Hole C0002N, Expedition 348


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This data set was output from J-CORES database by using its complete Bulk Export function Version 1.9.9 from 2019-02-18T03:06:24Z till 2019-02-18T03:15:01Z. The specification of the outputs is available to be referred. Bulk Export gives a file bulk.csv with various attachment files (e.g. image files). Files bulk-something.csv are generated by picking some kinds of data from bulk.csv. Files something.zip consist of bulk-something.csv and related attachment files. Files bulk-something.csv are in character encoding UTF-8 with line ending characters CRLF. The database has a flexibility to store numerical/text values and attached files for user-defined parameters, which are output into User-Defined Parameter column group in bulk.csv.

Data file index

File Contents Length (bytes)
bulk-hole.csv Expedition, site and hole records 816
bulk-miscellaneous-material.csv Records of materials recovered from holes excepting cores 68769
sample.zip Records of ship and personal samples taken from core sections and miscellaneous materials 38441
microphoto.zip Photo images of microscopy 569956914
bulk-sem-eds.csv SEM/EDS for bulk samples 2415
bulk-natural-gamma-radiation.csv Natural gamma radiation for discrete samples 32117
moisture-density.zip Moisture and density (MAD) for discrete samples 30587
bulk-electrical-conductivity.csv Electrical conductivity for discrete samples 33435
bulk-magnetic-susceptibility.csv Magnetic susceptibility for discrete samples 42173
bulk-pwave-swave-velocity.csv Anisotropy of P-wave and/or S-wave velocity for discrete samples 3553
xrd.zip XRD for bulk discrete samples 8607691
bulk-xrf.csv XRF for bulk discrete samples 55105
bulk-mud-water-chemistry.csv Chemistry for mud water 316050468
bulk-cns-analysis.zip Bulk CNS analyses for discrete samples 12504

Parameter definitions

The user-defined parameters are listed with their definitions as the followings.

VCD microscopic photography
Photographs for raw bulk samples for visual core description (VCD).
VCD microscopic photography::photography object
What was shot for the photograph.
VCD microscopic photography::stereomicroscopic image
Image file acquired by using a stereomicroscope.
VCD microscopic photography::comment on measurement
Comment on the measurement, the object (i.e. samples, for which the measurement is conducted) and/or errors that cannot be corrected.
VCD microscopic photography; smear slide
Smear slide photographs for visual core description (VCD).
VCD microscopic photography; smear slide::photography object
What was shot for the photograph.
VCD microscopic photography; smear slide::polarizing microscopic image
Image file acquired by using a polarizing microscope.
VCD microscopic photography; smear slide::comment on measurement
Comment on the measurement, the object (i.e. samples, for which the measurement is conducted) and/or errors that cannot be corrected.
VCD microscopic photography; thin section
Thin section photographs for visual core description (VCD).
VCD microscopic photography; thin section::photography object
What was shot for the photograph.
VCD microscopic photography; thin section::polarizing microscopic image
Image file acquired by using a polarizing microscope.
VCD microscopic photography; thin section::comment on measurement
Comment on the measurement, the object (i.e. samples, for which the measurement is conducted) and/or errors that cannot be corrected.
paleontological microscopic photography, calcareous nannofossils
Microscopic photographs for paleontology (calcareous nannofossils).
paleontological microscopic photography, calcareous nannofossils::photography object
What was shot for the photograph.
paleontological microscopic photography, calcareous nannofossils::polarizing microscopic image
Image file acquired by using a polarizing microscope.
paleontological microscopic photography, calcareous nannofossils::comment on measurement
Comment on the measurement, the object (i.e. samples, for which the measurement is conducted) and/or errors that cannot be corrected.
Scanning Electron Microscopy for bulk samples.
SEM::photography object
What was shot for the photograph.
SEM::SEM image
Image file acquired by using a scanning electron microscope.
SEM::comment on measurement
Comment on the measurement, the object (i.e. samples, for which the measurement is conducted) and/or errors that cannot be corrected.
Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy for bulk samples.
SEM-EDS::EDS result
Measurement results of a energy dispersive spectroscopy.
SEM-EDS::O content [wt%]
Content of oxygen. weight percentage
SEM-EDS::Na content [wt%]
Content of sodium. weight percentage
SEM-EDS::Mg content [wt%]
Content of magnesium. weight percentage
SEM-EDS::Al content [wt%]
Content of aluminium. weight percentage
SEM-EDS::Si content [wt%]
Content of silicon. weight percentage
SEM-EDS::S content [wt%]
Content of sulfur. weight percentage
SEM-EDS::K content [wt%]
Content of potassium. weight percentage
SEM-EDS::Ca content [wt%]
Content of calcium. weight percentage
SEM-EDS::Fe content [wt%]
Content of iron. weight percentage
Measurements for bulk samples by using a Multi Sensor Core Logger (MSCL).
MSCL::natural gamma radiation: detector set #1, 80 mm [CPS]
Counts per seconds of detected gamma ray photons. This count is a total of four scintillation detectors. Each of the four detectors is combined with a multichannel analyser. They are attached in a cross shape on a central lead cube which is on the track of the Multi Sensor Core Logger. Serial number of the each detector is; the upper side (a detector at the direction of 12 o'clock from the view in the core movement direction) is 04L033, the right side (at 3 o'clock) is 04L028, the lower side (at 6 o'clock) is 04L034, and the left side (at 9 o'clock) is 04L041. The aperture of the central lead cube is 80 mm. counts per second
MSCL::comment on measurement
Comment on the measurement, the object (i.e. samples, for which the measurement is conducted) and/or errors that cannot be corrected.
moisture and density
Moisture and density (MAD) measurements for bulk samples.
moisture and density::beaker mass [g]
Mass of beaker used for the measurement. gram
moisture and density::beaker volume [cm3]
Volume of beaker used for the measurement. cubic centi-meter
moisture and density::wet sample beaker+sample mass [g]
Mass of the wet sample with the beaker. gram
moisture and density::wet bulk mass [g]
Mass of the wet bulk sample, derived by subtracting the beaker mass from the measurement of the sample with the beaker. gram
moisture and density::dry sample beaker+sample mass [g]
Mass of the dry sample with the beaker. gram
moisture and density::dry sample beaker+sample volume [cm3]
Volume of the dry sample with the beaker. cubic centi-meter
moisture and density::dry bulk mass [g]
Mass of the dry bulk sample, derived by subtracting the beaker mass from the measurement of the sample with the beaker. gram
moisture and density::pore water mass [g]
Derived by (Mt - Md) / (1 - s), where Mt, wet bulk mass; Md, dry bulk mass; s, salinity, assumed to 0.035 M. gram
moisture and density::pore water volume [cm3]
Derived by Mpw / Dpw, where Mpw, pore water mass; Dpw, density, assumed to 1.024 g/cm3. cubic centi-meter
moisture and density::solids volume: dry bulk - salt [cm3]
Derived by subtraction of the salt volume from the dry bulk volume. cubic centi-meter
moisture and density::wet bulk volume: solids + pore water [cm3]
Derived as the sum of volumes of solids and pore water. cubic centi-meter
moisture and density::dry bulk volume [cm3]
Volume of the dry bulk sample, derived by subtracting the beaker volume from the measurement of the sample with the beaker. cubic centi-meter
moisture and density::salt mass [g]
Derived by (Mt - Md) s, where Mt, wet bulk mass; Md, dry bulk mass; s, salinity, assumed to 0.035. gram
moisture and density::salt volume [cm3]
Derived by Msalt / Dsalt, where Msalt, salt mass; Dsalt, salt density, assumed to 2.22 g/cm3. cubic centi-meter
moisture and density::solids mass [g]
Derived by subtraction of the salt mass from the dry bulk mass. gram
moisture and density::water content wet
Derived by Mpw / Mt, where Mpw, pore water mass; Mt, wet bulk mass. dimensionless quantity
moisture and density::water content dry
Derived by Mpw / Ms, where Mpw, pore water mass; Ms, solids mass. dimensionless quantity
moisture and density::bulk density [g/cm3]
Moisture and density analysis derives this by quotient of wet bulk mass by wet bulk volume. Well logging tool adnVISION may give this by another way. gram per cubic centi-meter
moisture and density::dry density [g/cm3]
Derived by Ms / Vt, where Ms, solids mass; Vt, wet bulk volume. gram per cubic centi-meter
moisture and density::grain density [g/cm3]
Derived by Ms / Vs, where Ms, solids mass; Vs, solids volume. gram per cubic centi-meter
moisture and density::porosity
Derived by Vpw / Vt, where Vpw, pore water volume; Vt, wet bulk volume. dimensionless quantity
moisture and density::void ratio
Derived by Vpw / Vs, where Vpw, pore water volume; Vs, solids volume. dimensionless quantity
impedance analysis
Measurements by using an impedance analyzer for bulk samples. Electrical impedance, resistivity and conductivity are at the frequency of the applied alternating current. The frequency is determined by the waveform of each measurement.
impedance analysis::frequency of applied alternating current [kHz]
Frequency of the applied alternating current. kilo-hertz
impedance analysis::electrical resistivity X [ohm m]
Electrical resistivity along X-axis. ohm by meter
impedance analysis::electrical conductivity X [S/m]
Electrical conductivity along X-axis. Siemens per meter
impedance analysis::room temperature [degree C]
Room temperature measured by using a thermometer for the measurement. degree Celsius
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party
Dielectric properties and electrical conductivity for bulk samples measured by using a third party tool, end-load probe coaxial transmission line (Agilent, 85070E).
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party::real relative dielecrtic permittivity at 100 MHz
Real relative dielecrtic permittivity at 100 MHz of applying alternatice current. dimensionless quantity
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party::imaginary relative dielectric permittivity at 100 MHz
Imaginary relative dielectric permittivity at 100 MHz of applying alternative current. dimensionless quantity
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party::real relative dielecrtic permittivity at 300 MHz
Real relative dielecrtic permittivity at 300 MHz of applying alternative current. dimensionless quantity
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party::imaginary relative dielectric permittivity at 300 MHz
Imaginary relative dielectric permittivity at 300 MHz of applying alternative current. dimensionless quantity
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party::real relative dielecrtic permittivity at 1 GHz
Real relative dielecrtic permittivity at 1 GHz of applying alternative current. dimensionless quantity
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party::imaginary relative dielectric permittivity at 1 GHz
Imaginary relative dielectric permittivity at 1 GHz of applying alternative current. dimensionless quantity
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party::real relative dielecrtic permittivity at 3 GHz
Real relative dielecrtic permittivity at 3 GHz of applying alternative current. dimensionless quantity
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party::imaginary relative dielectric permittivity at 3 GHz
Imaginary relative dielectric permittivity at 3 GHz of applying alternative current. dimensionless quantity
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party::electrical conductivity: DC operated compact conductivity-meter; decanted water, cuttings [mS/cm]
Electrical conductivity of decanted water from bulk cuttings sample measured by using a direct current (DC) operated compact conductivity-meter. milli-Siemens per centi-meter
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party::water content: centrifugation [%]
Difference of mass between the centrifuged and dried sample normalized to the centrifuged sample mass. percentage
dielectrics and electrical conductivity, 3rd party::comment on measurement
Comment on the measurement, the object (i.e. samples, for which the measurement is conducted) and/or errors that cannot be corrected.
Kappabridge measurements for bulk samples.
Kappabridge::magnetic susceptibility (SI)
Volume magnetic susceptibility in SI units. dimensionless quantity
Kappabridge::magnetic susceptibility [m3/kg]
Mass magnetic susceptibility. cubic meter per kilogram
Kappabridge::sample weight [g]
Sample weight. gram
Kappabridge::comment on measurement
Comment on the measurement, the object (i.e. samples, for which the measurement is conducted) and/or errors that cannot be corrected.
discrete P-wave analysis
P-wave velocity anisotropy measurements for bulk samples.
discrete P-wave analysis::resonant frequency of transducers [kHz]
Resonant frequency of the transducers. kilo-hertz
discrete P-wave analysis::room temperature [degree C]
Room temperature measured by using a thermometer for the measurement. degree Celsius
discrete P-wave analysis::P-wave velocity X [m/s]
P-wave velocity along X-axis. meter per second
discrete P-wave analysis::comment on measurement
Comment on the measurement, the object (i.e. samples, for which the measurement is conducted) and/or errors that cannot be corrected.
Measurements by using a X-ray diffractometer for a bulk powder sample mounted on a glass plate.
XRD::diffraction profile, UDF
Measurement results of X-ray diffraction measurement. The file format is the Philips UDF (ASCII). The file is converted from the RD by using X'Pert High Score, PANalytical.
XRD::diffraction profile, RD
Measurement results of X-ray diffraction measurement. The file format is the Philips RD (binary).
Measurements by using a X-ray fluorescence spectrometer for bulk samples.
XRF::Na2O content [wt%]
Content of sodium oxide. weight percentage
XRF::MgO content [wt%]
Content of magnesium oxide. weight percentage
XRF::Al2O3 content [wt%]
Content of aluminum oxide. weight percentage
XRF::SiO2 content [wt%]
Content of silicon dioxide. weight percentage
XRF::P2O5 content [wt%]
Content of phosphorus pentoxide. weight percentage
XRF::K2O content [wt%]
Content of potassium oxide. weight percentage
XRF::CaO content [wt%]
Content of calcium oxide. weight percentage
XRF::TiO2 content [wt%]
Content of titanium dioxide. weight percentage
XRF::MnO content [wt%]
Content of manganese oxide. weight percentage
XRF::Fe2O3 content [wt%]
Content of ferric oxide. weight percentage
XRF::loss on ignition [wt%]
Content of loss on ignition by weighing the amount of volatile substances such as constitution water or carbonates lost when samples are ignited with muffle furnace. weight percentage
XRF::comment on measurement
Comment on the measurement, the object (i.e. samples, for which the measurement is conducted) and/or errors that cannot be corrected.
mud fluid chemistry
Measurements for mud fluid samples.
mud fluid chemistry::comment on measurement
Comment on the measurement, the object (i.e. samples, for which the measurement is conducted) and/or errors that cannot be corrected.
mud fluid chemistry::refractive index nD: refractometer
Refractive index nD using a refractometer. dimensionless quantity
mud fluid chemistry::alkalinity: titrator [mM]
Alkalinity using a titrator. milli-molar
mud fluid chemistry::chlorinity: titrator, potentiometric titration [mM]
Chlorinity using a titrator (potentiometric titration). milli-molar
mud fluid chemistry::pmH: pH electrode, attached to titrator
pmH on free hydrogen ion concentration scale using a pH electrode attached to titrator. dimensionless quantity
mud fluid chemistry::Li concentration: ICP-AES [µM]
Lithium (Li) concentration using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer. micro-molar
mud fluid chemistry::B concentration: ICP-AES [µM]
Boron (B) concentration using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer. micro-molar
mud fluid chemistry::Na concentration: IC [mM]
Sodium (Na) concentration using an ion-exchange chromatograph. milli-molar
mud fluid chemistry::Mg concentration: IC [mM]
Magnesium (Mg) concentration using an ion-exchange chromatograph. milli-molar
mud fluid chemistry::Si concentration: ICP-AES [µM]
Silicon (Si) concentration using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer. micro-molar
mud fluid chemistry::PO4 concentration: UV-Visible spectrophotometer [µM]
Phosphate (PO4) concentration using an ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer. micro-molar
mud fluid chemistry::SO4 concentration: IC [mM]
Sulfate (SO4) concentration using an ion-exchange chromatograph. milli-molar
mud fluid chemistry::K concentration: IC [mM]
Potassium (K) concentration using an ion-exchange chromatograph. milli-molar
mud fluid chemistry::Ca concentration: IC [mM]
Calcium (Ca) concentration using an ion-exchange chromatograph. milli-molar
mud fluid chemistry::Mn concentration: ICP-AES [µM]
Manganese (Mn) concentration using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer. micro-molar
mud fluid chemistry::Fe concentration: ICP-AES [µM]
Iron (Fe) concentration using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer. micro-molar
mud fluid chemistry::Br concentration: IC [mM]
Bromine (Br) concentration using an ion-exchange chromatograph. milli-molar
mud fluid chemistry::Sr concentration: ICP-AES [µM]
Strontium (Sr) concentration using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer. micro-molar
mud fluid chemistry::Ba concentration: ICP-AES [µM]
Barium (Ba) concentration using an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer. micro-molar
mud gas chemistry: MCIA
Measurements for mud gas samples by using a methane carbon isotope analyzer (MCIA). When time values could not be converted to depth values, mud depths are not given.
mud gas chemistry: MCIA::mud gas recovery date-time
Date and time in ISO 8601 format in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when recovering mud gas samples.
mud gas chemistry: MCIA::mud depth calculation method
Mud depth L is calculated by lag time, and transit time between degasser to analytical instruments in Mud Gas Monitoring Lab.
mud gas chemistry: MCIA::methane concentration: MCIA [ppm]
Methane concentration by using a methane carbon isotope analyzer (MCIA). part per million
mud gas chemistry: MCIA::delta13C(CH4) VPDB: MCIA [permil]
Delta carbon (13C) isotopic composition of methane relative to Vienna PeeDee Belemnite (VPDB) using a methane carbon isotope analyzer (MCIA). permillage
mud gas chemistry: GC-NGA
Measurements for mud gas samples by using a gas chromatograph with a natural gas analyzer. When time values could not be converted to depth values, mud depths are not given.
mud gas chemistry: GC-NGA::mud gas recovery date-time
Date and time in ISO 8601 format in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when recovering mud gas samples.
mud gas chemistry: GC-NGA::mud depth calculation method
Mud depth L is calculated by lag time, and transit time between degasser to analytical instruments in Mud Gas Monitoring Lab.
mud gas chemistry: GC-NGA::H2 concentration: GC-NGA [%]
Hydrogen (H2) concentration by using a gas chromatograph with a natural gas analyzer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: GC-NGA::He concentration: GC-NGA [%]
Helium (He) concentration by using a gas chromatograph with a natural gas analyzer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: GC-NGA::methane concentration: GC-NGA [%]
Methane concentration by using a gas chromatograph with a natural gas analyzer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: GC-NGA::ethane concentration: GC-NGA [%]
Ethane concentration by using a gas chromatograph with a natural gas analyzer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: GC-NGA::propane concentration: GC-NGA [%]
Propane concentration by using a gas chromatograph with a natural gas analyzer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: GC-NGA::i-butane concentration: GC-NGA [%]
i-butane concentration by using a gas chromatograph with a natural gas analyzer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: GC-NGA::n-butane concentration: GC-NGA [%]
n-butane concentration by using a gas chromatograph with a natural gas analyzer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: GC-NGA::Xe concentration: GC-NGA [%]
Xenon (Xe) concentration by using a gas chromatograph with a natural gas analyzer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: PGMS
Measurements for mud gas samples by using a process gas mass spectrometer. When time values could not be converted to depth values, mud depths are not given.
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::mud gas recovery date-time
Date and time in ISO 8601 format in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when recovering mud gas samples.
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::mud depth calculation method
Mud depth L is calculated by lag time, and transit time between degasser to analytical instruments in Mud Gas Monitoring Lab.
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::He concentration: PGMS [%]
Helium (He) concentration by using a process gas mass spectrometer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::CO concentration: PGMS [%]
Carbon monoxide concentration by using a process gas mass spectrometer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::CO2 concentration: PGMS [%]
Carbon dioxide concentration by using a process gas mass spectrometer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::methane concentration: PGMS [%]
Methane concentration by using a process gas mass spectrometer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::ethane concentration: PGMS [%]
Ethane concentration by using a process gas mass spectrometer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::propane concentration: PGMS [%]
Propane concentration by using a process gas mass spectrometer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::butane concentration: PGMS [%]
Butane concentration by using a process gas mass spectrometer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::N2 concentration: PGMS [%]
Nitrogen (N2) concentration by using a process gas mass spectrometer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::O2 concentration: PGMS [%]
Oxygen (O2) concentration by using a process gas mass spectrometer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::Ar concentration: PGMS [%]
Argon (Ar) concentration by using a process gas mass spectrometer. percentage
mud gas chemistry: PGMS::Xe concentration: PGMS [%]
Xenon (Xe) concentration by using a process gas mass spectrometer. percentage
bulk CNS analysis
Measurements of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur content for bulk samples.
bulk CNS analysis::inorganic carbon content: carbonate analyzer [wt%]
Inorganic carbon content measured by using a carbonate analyzer. weight percentage
bulk CNS analysis::CaCO3 content: from inorganic carbon content [wt%]
Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) content derived from inorganic carbon content. weight percentage
bulk CNS analysis::nitrogen content: EA, bulk [wt%]
Nitrogen content by measuring bulk samples using a CHNS/O elemental analyzer. weight percentage
bulk CNS analysis::total carbon content: EA, bulk [wt%]
Total carbon content by measuring bulk samples using a CHNS/O elemental analyzer. weight percentage

See also