JAMSTEC Researchers Database

  • Takuro Nunoura
Research Institute for Marine Resources Utilization (MRU) Research Center for Bioscience and Nanoscience (CeBN) Deputy Director
Research Institute for Marine Resources Utilization (MRU) Research Center for Bioscience and Nanoscience (CeBN) Deep-Sea Bioresource Research Group Group Leader
Principal Researcher



Research Achievement

Peer reviewed publications (Belonging to JAMSTEC)

  • Syun-ichi Urayama, Akihito Fukudome, Miho Hirai, Tomoyo Okumura, Yosuke Nishimura, Yoshihiro Takaki, Norio Kurosawa, Eugene V. Koonin, Mart Krupovic, Takuro Nunoura. Double-stranded RNA sequencing reveals distinct riboviruses associated with thermoacidophilic bacteria from hot springs in Japan. Nature Microbiology, 2024, 9, 2, p. 514-523, doi: 10.1038/s41564-023-01579-5
  • Varrella S, Barone G, Corinaldesi C, Giorgetti A, Nomaki H, Nunoura T, Rastelli E, Tangherlini M, Danovaro R, Dell’Anno A. Fungal Abundance and Diversity in the Mariana Trench, the Deepest Ecosystem on Earth. Journal of Fungi, 2024, 10, 1, doi: 10.3390/jof10010073
  • Yuto Fukuyama, Shigeru Shimamura, Sanae Sakai, Yuta Michimori, Tomomi Sumida, Yoshito Chikaraishi, Haruyuki Atomi, Takuro Nunoura. Development of a rapid and highly accurate method for 13C tracer-based metabolomics and its application on a hydrogenotrophic methanogen. ISME Communications, 2024, 4, 1, p. 1-11, doi: 10.1093/ismeco/ycad006
  • Takuhei Shiozaki, Miho Hirai, Fumie Kondo, Takuya Sato, Miyako Sato, Jose L Iriarte, Taichi Yokokawa, Takuro Nunoura, Naomi Harada. Heterogeneous Diazotroph Communities in the Subtropical‐Subantarctic Transition and Aphotic Zones Off the Coast of Patagonia, Eastern South Pacific Ocean. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH - Biogeosciences, 2023, 128, 12, doi: 10.1029/2023JG007683
  • 布浦 拓郎. アーキアの発見からSeqCodeにいたるまで-ゲノム情報と微生物分類の歴史を振り返る-. 日本微生物資源学会誌, 2023, 39, 2, p. 61-68
  • Yi Zhang, Yoshihiro Takaki, Yukari Yoshida-Takashima, Satoshi Hiraoka, Kanako Kurosawa, Takuro Nunoura, Ken Takai. A sequential one-pot approach for rapid and convenient characterization of putative restriction-modification systems. mSystems, 2023, 8, 6, p. e00817-23, doi: 10.1128/msystems.00817-23
  • Laura Eme, Daniel Tamarit, Eva F. Caceres, Courtney W. Stairs, Valerie De Anda, Max E. Schön, Kiley W. Seitz, Nina Dombrowski, William H. Lewis, Felix Homa, Jimmy H. Saw, Jonathan Lombard, Takuro Nunoura, Wen-Jun Li, Zheng-Shuang Hua, Lin-Xing Chen, Jillian F. Banfield, Emily St John, Anna-Louise Reysenbach, Matthew B. Stott, Andreas Schramm, Kasper U. Kjeldsen, Andreas P. Teske, Brett J. Baker, Thijs J. G. Ettema. Inference and reconstruction of the heimdallarchaeial ancestry of eukaryotes. NATURE, 2023, 618, 7967, p. 992-999, doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06186-2
  • Shinsuke Kawagucci, Sanae Sakai, Eiji Tasumi, Miho Hirai, Yoshihiro Takaki, Takuro Nunoura, Masafumi Saitoh, Yuichiro Ueno, Naohiro Yoshida, Takazo Shibuya, James Clifford Sample, Tomoyo Okumura, Ken Takai. Deep Subseafloor Biogeochemical Processes and Microbial Populations Potentially Associated with the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake at the Japan Trench Accretionary Wedge (IODP Expedition 343). MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2023, 38, 2, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME22108
  • Tachibana K, Shimanaga M, Langlet D, Seike K, Miyazaki M, Yoshida M, Nunoura T, Nomaki H. Meiofauna in the southeastern Bering Sea: community composition and structuring environmental factors. Frontiers in marine science, 2023, 10, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2023.996380
  • Yuto Chiba, Akinori Yabuki, Yoshihiro Takaki, Takuro Nunoura, Syun-ichi Urayama,Daisuke Hagiwara. The first identification of a narnavirus in Bigyra, a marineprotist. MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2023, 38, 1, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME22077
  • Yukari Yoshida-Takashima, Yoshihiro Takaki, Mitsuhiro Yoshida, Yi Zhang, Takuro Nunoura & Ken Takai. Genomic insights into phage-host interaction in the deep-sea chemolithoautotrophic Campylobacterota, Nitratiruptor. ISME Communications, 2022, 2, doi: 10.1038/s43705-022-00194-5
  • Ángela Ares, Sanae Sakai, Toshio Sasaki, Shigeru Shimamura, Satoshi Mitarai, Takuro Nunoura. Sequestration and efflux largely account for cadmium and copper resistance in the deep-sea Nitratiruptor sp. SB155-2 (phylum Campylobacterota). ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 2022, 24, 12, p. 6144-6163, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.16255
  • Chisato Yoshikawa, Nanako O. Ogawa, Yoshito Chikaraishi, Akiko Makabe, Yohei Matsui, Yoshikazu Sasai, Masahide Wakita, Makio C. Honda, Yoshihisa Mino, Maki N. Aita, Tetsuichi Fujiki, Takuro Nunoura, Naomi Harada, Naohiko Ohkouchi. Nitrogen Isotopes of Sinking Particles Reveal the Seasonal Transition of the Nitrogen Source for Phytoplankton. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, 2022, 49, 17, doi: 10.1029/2022GL098670
  • Shoichi Sakaguchi, Syun-ichi Urayama, Yoshihiro Takaki, Kensuke Hirosuna, Hong Wu, Youichi Suzuki, Takuro Nunoura, Takashi Nakano, So Nakagawa. NeoRdRp: A comprehensive dataset for identifying RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of various RNA viruses from metatranscriptomic data. MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2022, 37, 3, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME22001
  • Syun-ichi Urayama, Yoshihiro Takaki, Yuto Chiba, Yanjie Zhao, Misa Kuroki, Daisuke Hagiwara, Takuro Nunoura. Eukaryotic microbial RNA viruses—acute or persistent? —Insights into their function in the aquatic ecosystem. MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2022, 37, 5, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME22034
  • Oshiki M, Takaki Y, Hirai M, Nunoura T, Kamigaito A, Okabe S. Metagenomic Analysis of Five Phylogenetically Distant Anammox Bacterial Enrichment Cultures. MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2022, 37, 3, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME22017
  • Sofia Medvedeva, Jiarui Sun, Natalya Yutin, Eugene V. Koonin, Takuro Nunoura, Christian Rinke, Mart Krupovic. Three families of Asgard archaeal viruses identified in metagenome-assembled genomes. Nature Microbiology, 2022, 7, p. 962-973, doi: 10.1038/s41564-022-01144-6
  • Syun-suke Kadoya, Syun-ichi Urayama, Takuro Nunoura, Miho Hirai, Yoshihiro Takaki, Masaaki Kitajima, Toyoko Nakagomi, Osamu Nakagomi, Satoshi Okabe, Osamu Nishimura, Daisuke Sano. The Intrapopulation Genetic Diversity of RNA Virus may Influence the Sensitivity of Chlorine Disinfection. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2022, 13, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.839513
  • Satoshi Hiraoka, Tomomi Sumida, Miho Hirai, Atsushi Toyoda, Shinsuke Kawagucci, Taichi Yokokawa, Takuro Nunoura. Diverse DNA modification in marine prokaryotic and viral communities. NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, 2022, 50, 3, p. 1531-1550, doi: 10.1093/nar/gkab1292
  • Junya Hirai, Syun-ichi Urayama, Yoshihiro Takaki, Miho Hirai, Keizo Nagasaki, Takuro Nunoura. RNA virosphere in a marine zooplankton community in the subtropical western North Pacific. MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2022, 37, 5, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME21066
  • Nomaki H, Rastelli E, Ogawa NO, Matsui Y, Tsuchiya M, Manea E, Corinaldesi C, Hirai M, Ohkouchi N, Danovaro R, Nunoura T, Amaro T. In situ experimental evidences for responses of abyssal benthic biota to shifts in phytodetritus compositions linked to global climate change. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY, 2021, 27, 23, p. 6139-6155, doi: 10.1111/gcb.15882
  • Masanori Kaneko,Yoshinori Takano, Masashi Kamo, Kazuya Morimoto, Takuro Nunoura, and Naohiko Ohkouchi. Insights into the Methanogenic Population and Potential in Subsurface Marine Sediments Based on Coenzyme F430 as a Function-Specific Biomarker. JACS Au, 2021, 1, p. 1743-1751, doi: 10.1021/jacsau.1c00307
  • Nomaki H, Rastelli E, Alves A, Suga H, Samos S, Kitahashi T, Tsuchiya M, Ogawa NO, Matsui Y, Seike K, Miyamoto N, Corinaldesi C, Manea E, Ohkouchi N, Danovaro R, Nunoura T, Amaro T. Abyssal fauna, benthic microbes, and organic matter quality across a range of trophic conditions in the western Pacific Ocean. PROGRESS IN OCEANOGRAPHY, 2021, 195, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102591
  • Miho Hirai, Yoshihiro Takaki, Fumie Kondo, Masayuki Horie, Syun-Ichi Urayama, Takuro Nunoura. RNA Viral Metagenome Analysis of Subnanogram dsRNA Using Fragmented and Primer Ligated dsRNA Sequencing (FLDS). MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2021, 36, 2, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME20152
  • Melina Kerou , Rafael Ponce-Toledo , Rui Zhao , Sophie Abby , Miho Hirai , Hidetaka Nomaki , Yoshihiro Takaki , Takuro Nunoura , Steffen Jørgensen, Christa Schleper. Genomes of Thaumarchaeota from deep sea sediments reveal specific adaptations of three independently evolved lineages. ISME Journal, 2021, 15, 9, p. 2792-2808, doi: 10.1038/s41396-021-00962-6
  • 澄田智美、島村繁、布浦拓郎. Orbitrap Fusionを用いたCE-MSと四重極GC-MSでのアミノ酸分析の比較. 低温科学, 2021, 79, p. 43-49, doi: 10.14943/lowtemsci.79.43
  • Shigeru Shimamura, Tomomi Sumida, Takuro Nunoura. オービトラップ質量分析計を用いたアミノ酸解析の可能性. Low Temperature Science, 2021, 79, p. 37-42, doi: 10.14943/lowtemsci.79.37
  • 力石嘉人、滝沢侑子、布浦拓郎. 安定同位体の天然存在量および安定同位体標識の検出法-2:ガスクロマトグラフ-質量分析計とMassWorks. 低温科学, 2021, 79, p. 23-29, doi: 10.14943/lowtemsci.79.23
  • 布浦拓郎、力石嘉人、跡見晴幸. マルチオミクス解析による好熱性水素酸化細菌からの可逆的TCA回路の発見. 低温科学, 2021, 79, p. 31-36, doi: 10.14943/lowtemsci.79.31
  • Tamaki Uehara-Ichiki, Syun-ichi Urayama, Miho Hirai, Yoshihiro Takaki, Takuro Nunoura, Masashi Fujinaga, Kaoru Hanada. Complete genome sequence of Sikte (Sitke) waterborne virus, a member of the genus Tombusvirus.. ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, 2021, 166, 3, p. 991-994, doi: 10.1007/s00705-020-04949-0
  • Yi Zhang, Takuro Nunoura, Daisuke Nishiura, Miho Hirai, Shigeru Shimamura, Kanako Kurosawa, Chieko Ishiwata, Shigeru Deguchi. A single-molecule counting approach for convenient and ultrasensitive measurement of restriction digest efficiencies. PLoS One, 2020, 15, 12, p. e0244464, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0244464
  • Syun-ichi Urayama, Nobutaka Doi, Fumie Kondo, Yuto Chiba, Yoshihiro Takaki, Miho Hirai, Yasutaka Minegishi, Daisuke Hagiwara and Takuro Nunour. Diverged and active partitiviruses in lichen. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.561344
  • Yuto Chiba, Yuji Tomaru, Hiromori Shimabukuro, Kei Kimura, Miho Hirai, Yoshihiro Takaki, Daisuke Hagiwara, Takuro Nunoura, Syun-ichi Urayama. Viral RNA genomes identified from marine macroalgae and a diatom. MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2020, 35, 3, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME20016
  • Alison E. Murray, John Freudenstein, Simonetta Gribaldo, Roland Hatzenpichler, Philip Hugenholtz, Peter Kämpfer, Konstantinos T. Konstantinidis, Christopher E. Lane, R. Thane Papke, Donovan H. Parks, Ramon Rossello-Mora, Matthew B. Stott, Iain C. Sutcliffe, J. Cameron Thrash, Stephanus N. Venter, William B. Whitman, Silvia G. Acinas, Rudolf I. Amann, Karthik Anantharaman, Jean Armengaud, Brett J. Baker, Roman A. Barco, Helge B. Bode, Eric S. Boyd, Carrie L. Brady, Paul Carini, Patrick S. G. Chain, Daniel R. Colman, Kristen M. DeAngelis, Maria Asuncion de los Rios, Paulina Estrada-de los Santos, Christopher A. Dunlap, Jonathan A. Eisen, David Emerson, Thijs J. G. Ettema, Damien Eveillard, Peter R. Girguis, Ute Hentschel, James T. Hollibaugh, Laura A. Hug, William P. Inskeep, Elena P. Ivanova, Hans-Peter Klenk, Wen-Jun Li, Karen G. Lloyd, Frank E. Löffler, Thulani P. Makhalanyane, Duane P. Moser, Takuro Nunoura,et al.. Roadmap for naming uncultivated Archaea and Bacteria. Nature Microbiology, 2020, 5, 8, p. 987-994, doi: 10.1038/s41564-020-0733-x
  • Syun-suke Kadoya, Syun-ichi Urayama, Takuro Nunoura, Miho Hirai, Yoshihiro Takaki, Masaaki Kitajima, Toyoko Nakagomi, Osamu Nakagomi, Satoshi Okabe, Osamu Nishi-mura, Daisuke Sano. Bottleneck Size-Dependent Changes in the Genetic Diversity and Specific Growth Rate of a Rotavirus A Strain. JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, 2020, 94, 10, doi: 10.1128/JVI.02083-19
  • Michael L. Chen, Eric Daniel Becraft, Maria Pachiadaki, Julia M. Brown, Jessica K. Jarett, Josep M. Gasol, Nikolai Ravin, Duane Paul Moser, Takuro Nunoura, Gerhard Josef Herndl, Tanja Woyke, Ramunas Stepanauskas. Hiding in plain sight: the globally distributed bacterial candidate phylum PAUC34f. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2020, 11, 376, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.00376
  • Syun-ichi Urayamaa, Yoshihiro Takaki, Daisuke Hagiwara, Takuro Nunoura. dsRNA-seq reveals novel RNA virus and virus-like putative complete genome sequences from Hymeniacidon sp. sponge. MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2020, 35, 2, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME19132
  • Jimmy Saw, Takuro Nunoura, Miho Hirai, Yoshihiro Takaki, Rachel Parsons, Michelle Michelsen, Krista Longnecker, Elizabeth Kujawinski, Ramunas Stepanauskas, Zachary Landry, Craig Carlson, Stephen Giovannoni. Pangenomics Analysis Reveals Diversification of Enzyme Families and Niche Specialization in Globally Abundant SAR202 Bacteria. mBio, 2020, 11, 1, doi: 10.1128/mBio.02975-19
  • Fumika Fukasawa, Miho Hirai, Yoshihiro Takaki, Ysuhiro Shimane, Cathleen E. Thomas, Syun-ichi Urayama, Takuro Nunoura, Satoshi Koyama. A new polycipivirus identified in Colobopsis shohki. ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, 2019, 165, 3, p. 761-763, doi: 10.1007/s00705-019-04510-8
  • Satoshi Hiraoka, Miho Hirai, Yohei Matsui, Akiko Makabe, Hiroaki Minegishi, Miwako Tsuda, Juliarni, Eugenio Rastelli, Roberto Danovaro, Cinzia Corinaldesi, Tomo Kitahashi, Eiji Tasumi, Manabu Nishizawa, Ken Takai, Hidetaka Nomaki & Takuro Nunoura. Microbial community and geochemical analyses of trans-trench sediments for understanding the roles of hadal environments. ISME Journal, 2019, 14, p. 740-756, doi: 10.1038/s41396-019-0564-z
  • Eugenio Rastelli, Cinzia Corinaldesi, Antonio Dell'Anno, Michael Tangherlini, Marco Lo Martire, Manabu Nishizawa, Hidetaka Nomaki, Takuro Nunoura and Danovaro Roberto. Drivers of bacterial α- and β-diversity and functioning in subsurface hadal sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.02609
  • Manea E, Dell'Anno A, Rastelli E, Tangherlini M, Nunoura T, Nomaki H, Danovaro R, Corinaldesi C. Viral infections boost prokaryotic biomass production and organic C cycling in hadal trench sediments. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01952
  • Daniele De Corte, Joaquín Martínez Martínez, Mariana Silvia Cretoiu, Yoshihiro Takaki, Takuro Nunoura, Eva Sintes, Gerhard J Herndl, Taichi Yokokawa. Viral Communities in the Global Deep Ocean Conveyor Belt Assessed by Targeted Viromics. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2019, 10, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01801
  • 浦山俊一 、千葉 悠斗、高木 善弘、萩原大祐、布浦拓郎. 再構築された “ウイルス生態像”. 環境バイオテクノロジー学会誌, 2019, 19, 1, p. 5-12
  • 布浦 拓郎・力石 嘉人・跡見 晴幸. 好熱細菌からの可逆的な始原的TCA回路の発見. 極限環境生物学会誌, 2019, 17, p. 58-61
  • Yong Wang, Jiao-Mei Huang, Guo-Jie Cui, Takuro Nunoura, Yoshihiro Takaki, Wen-Li Li, Jun Li, Zhao-Ming Gao, Ken Takai, Ai-Qun Zhang, Ramunas Stepanauskas. Genomics insights into ecotype formation of ammonia-oxidizing archaea in the deep ocean. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 2019, 21, 2, p. 716-729, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.14518
  • Syun-ichi Urayamaa, Yoshihiro Takaki, Takuro Nunoura, Norio Miyamoto. Complete genome sequence of a novel RNA virus identified from a deep-sea animal, Osedax japonicus. MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2018, 33, 4, p. 446-449, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME18089
  • 布浦 拓郎、力石 嘉人、跡見 晴幸. 好熱性水素酸化細菌における始原的で可逆的なTCA回路-生命の柔軟性を探る. 化学と生物, 2018, 57, 1, p. 7-9
  • Syun-ichi Urayama, Yoshihiro Takaki, Shinro Nishi, Yukari Yoshida-Takashima, Shigeru Deguchi, Ken Takai, Takuro Nunoura. Unveiling the RNA virosphere associated with marine microorganisms. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2018, 18, 6, p. 1444-1455, doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12936
  • Takenori Satomura, Junji Hayashi, Hiroaki Sakamoto, Takuro Nunoura, Yoshihiro Takaki, Ken Takai, Hideto Takami, Toshihisa Ohshima, Haruhiko Sakuraba, Shin-ichiro Suye. D-Lactate electrochemical biosensor prepared by immobilization of thermostable dye-linked D-lactate dehydrogenase from Candidatus Caldiarchaeum subterraneum. JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 2018, 126, 4, p. 425-430, doi: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2018.04.002
  • Shinsuke Kawagucci, Akiko Makabe, Taketoshi Kodama, Yohei Matsui, Chisato Yoshikawa, Etsuro Ono, Masahide Wakita, Takuro Nunoura, Hiroshi Uchida, Taichi Yokokawa. Hadal water biogeochemistry over the Izu-Ogasawara Trench observed with a full-depth CTD-CMS. Ocean Science, 2018, 14, 4, p. 575-588, doi: 10.5194/os-14-575-2018
  • C. Yoshikawa, A. Makabe, Y. Matsui, T. Nunoura, M. Ohkouchi. Nitrate isotope distribution in the subarctic and subtropical North Pacific. GEOCHEMISTRY GEOPHYSICS GEOSYSTEMS, 2018, 19, 7, p. 2212-2224, doi: 10.1029/2018GC007528
  • Takuro Nunoura, Manabu Nishizawa, Miho Hirai, Shigeru Shimamura, Phurt Harnvoravongchai, Osamu Koide, Yuki Morono, Toshiaki Fukui, Fumio Inagaki, Junichi Miyazaki, Yoshihiro Takaki, Ken Takai. Microbial Diversity in Sediments from the Bottom of the Challenger Deep, the Mariana Trench. MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2018, 33, 2, p. 186-194, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME17194
  • Satomura, T., Hayashi, J., Sakamoto, H., Nunoura, T., Takaki, Y., Takai, K., Takami, H., Ohshima, T., Sakuraba, H., and Suye, S. D-lactate electrochemical biosensor prepared by immobilization of thermostable dye-linked d-lactate dehydrogenase from Candidatus Caldiarchaeum subterraneum. JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING, 2018, 126, 4, p. 425-430, doi: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2018.04.002
  • Kato S, Shibuya T, Takaki Y, Hirai M, Nunoura T, Suzuki K. Genome-enabled metabolic reconstruction of dominant chemosynthetic colonizers in deep-sea massive sulfide deposits. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 2018, 20, p. 862-877, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.14032
  • Shingo Kato, Takazo Shibuya, Yoshihiro Takaki, Miho Hirai, Takuro Nunoura and Katsuhiko Suzuki. Genome-enabled metabolic reconstruction of dominant chemosynthetic colonizers in deep-sea massive sulfide deposits. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 2018, 20, 2, p. 862-877, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.14032
  • Yoshida, M., Mochizuki, T., Urayama, S., Yoshida-Takashima, Y., Nishi, S., Hirai, M., Nomaki, H., Takaki, Y., Nunoura, T., and Takai, K.. Quantitative viral community DNA analysis reveals the dominance of single-stranded DNA viruses in offshore upper bathyal sediment from Tohoku, Japan.. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9, p. 75, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00075
  • Mitsuhiro Yoshida, Tomohiro Mochizuki, Syun-ichi Urayama, Yukari Yoshida-Takashima, Shinro Nishi, Miho Hirai, Hidetaka Nomaki, Yoshihiro Takaki, Takuro Nunoura, Ken Takai. Quantitative viral community DNA analysis reveals the dominance of single-stranded DNA viruses in offshore upper bathyal sediment from Tohoku, Japan. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2018, 9, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00075
  • Nunoura, T., Chikaraishi, Y., Izaki, R., Suwa, T., Sato, T., Harada, T., Mori, K., Kato, Y., Miyazaki, M., Shimamura, S., Yanagawa, K., Shuto, A., Ohkouchi, N., Fujita, N., Takaki, Y., Atomi, H., and Takai, K.. A primordial and reversible TCA cycle in a facultatively chemolithoautotrophic thermophile. SCIENCE, 2018, 359, 6375, p. 559-563, doi: 10.1126/science.aao3407
  • Takuro Nunoura, Yoshito Chikaraishi, Rikihisa Izaki, Takashi Suwa, Takaaki Sato, Takeshi Harada, Koji Mori, Yumiko Kato, Masayuki Miyazaki, Shigeru Shimamura, Katsunori Yanagawa, Aya Shuto, Naohiko Ohkouchi, Nobuyuki Fujita, Yoshihiro Takaki, Haruyuki Atomi, Ken Takai. A primordial and reversible TCA cycle in a facultatively chemolithoautotrophic thermophile. SCIENCE, 2018, 359, 6375, p. 559-563, doi: DOI: 10.1126/science.aao3407
  • Miho Hirai, Shinro Nishi, Miwako Tsuda, Michinari Sunamura, Yoshihiro Takaki, Takuro Nunoura. Library Construction from Subnanogram DNA for Pelagic Sea Water and Deep-Sea Sediments. MICROBES AND ENVIRONMENTS, 2017, 32, 4, p. 336-343, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME17132
  • Maria G. Pachiadaki, Eva Sintes, Kristin Bergauer, Julia M. Brown, Nicholas R. Record, Brandon K. Swan, Mary Elizabeth Mathyer, Steven Hallam, Purificacion Lopez-Garcia, Yoshihiro Takaki, Takuro Nunoura, Tanja Woyke, Gerhard J. Herndl, Ramunas Stepanauskas. Major role of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in 1 dark ocean carbon fixation. SCIENCE, 2017, 358, 6366, p. 1046-1051, doi: doi: 10.1126/science.aan8260.
  • Daniele De Corte, Abhishek Srivastava, Marja Koski, Juan Antonio L Garcia, Yoshihiro Takaki, Taichi Yokokawa, Takuro Nunoura, Nathalie H Elisabeth, Eva Sintes, Gerhard J Herndl. Metagenomic insights into zooplankton‐associated bacterial communities. ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 2017, 20, 2, p. 492-505, doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13944
  • Ryousuke Nagata, Yoshihiro Takaki, Akihiro Tame, Takuro Nunoura, Hisashi Muto, Sayaka Mino, Shigeki Sawayama, Ken Takai, Satoshi Nakagawa. Lebetimonas natsushimae sp. nov., a novel strictly anaerobic, moderately thermophilic chemoautotroph isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent polychaete nest in the Mid-Okinawa Trough. SYSTEMATIC AND APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, 2017, 40, p. 352-356, doi: 10.1016/j.syapm.2017.06.002
  • 89. Bin Zhu , Longfei Wang , Hitoshi Mitsunobu , Xueling Lu , Alfredo J. Hernandez , Yukari Yoshida-Takashima , Takuro Nunoura , Stanley Tabor , Charles C. Richardson. A deep-sea vent phage DNA polymerase specifically initiates DNA synthesis in the absence of primers. Proceedings of National Academy of Science USA, 2017, 114, 12, p. E2310-E2318, doi: doi:10.1073/pnas.1700280114
  • Katarzyna Zaremba-Niedzwiedzka, Eva F. Caceres, Jimmy H. Saw, Disa Backstrom, Lina Juzokaite, Emmelien Vancaester, Kiley W. Seitz, Karthik Anantharaman, Piotr Starnawski, Kasper U. Kjeldsen, Matthew B. Stott, Takuro Nunoura, Jillian F. Banfield, Andreas Schramm, Brett J. Baker, Anja Spang, Thijs J.G. Ettema. ASGARD archaea illuminate the origin of eukaryotic cellular complexity. Nature, 2017, 541, 7637, p. 353-358, doi: doi:10.1038/nature21031
  • Sayaka Mino, Satoshi Nakagawa, Hiroko Makita, Tomohiro Toki, Junichi Miyazaki, Stefan M Sievert, Martin F Polz, Fumio Inagaki, Anne Godfroy, Shingo Kato, Hiromi Watanabe, Takuro Nunoura, Koichi Nakamura, Hiroyuki Imachi, Tomo-o Watsuji, Shigeaki Kojima, Ken Takai, Tomoo Sawabe. Endemicity of the cosmopolitan mesophilic chemolithoautotroph Sulfurimonas at deep-sea hydrothermal vents. The ISME journal, 2017, doi: doi: 10.1038/ismej.2016.178
  • Minegishi H, Shimogaki R, Enomoto S, Echigo A, Kondo Y, Nagaoka S, Shimane Y, Kamekura M, Itoh T, Ohkuma M, Nunoura T, Takai K, Usami R.. Halopiger thermotolerans sp. nov., a thermo-tolerant haloarchaeon isolated from commercial salt.. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol, 2016, 66, 12, p. 4975-4980, doi: 10.1099/ijsem.0.001455
  • S Kawagucci, J Miyazaki, T Noguchi, K Okamura, T Shibuya, T Watsuji, M Nishizawa, H Watanabe, K Okino, N Takahata, Y Sano, K Nakamura, A Shuto, M Abe, Y Takaki, T Nunoura, M Koonjul, M Singh, G Beedessee, M Khishma, V Bhoyroo, D Bissessur, LS Kumar, D Marie, K Tamaki, K Takai. Fluid chemistry in the Solitaire and Dodo hydrothermal fields of the Central Indian Ridge. Geofluids, 2016, doi: DOI:10.1111/gfl.12201
  • Makita H, Tanaka E, Mitsunobu S, Miyazaki M, Nunoura T, Uematsu K, Takaki Y, Nishi S, Shimamura S, Takai K.. Mariprofundus micogutta sp. nov., a novel iron-oxidizing zetaproteobacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal field at the Bayonnaise knoll of the Izu-Ogasawara arc, and a description of Mariprofundales ord. nov. and Zetaproteobacteria classis nov.. Archives of Microbiology, 2016, 199, 2, p. 335-346, doi: 10.1007/s00203-016-1307-4
  • Katsunori Yanagawa, Akira Ijiri, Anja Breuker, Sanae Sakai, Youko Miyoshi, Shinsuke Kawagucci, Takuroh Noguchi, Miho Hirai, Axel Schippers, Jun-ichiro Ishibashi, Yoshihiro Takaki, Michinari Sunamura, Tetsuro Urabe, Takuro Nunoura, and Ken Takai. Defining boundaries for the distribution of microbial communities beneath the sediment-buried, hydrothermally active seafloor. ISME Journal, 2016, 11, 2, p. 529-542, doi: 10.1038/ismej.2016.119
  • Roberto Danovaro, Antonio Dell'Anno, Cinzia Corinaldesi, Eugenio Rastelli, Ricardo Cavicchioli, Mart Krupovic, Rachel Noble, Takuro Nunoura, David Prangishvili. Virus-mediated archaeal hecatomb in the deep seafloor. Science Advances, 2016, 2
  • Hiroko Makita, Sakiko Kikuchi, Satoshi Mitsunobu, Yoshihiro Takaki, Toshiro Yamanaka, Tomohiro Toki, Takuroh Noguchi, Kentaro Nakamura, Mariko Abe, Miho Hirai, Masahiro Yamamoto, Katsuyuki Uematsu, Junichi Miyazaki, Takuro Nunoura, Yoshio Takahashi, Ken Takai. Comparative Analysis of Microbial Communities in Iron-Dominated Flocculent Mats in Deep Sea Hydrothermal Environments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2016, 82, 19, p. 5741-5755, doi: doi:10.1128/AEM.01151-16.
  • Takuro Nunoura, Miho Hirai, Yukari Yoshida-Takashima, Manabu Nishizawa, Shinsuke Kawagucci, Taichi Yokokawa, Junichi Miyazaki, Osamu Koide, Hiroko Makita, Yoshihiro Takaki, Michinari SUNAMURA, Ken Takai. Distribution and niche separation of planktonic microbial communities in the water columns from the surface to the hadal waters of the Japan Trench under the eutrophic ocean. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7, doi: doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.01261
  • Takuro Nunoura, Yoshihiro Takaki, Shigeru Shimamura, Jungo Kakuta, Hiromi Kazama, Miho Hirai, Noriaki Masui, Hitoshi Tomaru, Yuki Morono, Hiroyuki Imachi, Fumio Inagaki, Ken Takai. Variance and potential niche separation of microbial communities in subseafloor sediments off Shimokita Peninsula, Japan. Environmental Microbiology, 2016, 18, 6, p. 1889-1906, doi: doi:10.1111/1462-2920.13096
  • Satoshi Koyama, Chihiro Sakai, Cathleen E. Thomas, Takuro Nunoura, Syun-ichi Urayama. A new member of the family Totiviridae associated with arboreal ants (Camponotus nipponicus). ARCHIVES OF VIROLOGY, 2016, 161, 7, p. 2043-2045, doi: 10.1007/s00705-016-2876-x
  • Takaaki Kubota, Tohru Kobayashi, Takuro Nunoura, Fumito Maruyama, Shigeru Deguchi. Enantioselective utilization of D-amino acids by deep-sea microorganisms. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2016, 7, doi: doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00511
  • Urayama S, Takaki Y, Nunoura T.. FLDS: A Comprehensive dsRNA Sequencing Method for Intracellular RNA Virus Surveillance.. Microbes Environ., 2016, 31, 1, p. 33-40, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME15171
  • Nomaki H, Mochizuki T, Kitahashi T, Nunoura T, Arai K, Toyofuku T, Tanaka G, Shigeno S, Tasumi E, Fujikura K, Watanabe S. Effects of mass sedimentation event after the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake on benthic prokaryotes and meiofauna inhabiting the upper bathyal sediments.. JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, 2016, 72, p. 113-128, doi: 10.1007/s10872-015-0293-5
  • Nomaki H, Arai K, Suga H, Toyofuku T, Wakita M, Nunoura T, Oguri K, Kasaya T, Watanabe S. Sedimentary organic matter contents and porewater chemistry at upper bathyal depths influenced by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami.. JOURNAL OF OCEANOGRAPHY, 2016, 72, p. 99-111, doi: 10.1007/s10872-015-0315-3
  • Tohru Kobayashi, Kohsuke Uchimura, Takaaki Kubota, Takuro Nunoura, Shigeru Deguchi. Biochemical and genetic characterization of β-1,3 glucanase from a deep subseafloor Laceyella putida. Applied Microbiolgy and Biotechnology, 2016, 100, 1, p. 203-214, doi: DOI 10.1007/s00253-015-6983-5
  • Takaaki Kubota, Shigeru Shimamura, Tohru Kobayashi, Takuro Nunoura and Shigeru Deguchi. Distribution of eukaryotic serine racemases in the bacterial domain and characterization of a representative protein in Roseobacter litoralis Och 149. Microbiology, 2016, 162, 1, p. 53-61, doi: 10.1099/mic.0.000200.
  • Nunoura, T., Takaki, Y., Shimamura, S., Kakuta, J., Kazama, H., Hirai, M., Masui, N., Tomaru, H., Morono, Y., Imachi, H., Inagaki, F., and Takai, K.. Variance and potential niche separation of microbial communities in subseafloor sediments off Shimokita Peninsula, Japan. Environmental microbiology, 2015, doi: DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.13096
  • Mitsuhiro Yoshida*, Yukari Yoshida-Takashima, Takuro Nunoura, Ken Takai. Identification and genomic analysis of temperate Pseudomonas bacteriophage PstS-1 from the Japan Trench at a depth of 7000 m. Research in Microbiology, 2015, 166, 9, p. 668-676, doi: 10.1016/j.resmic.2015.05.001
  • Urayama, S., Yoshida-Takashima, Y., Yoshida, M., Tomaru, Y., Moriyama, H., Takai, K., Nunoura, T.. A New Fractionation and Recovery Method of Viral Genomes Based on Nucleic Acid Composition and Structure Using Tandem Column Chromatography. Microbes and Environments, 2015, 30, 2, p. 199-203, doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME14174
  • Takuro Nunouraa, Yoshihiro Takaki, Miho Hirai, Shigeru Shimamura, Akiko Makabe, Osamu Koide, Tohru Kikuchi, Junichi Miyazaki, Keisuke Koba, Naohiro Yoshida, Michinari Sunamura, Ken Takai. Hadal biosphere: insight into the microbial ecosystem in the deepest ocean on Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015, 112, 11, p. E1230-E1236, doi: www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pna
  • Nunoura, T., Takaki, Y., Hirai, M., Shimamura, S., Makabe, A., Koide, O., Kikuchi, T., Miyazaki, J., Koba, K., Yoshida, N., Sunamura, M., and Takai, K.. Hadal biosphere: Insight into the microbial ecosystem in the deepest ocean on Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 2015, doi: doi: 10.1073/pnas.1421816112
  • Mitsuhiro Yoshida*, Yukari Yoshida-Takashima, Takuro Nunoura, and Ken Takai. Genomic characterization of a temperate phage of the psychrotolerant deep-sea bacterium Aurantimonas sp.. Extremophiles, 2014, 19, 1, p. 49-58, doi: 10.1007/s00792-014-0702-5
  • Aoki, M., Ehara, M., Saito, Y., Yoshioka, H., Miyazaki, M., Saito, Y., Miyashita, A., Kawakami, S., Yamaguchi, T., Ohashi, A., Nunoura, T., Takai, K., and Imachi, H. A Long-Term Cultivation of an Anaerobic Methane-Oxidizing Microbial Community from Deep-Sea Methane-Seep Sediment Using a Continuous-Flow Bioreactor. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9, 8
  • Masataka Aoki1, Masayuki Ehara, Yumi Saito, Hideyoshi Yoshioka, Masayuki Miyazaki, Yayoi Saito Ai Miyashita, Shuji Kawakami, Takashi Yamaguchi, Akiyoshi Ohashi, Takuro Nunoura, Ken Takai, Hiroyuki Imachi. A long-term cultivation of an anaerobic methane-oxidizing microbial community from deep-sea methane-seep sediment using a continuous-flow bioreactor. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9
  • Nunoura, T., Takaki, Y., Kazama, H., Kakuta, J., Shimamura, S., Makita, H., Hirai, M., Miyazaki, M., and Takai, K. Physiological and Genomic Features of a Novel Sulfur-Oxidizing Gammaproteobacterium Belonging to a Previously Uncultivated Symbiotic Lineage Isolated from a Hydrothermal Vent. PLoS ONE, 2014, 9
  • Katsunori Yanagawa, Anja Breuker, Axel Schippers, Manabu Nishizawa, Akira Ijiri, Miho Hirai, Yoshihiro Takaki, Michinari Sunamura, Tetsuro Urabe, Takuro Nunoura, Ken Takai. Microbial Community Stratification Controlled by the Subseafloor Fluid Flow and Geothermal Gradient at the Iheya North Hydrothermal Field in the Mid-Okinawa Trough (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 331). APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, 2014, 80, 19, p. 6126-6135, doi: 10.1128/AEM.01741-14
  • Hisako Hirayama, Mariko Abe, Masayuki Miyazaki, Takuro Nunoura, Yasuo Furushima, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Ken Takai. Methylomarinovum caldicuralii gen. nov., sp., nov., a moderately thermophilic methanotroph isolated from a shallow submarine hydrothermal system, and proposal of the family Methylothermaceae fam. nov.. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2014, 64, 3, p. 989-999, doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.058172-0
  • Yanagawa, K., Morono, Y., Yoshida‐Takashima, Y., Eitoku, M., Sunamura, M., Inagaki, F., Imachi, H., Takai, K., and Nunoura, T.. Variability of subseafloor viral abundance at the geographically and geologically distinct continental margins. FEMS microbiology ecology, 2013, doi: 10.1111/1574-6941.12269
  • Katsunori Yanagawa, Takuro Nunoura, Sean M. McAllister, Miho Hirai, Anja Breuker, Leah Brandt, Christopher H. House, Craig L. Moyer, Jean-Louis Birrien, Kan Aoike, Michinari Sunamura, Tetsuro Urabe, Michael J. Mottl and Ken Takai. The first microbiological contamination assessment by deep-sea drilling and coring by the D/V Chikyu at the Iheya North hydrothermal field in the Mid-Okinawa Trough (IODP Expedition 331). Frontiers in microbiology, 2013, 4, 327, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00327
  • Yanagawa, K., Nunoura, T., McAllister, S., Hirai, M., Breuker, A., Brandt, L., House, C., Moyer, C. L., Birrien, J.-L., Aoike, K., Sunamura, M., Urabe, T., Mottl, M., and Takai, K. The first microbiological contamination assessment by deep-sea drilling and coring by the D/V Chikyu at the Iheya North hydrothermal field in the Mid-Okinawa Trough (IODP Expedition 331). Frontiers in Microbiology, 2013, 4
  • Takuro Nunoura, Manabu Nishizawa, Tohru Kikuchi, Taishi Tsubouchi, Miho Hirai, Osamu Koide, Junichi Miyazaki, Hisako Hirayama, Keisuke Koba, Ken Takai. Molecular biological and isotopic biogeochemical prognoses of the nitrification-driven dynamic microbial nitrogen cycle in hadopelagic sediments. Environmental Microbiology, 2013, 15, 11, p. 3087-3107, doi: doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12152
  • Kawagucci, S., Ueno, Y., Takai, K., Toki, T., Ito, M., Inoue, K., Makabe, A., Yoshida, N., Muramatsu, Y., Takahata, N., Sano, Y., Narita, T., Teranishi, G., Obata, H., Nakagawa, S., Nunoura, T., and Gamo, T.. Geochemical origin of hydrothermal fluid methane in sediment-associated fields and its relevance with the geographical distribution of whole hydrothermal circulation. Chemical Geology, 2013, 339, p. 213-225
  • Takuro Nunoura, Miho Hirai, Masayuki Miyazaki, Hiromi Kazama, Hiroko Makita, Hisako Hirayama, Yasuo Furushima, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Hiroyuki Imachi, Ken Takai. Isolation and characterization of a thermophilic, obligately anaerobic and heterotrophic marine Chloroflexi bacterium from a Chloroflexi dominated microbial community associated with a Japanese shallow hydrothermal system, and proposal for Thermomarinilinea lacunofontalis gen. nov., sp. nov.. Microbes & Environments, 2013, 28, 2, p. 228-235, doi: doi:10.1264/jsme2.ME12193
  • Nunoura, T., Nishizawa, M., Kikuchi, T., Tsubouchi, T., Hirai, M., Koide, T., Miyazaki, J., Hirayama, H., Koba, K., and Takai, K.. Molecular biological and isotopic biogeochemical prognoses of the nitrification-driven dynamic microbial nitrogen cycle in hadopelagic sediments. Environmental Microbiology, 2013, 15, 11, p. 3087-3107
  • Nunoura T, Hirai M, Miyazaki M, Kazama H, Makita H, Hirayama H, Furushima Y, Yamamoto H, Imachi H, Takai K. Isolation and characterization of a thermophilic, obligately anaerobic and heterotrophic marine Chloroflexi bacterium from a Chloroflexi dominated microbial community associated with a Japanese shallow hydrothermal system, and proposal for Thermomarinilinea lacunofontalis gen. nov., sp. nov.. Microbes and Environments, 2013, 28, 2, p. 228-235
  • Yukari Yoshida-Takashima, Yoshihiro Takaki, Shigeru Shimamura, Takuro Nunoura, Ken Takai. Genome sequence analysis of a novel deep-sea vent epsilon-proteobacterial phage and possible co-evolution of the related phages with the Epsilonproteobacteria. Extremophiles, 2013, 17, 3, p. 405-419
  • Takai, K., Abe, M., Miyazaki, M., Koide, O., Nunoura, T., Imachi, H., Inagaki, F., and Kobayashi, T.. Sunxiuqinia faeciviva sp. nov., a novel facultatively anaerobic, organoheterotrophic bacterium within the Bacteroidetes isolated from deep subseafloor sediment offshore Shimokita, Japan.. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2013, 63, 5, p. 1602-1609
  • Mino, S., Makita, H., Toki, T., Miyazaki, J., Kato, S., Watanabe, H., Imachi, H., Watsuji, T., Nunoura, T., Kojima, S., Sawabe, T., Takai, K., and Nakagawa, S.. Biogeography of Persephonella in deep-sea hydrothermal vents of the Western Pacific. Frontiers in microbiology, 2013, 4
  • Mino S, Makita H, Toki T, Miyazaki J, Kato S, Watanabe H, Imachi H, Watsuji T, Nunoura T, Kojima S, Sawabe T, Takai K and Nakagawa S. Biogeography of Persephonella in deep-sea hydrothermal vents of the Western Pacific. Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, 2013, 4, p. 107-107, doi: doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00107
  • Nishizawa, M., Koba, K., Makabe, A., Yoshida, N., Kaneko, M., Hirao, S., Ishibashi, J., Yamanaka, T., Shibuya, T., Kikuchi, T., Hirai, M., Miyazaki, J., Nunoura, T., and Takai, K.. Nitrification-driven forms of nitrogen metabolism in microbial mat communities thriving along an ammonium-enriched subsurface geothermal stream. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013, 113, p. 152-173
  • Nishizawa, M., Koba, K., Makabe, A., Yoshida, N., Kaneko, M., Hirao, S., Ishibashi, J., Yamanaka, T., Shibuya, T., Kikuchi, T., Hirai, M., Miyazaki, J., Nunoura, T., and Takai, K.. Nitrification-driven forms of nitrogen metabolism in microbial mat communities thriving along an ammonium-enriched subsurface geothermal stream. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2013, 113, p. 152-173, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2013.03.027
  • shinsuke kawagucci, yuichiro ueno, ken takai, tomohiro toki, satoshi nakagawa, nunoura. Geochemical origin of hydrothermal fluid methane in sediment-associated fields and its relevance to the geographical distribution of whole hydrothermal circulation. Chemical Geology, 2013, 339, p. 213-225, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2012.05.003
  • Mitsuhiro Yoshida*, Yoshihiro Takaki, Masamitsu Eitoku, Takuro Nunoura, and Ken Takai. Metagenomic analysis of viral communities in (hado)pelagic sediments. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8, 2, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057271
  • Takuro Nunoura, Yoshihiro Takaki, Hiromi Kazama, Miho Hirai, Juichiro Ashi, Hiroyuki Imachi, Ken Takai. Microbial diversity in deep-sea methane seep sediments presented by SSU rRNA gene tag sequencing. Microbes and Environments, 2012, 27, 4, p. 382-390, doi: doi:10.1264/jsme2.ME12032
  • Hisako Hirayama, Hiroyuki Fuse, Mariko Abe, Masayuki Miyazaki, Takamichi Nakamura, Takuro Nunoura, Yasuo Furushima, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Ken Takai. Methylomarinum vadi gen. nov., sp. nov., a methanotroph isolated from two distinct marine environments.. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.040568-0, 2012, 63, 3, p. 1073-1082, doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.040568-0
  • MIYAZAKI MASAYUKI, KOIDE OSAMU, KOBAYASHI TORU, MORI KOZUE, SHIMAMURA SHIGERU, NUNOURA TAKURO, IMACHI HIROYUKI , INAGAKI FUMIO , NAGAHAMA TAKAHIKO, NOGI YUICHI, DEGUCHI SHIGERU , TAKAI KEN. Geofilum rubicundum gen. nov. sp. nov., isolated from a deep subseafloor sediment off the Shimokita Peninsula. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2012, 62, 5, p. 1075-1080
  • Hiroshi Izumi, Takuro Nunoura, Masayuki Miyazaki, Sayaka Mino, Tomohiro Toki, Ken Takai, Yoshihiko Sako, Tomoo Sawabe, Satoshi Nakagawa. Thermotomaculum hydrothermale gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel heterotrophic thermophile within the phylum Acidobacteria from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney in the Southern Okinawa Trough. Extremophiles, 2012, 16, 2, p. 245-253, doi: doi:10.1007/s00792-011-0425-9
  • Sugahara Junichi, Fujishima Kosuke, Nunoura Takuro, Takaki Yoshihiro, Takami Hideto, Takai Ken, Tomita Masaru, Kanai Akio. Genomic Heterogeneity in a Natural Archaeal Population Suggests a Model of tRNA Gene Disruption. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7, 3, doi: doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032504
  • S Kawagucci, Y T Yoshida, T Noguchi, M C Honda, H Uchida, H Ishibashi, F Nakagawa, U Tsunogai, K Okamura, Y Takaki, T Nunoura, J Miyazaki, M Hirai, W Lin, H Kitazato, K Takai. Disturbance of deep-sea environments induced by the M9.0 Tohoku Earthquake. Scientific Reports, 2012, 2, p. 270-270, doi: 10.1038/srep00270
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  • Igisu, M., Takai, K., Ueno, Y., Nishizawa, M., Nunoura, T., Hirai, M., Kaneko, M., Naraoka, H., Shomojima, M., Hori, K., Nakajima, S., Ohta, H., Maruyama, S., and Isozaki, Y.. Domain-level identification and quantification of relative prokaryotic cell abundance in microbial communities by Micro-FTIR spectroscopy. Environ. Microbiol. Rep., 2011, 4, 1, p. 42-49, doi: DOI: 10.1111/j.1758-2229.2011.00
  • 布浦 拓郎,高木 善弘 , 角太 淳吾 , 西 真郎 , 菅原 潤一 , 風間 宏美 , 池 甲珠 , 服部 正平 , 金井 昭夫 , 跡見 晴幸 , 高井 研 , 高見 英人. Insights into the evolution of Archaea and eukaryotic protein modifier systems revealed by the genome of a novel archaeal group. Nucleic Acids Research, 2011, 39, 8, p. 3204-3223
  • Yuriko Nagano, Takahiko Nagahama, Yuji Hatada, Takuro Nunoura, Hideto Takami, Junichi Miyazaki, Ken Takai, Koki Horikoshi. Fungal diversity in deep-sea sediments -the presence of novel fungal groups. Fungal Ecology, 2010, 3, 4, p. 316-325, doi: 10.1016/j.funeco.2010.01.002
  • 布浦 拓郎,笈田 花子 , 中島 美和子 , 小坂 紋子 , 大久保 智 , 菊池 徹 , 風間 宏美 , 田辺 祥子 , 中村 光一 , 木下 正高 , 平山 仙子 , 稲垣 史生 , 角皆 潤 , 石橋 純一郎 , 高井 研. Archaeal Diversity and Distribution along Thermal and Geochemical Gradients in Hydrothermal Sediments at the Yonaguni Knoll IV Hydrothermal Field in the Southern Okinawa Trough. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2010, 76, 4, p. 1198-1211
  • 高井 研,布浦 拓郎 , 掘越 弘毅 , 澁谷 岳造 , 中村 謙太郎 , 鈴木 庸平 , Stott Matthew , Massoth Gary , Christenson Bruce , DeRonde Cornel , Butterfield David , 石橋 純一郎 , Lupton John , Evans Leigh. Variability in Microbial Communities in Black Smoker Chimneys at the NW Caldera Vent Field, Brothers Volcano,Kermadec Arc. Geomicrobiology Journal, 2009
  • Junichi MIYAZAKI,Higa Ryosaku(University of the Ryukyus) , Tomohiro Toki(University of the Ryukyus) , Ashi Juichiro(The University of Tokyo) , Urumu Tsunogai(Hokkaido University) , Takuro nunoura(JAMSTEC) , Hiroyuki Imachi(JAMSTEC) , Ken Takai(JAMSTEC). Molecular characterization of potential nitrogen fixation by anaerobic methane oxidizing archaea in the methane-seep sediments at the No. 8 Kumano Knoll in the Kumano Basin, off shore of Japan.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2009, 75, 22, p. 7153-7162, doi: doi:10.1128/AEM.01184-09
  • 布浦 拓郎,Soffientino Bruno , Blazejak Anna , 角太 淳吾 , 笈田 花子 , Schippers Axel , 高井 研 . Subseafloor microbial communities associated with rapid turbidite deposition in the Gulf of Mexico continental slope (IODP Expedition 308). FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2009, 69, 3, p. 410-424
  • Miyashita, H. Mochimaru, H. Kazama, A. Ohashi, T. Yamaguchi, T. Nunoura, K. Horikoshi, K. Takai and H. Imachi. Development of 16S rRNA gene-targeted primers for detection of archaeal anaerobic methanotrophs (ANMEs). FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2009, 297, p. 31-37
  • 布浦 拓郎,高井 研. Comparison of microbial communities associated with phase-separation-induced hydrothermal fluids at the Yonaguni Knoll IV hydrothermal field, the Southern Okinawa Trough. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2009, 67, 3, p. 351-370
  • 布浦 拓郎,稲垣 史生 , Delwiche Mark , Colwell Frederick , 高井 研. Subseafloor microbial communities in methane hydrate bearing sediment at two distinct locations (ODP Leg204) in the Cascadia Margin. Microbes & Environments, 2008, 23, 4, p. 317-325
  • Imachi, S. Sakai, H. Hirayama, S. Nakagawa, T. Nunoura, K. Takai and K. Horikoshi. Exilispira thermophila gen. nov., sp. nov., an anaerobic, thermophilic spirochete isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiolology, 2008, 58, p. 2258-2265
  • 小林 徹,小出 修 , 森 梢 , 島村 繁 , 松浦 孝恵 , 三浦 健 , 高木 善弘 , 諸野 裕樹 , 布浦 拓郎 , 井町 寛之 , 稲垣 史生 , 高井 研 , 掘越 弘毅. Phylogenetic and enzymatic diversity of deep subseafloor aerobic microorganisms in organics- and methane-rich sediments off Shimokita Peninsula. Extremophiles, 2008, 12, p. 519-527
  • 布浦 拓郎,笈田 花子 , 宮崎 淳一 , 宮下 藍 , 井町 寛之 , 高井 研. Quantification of mcrA by fluorescent PCR in methanogenic and anaerobic methanotrophic microbial communities. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2008, 64, 2, p. 240-247
  • 布浦 拓郎. Thermosulfidibacter takaii gen. nov. sp. nov. a thermophilic hydrogen oxidizing, sulfur reducing chemolithoautotroph isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal field in the Southern Okinawa Trough. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2008, 58, 3, p. 659-665
  • 布浦 拓郎. Hydorogenivirga okinawensis sp. nov., a thermophilic sulfur oxidizing chemolithoautotroph isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal field, Southern Okinawa Trough. International journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2008, 58, 3, p. 676-681
  • 布浦 拓郎. Desulfothermus okinawensis sp. nov. a thermophilic and heterotrophic sulfate-reducing bacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal field. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2007, 57, 10, p. 2360-2364
  • 布浦 拓郎. Marinitoga okinawensis sp. nov. a novel thermophilic and anaerobic heterotoph isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal field, Southern Okinawa Trough. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiolgy, 2007, 57, 3, p. 467-471
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  • 布浦 拓郎,笈田 花子 , 土岐 知弘 , 芦 寿一郎 , 高井 研 , 掘越 弘毅. Quantification of mcrAby quantitative fluorescent PCR in sediments from methane seep of the Nankai Trough. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 2006, 57, p. 149-157
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