2008. In situ observation of phytoplankton productivity by an underwater profiling buoy system: use of fast repetition rate (FRR) fluorometry. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 353: 81-88.
  • 8. Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Toshiro SAINO. 2007. Estimation of phytoplankton productivity using chlorophyll fluorescence. Coastal Oceanography Research. 45(1): 5-10. (in Japanese with English abstract)
  • 7. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Takahiko SUZUE, Hideshi KIMOTO and Toshiro SAINO. 2007. Photosynthetic electron transport in Dunaliella tertiolecta (Chlorophyceae) measured by fast repetition rate fluorometry: Relation to carbon assimilation. Journal of Plankton Research. 29(2): 199-208.
  • 6. Hideo MIYAGUCHI, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Tomohiko KIKUCHI, Victor KUWAHARA and Tatsuki TODA. 2006. Relationship between the bloom of Noctiluca scintillans and environmental factors in the coastal waters of Sagami Bay, Japan. Journal of Plankton Research. 28(3): 313-324.
  • 5. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Tatsuki TODA, Tomohiko KIKUCHI, Hideki AONO and Satoru TAGUCHI. 2004. Phosphorus limitation of primary productivity during the spring-summer blooms in Sagami Bay, Japan. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 283: 29-38.
  • 4. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Tatsuki TODA, Tomohiko KIKUCHI and Satoru TAGUCHI. 2003. Photoprotective response of xanthophyll pigments during phytoplankton blooms in Sagami Bay, Japan. Journal of Plankton Research. 25(3): 317-322.
  • 3. Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Satoru TAGUCHI. 2002. Variability in chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient in marine phytoplankton as a function of cell size and irradiance. Journal of Plankton Research. 24(9): 859-874.
  • 2. Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Satoru TAGUCHI. 2001. Relationship between light absorption and the xanthophyll-cycle pigments in marine diatoms. Plankton Biology and Ecology. 48(2): 96-103.
  • 1. Toru HIRAWAKE, Koji SUZUKI, Motoaki KISHINO, Ken FURUYA, Satoru TAGUCHI, Sei-ichi SAITOH, Toshiro SAINO, Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO, Takashi HARIMOTO, Hiroaki SASAKI, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Shinichi KOBARA and Toshiyuki KASHIWA. 2001. A protocol for measuring the absorption coefficient of phytoplankton using QFT(quantitative filter technique) and a submersible spectrophotometer. Umi no kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan). 10(6): 471-484. (in Japanese with English abstract)

Publications (Non reviewed)

  • 14. Tetsuichi FUJIKI. 2022. Plankton ecological research by using Argo floats. Bulletin of Plankton Society of Japan. 69: 53-54. (in Japanese)
  • 13. Tetsuichi FUJIKI. 2019. Ocean acidification research in the subarctic western North Pacific. 30-year history of the R/V Hakuho-Maru. 10. (in Japanese)
  • 12. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Katsunori KIMOTO, Haruka TAKAGI and Tomoko YUASA. 2016. Photosymbiotic relationship between planktonic protozoan and algae. Kaiyo monthly. 48: 50-56. (in Japanese)
  • 11. Yoshiyuki NAKANO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2010. Observation of seawater carbonate species by in situ sensor. Kaiyo monthly. 42: 684-688. (in Japanese)
  • 10. Shuichi WATANABE, Yoshiyuki NAKANO and Tetsuichi FUJIKI. 2010. Development of pCO2 sensor. Blue Earth Special Issue 2010: 16-17. (in Japanese)
  • 9. Shuichi WATANABE, Yoshiyuki NAKANO and Tetsuichi FUJIKI. 2007. Chemical measuring system on Argo. Kaiyo monthly. 39: 479-483. (in Japanese)
  • 8. Yoshiyuki NAKANO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Shuichi WATANABE. 2007. Development of drifting buoy system with in situ sea surface pCO2 sensor. Bulletin of Japan Deep Sea Technology Association. 55: 9-13. (in Japanese)
  • 7. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Hideshi KIMOTO, Takuji HOSAKA, Takashi ISHIMARU and Toshiro SAINO. 2006. In situ measurement of primary productivity using fast repetition rate fluorometry. Kaiyo monthly. 38: 877-882. (in Japanese)
  • 6. Hideshi KIMOTO, Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Toshiro SAINO. 2006. Development of fast repetition rate fluorometer for measurement of oceanic primary production. Bulletin of Japan Deep Sea Technology Association. 48: 14-19. (in Japanese)
  • 5. Hideo MIYAGUCHI, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Tomohiko KIKUCHI, Satoru TAGUCHI and Tatsuki TODA. 2000. Annual variations in abundance of Noctiluca scintillans in the coastal area of Sagami Bay, Japan. Proceedings of The 11th JSPS Joint Seminar on Marine Science. 180-189.
  • 4. Tatsuki TODA, Tomohiko KIKUCHI, Koji HAMASAKI, Kazutaka TAKAHASHI, Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Victor KUWAHARA, Teruaki YOSHIDA and Satoru TAGUCHI. 2000. Seasonal and annual variations of environmental factors at Manazuru Port, Sagami Bay, Japan from 1995 to 1999. Actinia. 13: 31-41. (in Japanese with English abstract)
  • 3. Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Satoru TAGUCHI. 2000. Influence of photosynthetic efficiency on photoprotection by the xanthophyll cycle in marine diatom. Ocean Optics. 15: 1-12. (No.1080) [CDROM] 3. Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Satoru TAGUCHI. 2000. Influence of photosynthetic efficiency on photoprotection by the xanthophyll cycle in marine diatom. Ocean Optics. 15: 1-12. (No.1080) [CDROM]
  • 2. Tetsuichi FUJIKI and Satoru TAGUCHI. 1998. Chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient and photosynthetic characteristics of phytoplankton under physiologically similar condition. Ocean Optics. 14: 1-7. (No.1226) [CDROM]
  • 1. Tetsuichi FUJIKI, Koji HAMASAKI and Satoru TAGUCHI. 1997. Diel variability in chlorophyll a specific absorption coefficient of green alga Dunaliella salina. The 12th International Symposium on Okhotsk Sea & Sea Ice. 112-115.

Competitive fund

2023/4- present Response of biogeochemical cycle and lower trophic ecosystem to the environmental change in the Southern Ocean, East Antarctica. PI: Naomi Harada, The University of Tokyo. Fund: JSPS KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research) (Co-Investigator)
2022/4- present UV protective strategies in the light-saturated ocean surface: a new perspective on symbiotic ecology. PI: Tetsuichi Fujiki, JAMSTEC. Fund: JSPS KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B))
2022/4- present Plankton communities contributing to marine biological pump on the global scale. PI: Takuhei Shiozaki, The University of Tokyo. Fund: JSPS KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)) (Co-Investigator)
2021/10- present Ocean hitchhikers: remote sensing plastic debris as vector for transport of harmful micro-organisms in Southeast Asia. PI: Victor Kuwahara, Soka University. Fund: JSPS KAKENHI (Fostering Joint International Research (B)) (Co-Investigator)
2017/4- 2021/3 Research on marine ecosystem and material cycle using iron and neodymium isotopes. PI: Yoshihiro Asahara, Nagoya University. Fund: JSPS KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)) (Co-Investigator)
2016/4- 2019/3 Study on photosymbiosis between prokaryotic algae and planktic protozoa. PI: Tetsuichi Fujiki, JAMSTEC. Fund: JSPS KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)) (Co-Investigator)
2015/6- 2020/3 Study on the change in lower trophic ecosystem and its complex mechanism in the North Pacific. PI: Naomi Harada, JAMSTEC. Fund: MEXT KAKENHI (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research in Innovative Areas) (Co-Investigator)
2013/4-2016/3 Assessment of algal photosynthesis in planktic protozoa by fast repetition rate fluorometry. PI: Tetsuichi Fujiki, JAMSTEC. Fund: JSPS KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Young Scientist (B))
2012/10-2018/3 Development of a new ecosystem model to represent the adaptive capacity of plankton communities in the North Pacific. PI: Sherwood Lan Smith, JAMSTEC. Fund: Japan Science and Technology Agency (CREST) (Co-Investigator)
2005/11-2010/3 A new simple pCO2 sensor with compact drifting buoy system for long term observation. PI: Shuichi Watanabe, JAMSTEC. Fund: Japan EOS Promotion Program (JEPP) (Co-Investigator)
2004/11-2010/3 Maritime basic production monitoring based on artificial satellites. PI: Toshiro Saino, JAMSTEC. Fund: Japan Science and Technology Agency (SORST) (Co-Investigator)
2002/8-2004/10 Development of a Real-time Ocean Primary Productivity Observation System for Advanced Utilization of Ocean Color Satellites. PI: Toshiro Saino, Nagoya University. Fund: Japan Science and Technology Agency (CREST) (Co-Investigator)