Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center

The shore-based team submitted all draft reports and completed their duties by the end of the day.This is the end of all expedition activities.
Today's photo; Group photo of the shore-based team who finished all their task.

Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center

The shore-based team finished all laboratory work and concentrated on finishing up the report writing.
Today's photo; Super clean room after cleaning up, together with the sign in Japanese written by Emily Whitaker meaning "time to go".

Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center

The shore-based team conducted DNA sequence data processing and cell counting. Also team
members worked on report writing.
Today's photo; Shore-based geochemist Akira Ijiri, and shore-based co-chief scientist Yuki Morono working on fluid sampling from high temperature and pressure incubation system.

Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center

The shore-based team obtained a data of second sequencing run. Sampling of incubation and cell
counting membranes were prepared. Airborne contamination check was continued.
Today's photo; Microbiologist Margaret Cramm works on sample processing in a clean bench.

Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center

The shore-based team continued to work on cell separation and sampling of liquid from high pressure and temperature incubation. Cell counting of the airborne contamination check was also conducted.
Today's photo; The shore-based team observed the expedition cores with lecture by shipboard physical properties specialist Takehiro Hirose.

Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center

The shore-based team finished preparation of the 2nd batch of sequencing samples and started run on MiSeq sequencer. Cell separation and counting work as well as checking status of high temperature and pressure incubation continued.
Today's photo; Shore-based team microbiologist Tatsuhiko Hoshino working on DNA sequencing sample quality check.

Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center

The shore-based team continued working on DNA sequencing, cell separation, and starting up
incubations, in parallel with report writing. A few shipboard scientists started their post-cruise
researches in collaboration with the shore-based team.
Today's photo; Shore-based team scientists Margaret Cram, Tatsuhiko Hoshino, and Emily Whitaker at super clean room to work on DNA sequence sample preparation and cell separation.

Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center

The shore-based team worked on crushing of cell count samples and purification of DNA
sequencing samples, in addition to report writing. The team also assisted laboratory set up for
post-cruise studies of some shipboard scientists.
Today's photo; Shore-based geochemist Akira Ijiri helps shipboard geochemist David Wang's gas chromatograph set up.

Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center

The shore-based team conducted PCR amplification of the microbial gene component for
sequencing, cell counting membrane preparation, and counting cells on membrane. Personal
samples taken by the shipboard team were sent out to each sample requester from Chikyu.
Today's photo; Bubbling with nitrogen gas of the media, which would turn to be colorless once it becomes anaerobic.

Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center

The shore-based team finished sample processing and would be able to concentrate more on
analytical work. Core sections of the expedition were delivered to the core repository at Kochi Core
Today's photo; Core sections were delivered to the core repository at KCC.

Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center

The shore-based team was back to normal operation and resumed sample processing and
analysis. Co-chief scientists discussed about the plan to merge the reports from two teams into an
integrated report.
Today's photo; Night view of Chikyu from the port.

Location (at 2400):Kochi Core Center
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The most of the shipboard team visited the shore-based team at Kochi Core Center and had a
short tour of the facility. There were some joint activities, such as voting for second post expedition
meeting place. The shipboard team was impressed with the state-of-the-art facility and dedicated
work of the shore-based team.
Today's photo; Shipboard team visited the core repository at KCC.

Location (at 2400):Kochi New Port
Weather:Fine but cloudy

After ths ship arrived at the port, the shore-based team visited the ship to have a joint meeting with
the shipboard team. This was first meeting that both teams physically meet at one place. They
exchanged the current status, and plans for the future tasks. The shore-based team had a tour of
the Chikyu facilities to familiarize with the shipboard work environments.
Today's photo; Two science teams meet for the first time onboard Chikyu.

Location (at 2400):On transit

The shipboard team has submitted all the report draft and discussed about publication plan after
the end of expedition. Co-chief scientist Verena Heuer had a short summary talk for ship crew.
The shore-based team continued cell separation from sediment samples, DNA data processing,
and taking liquid samples from high temperature and pressure incubation system.
Today's photo; Co-chief scientist Verena Heuer and Operation Superintendent Tomo Saruhashi celebrate the successful end of expedition.

Location (at 2400):On transit

The shipboard team had another site summary meeting, and co-chief scientists are reviewing all
the report drafts.
The shore-based team worked on cell separation from sediment samples, DNA data processing,
and taking liquid samples from high temperature and pressure incubation system.
Today's photo; Sample boxes waiting for shipment.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team had a site summary meeting after submitting the first draft of the site report. The presentations were broadcasted to the shore-based team via internet. The shore-based team completed subsampling of frozen core samples. DNA data processing and observation of the cells with electron microscopy was also conducted.
Today's photo; CORK head on wellhead in UWTV image.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team finished the analysis and now focusing on data compilation and report drafting.
The shore-based team continued DNA sequence data analysis. Cell counting and subsampling for
microbiological and enzymatic incubation was conducted.
Today's photo; Completion assembly was lowered into the water.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team continued wrapping up the analysis and drafting the report. Co-chief scientists
and PCT liaison Masa Kinoshita watched over temperature observatory preparation.
The shore-based team members worked on cell counting and DNA sequencing data processing.
Re-injection of substrate was conducted for high temperature and pressure incubation system.
Today's photo; CORK head was connected to the tubing.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team continued wrapping up the analysis and drafting the report. Temperature
observatory plan has been finalized and running thermistor strings onto the 4” tubing has started.
The shore-based team continued subsampling of frozen core samples. Cell counting and DNA
data processing was also conducted.
Today's photo; Thermistor strings are attached onto the 4" tubing.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team worked on the analysis of last cores, and started compiling all data from the
hole C0023A to finalize the report. To celebrate the successful end of coring operation, scientists
visited the derrick to enjoy the view from the top.
The shore-based team continued subsampling of core materials arrived. Sequencing of amplified
16S rRNA gene fragment was completed and the result was under processing.
Today's photo; Scientists enjoyed view from the derrick.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team received the last pair of RCB cores 111R and 112R cut from 1173 mbsf.
Although intact core was not recovered, the material provides insights into the basement rock of
the site.
The shore-based team had many visitors at super clean room on the open campus of Kochi
University. Visitors enjoyed seeing the shore-based team members working on subsampling of
refrigerated and frozen core samples.
Today's photo; Co-chief Fumio Inagaki (left) discusses with scientists on sample distribution from the last core.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team was busy summarizing the results from cores 84R ? 110R. Based on the data
from cores, temperature sensor positions were adjusted to get data from high-interest zones.
The shore-based team continued subsampling of arrived refrigerated and frozen core samples.
Today's photo; PCT liaison Masa Kinoshita answers in an interview

Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team observed cores 109R and 110R carefully to interpret the different facies and
components from previous cores. In parallel, preparation of observatory sensors started.
The shore-based team conducted subsampling of refrigerated and frozen samples. Amplified DNA
purification was finished. Cells found in core sample were observed with electron microscopy.
Sampling of the liquid from high temperature and pressure incubation was carried out.
Today's photo; CDEX engineer Keita Akiyama and Masa Kinoshita, liaison scientist from the Project Coordination Team, check the sensors for the temperature observatory.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team continued RCB core processing. Drilling disturbance was observed in the
cores, but cores 109R and 110R showed different lithology indicating transition to basement rock.
Masa Kinoshita, liaison from the T-Limit Project Coordination Team got onboard and started
discussion with the shipboard team to finalize the plan of the temperature observatory.
The shore-based team worked on amplified DNA purification and cell counting. One of the
pressure vessels in incubation system was restarted after replacing connection tubing.
Today's photo; Microbiologists Maija Raudsepp (left) and Lorenzo Lagostina (right) cut whole round samples with Halloween costume.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team continued RCB core processing. Discussion for finalizing the plan of the
temperature observatory has been ongoing among the co-chief and key scientists.
The shore-based team worked on purifying PCR-amplified microbial 16SrRNA gene fragments,
cell counts and high temperature and pressure incubations.
Today's photo; Incubation in the high pressure, high temperature incubation system has started.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team continued RCB core processing and celebrated the successful recovery of
100th core from the hole C0023A.
The shore-based team worked on DNA purification and cell counting. The incubation at high
temperature and pressure got in stable operation.
Today's photo; Scientists celebrating successful recovery of 100th core.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team continued RCB core processing. The core material is not too hard to process,
even after the hole reached >1000 mbsf.
The shore-based team worked on subsampling of the refrigerated core samples arrived. High
temperature and pressure incubation started by injecting substrate after stabilization of
temperature and pressure condition.
Today's photo; Physical properties specialist Nana Kamiya measures resistivity.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

Good recovery kept the shipboard team busy with core processing. Routine analysis and sampling
were ongoing as planned. Supporting messages from visitors of JAMSTEC open house event
cheered up the shipboard team.
The shore-based team worked for setting up high temperature and pressure incubation. The
incubation chamber was filled with crushed core samples. Detection of microbial gene signal and
cell counting also continued.
Today's photo; CDEX Operation Geologist Kan Aoike and Drilling Engineer Nori Sakurai check the core material inside the inner barrel.

Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team received 5 cores and was back to core processing and analysis. The
laboratory was back to normal and active operation.
The shore-based team continued working on concentrating extracted DNA and gene amplification
by PCR reaction was started. Cell separation and counting was ongoing and sample preparation
for high temperature and pressure experiment was conducted.
Today's photo; The shipboard co-chief scientists inspecting the core 84R in the core cutting area.

October 25
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team fine-tuned the core flow before resuming coring operation. Some scientists
visited mud pump area to learn about the drilling fluid and tracer injection system. Paleomagnetist
Natsumi Okutsu disembarked for a medical reason. All shipboard scientists thanked her for
tremendous contribution as the only Paleomagnetist.
The shore-based team worked on concentrating of extracted DNA and two rounds of cell
separations. Also cell counting and preparation of incubation samples were conducted.
Today's photo; Shipboard team waiving hands to the disembarking colleague on a helicopter.

October 24
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team revisited the regional geology of Nankai Trough in the seminar talk, while
laboratory staff was busy preparing for next series of coring. The team had a group photo session
on the heli-deck.
The shore-based team worked on cell counts and DNA extraction. Several issues for high
temperature and pressure incubation system were cleared and preparation for incubation started.
Today's photo; Shipboard team excited with the news of next coring operation.

October 23
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team welcomed the new filming team, while continuing summarizing the results so far. The shore-based team worked on high temperature incubator set-up, cell separation and DNA extraction. Wet test of the incubator was successfully done with little issues to be solved.
Today's photo; Infrared image of the high pressure incubator at Kochi Core Center.

October 22
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team has drafted site summary report for cores 1F to 83R. Laboratory staff was busy with double-checking the samples and data taken from cores 1F to 83R before next coring operation will start. The shore-based team continued to work on DNA extraction, cell counting, and high temperature and pressure incubator set-up. Wet test of the incubator went successful.
Today's photo; Mud motor bit in image from UWTV

October 21
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team worked on the draft site summary report for cores 1F to 83R.
The shore-based team continued to work on cell detection and DNA extraction experiments. High
temperature and pressure incubation system was under wet test for leak check.
Today's photo; Casing pipe connection on the drill floor.

October 20
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team welcomed Tina Treude who got onboard to fill the last piece of the science
party, while finalizing the second draft of Method chapter of the report.
The shore based team members worked on cell separation, DNA extraction, and setting up of high
temperature and pressure incubation system.
Today's photo; Tina Treude who got onboard to join the shipboard team meeting microbiology team.

October 19
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

Summary meeting continued with presentations from shipboard sedimentologists, inorganic and
organic geochemists. With all available dataset on the table, co-chief scientists have started
integrating the data into cross-disciplinary interpretations.
Today's photo; A small visitor from north.

October 18
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

Summary of the measurement results were presented in a joint meeting of the shipboard and
shore-based teams. The shore-based team presented the initial set of results and the shipboard
team presented all the data from cores 1F to 83R. More presentations will follow tomorrow.
Today's photo; Pipe handling at night.

October 17
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team continued discrete sample analysis and drafting of report chapters.
The shore-based team has done with subsampling for all arrived WRCs. DNA extraction and cell separation work was in progress Project Coordination Team member Masa Kinoshita joined the phone conference with the co-chief
scientists to share the current status of drilling operation and data interpretation before finalizing the plan for observatory set up.
Today's photo; Drill bit in the BHA for reaming waiting on the drill floor

October 16
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team continued discrete sample analysis and drafting of report chapters.
Co-chief scientist Verena Heuer presented a short talk on previous Expedition 322 during which geochemical profiles were obtained through sediments to basement in Nankai Trough area.
The shore-based team concentrated on preparation for cell detection, DNA extraction, and XRD measurements.
Today's photo; Lab staff sorting out frozen samples in a freezer container.

October 15
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team continued discrete sample analysis and drafting of report chapters.
The shore-based team took high frequency subsamples for cell counting, virus counting and DNA extraction from one of whole round cores. Also, air sampling was carried out at each sampling space for environment quality check.
The shore-based co-chief scientist had a presentation in a symposium, during which a shipboard co-chief scientist was featured in an internet live broadcast from the ship.
Today's photo; Co-chief scientist Fumio Inagaki (right) and Sedimentologist Satoshi Tonai (left) answer question from audience of the symposium held at Kochi.

October 14
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team continued discrete sample analysis and drafting of report chapters.The shore-based team completed routine subsampling from all delivered samples. Preparation for DNA extraction was started. One of the samples was sub-sampled for more detailed mineralogical
and physical properties analysis.
Today's photo; Preparation of 13-3/8" casing pipe is ongoing.

October 13
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team worked on left-over tasks that they could not start during the coring operation. Those include discrete sample analysis and additional measurements of sections containing unique features. The shore-based team kept working hard on subsampling to catch up the delivered core samples for both refrigerated and frozen conditions.
Today's photo; Driller's cabin waiting for UWTV installation.

October 12
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

It was decided to set 13-3/8” casing as of the end of core 83R, in order to prepare for further deepening of the hole to the basement.
The shipboard team is still working on the last few cores, and at the same time has started discussion for the deep targets.
The shore-based team received core samples from the ship and restarted subsampling.
Cell separation work with density gradient solution was continued.
Today's photo; RCB drill bit recovered on surface.

October 11
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

Cores 81R and 82R showed relatively massive mudstone without major deformation structures. The shipboard team was back to work on sampling and analysis of the pristine core sections. The shore-based team continued cell separation work with density gradient solution. High pressure and temperature incubation chambers were under wet-test with PFC tracer.
Today's photo; We will miss coring operation for several days

October 10
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

Core recovery has improved and coring advance went back to full length (9.5 m). The shipboard
team could allocate all necessary samples on the long core.
The shore-based team worked on microbial cell detection procedure by separating them with gradients of density liquid. Wet test of high temperature and pressure incubator is ongoing, having PFC as tracer for checking leak of incubation chamber.
Filming team joined onboard today.
Today's photo; Filming team joined the shipboard team.

October 9
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team struggled with the low recovery of the core. It was uncertain whether the low recovery was caused by fractured formation or other lithologic change. The recovery of core 75R includes a piece of about 50 cm long that was recovered later, when inner barrel for 76R was retrieved before cutting core as pressure anomaly was observed upon landing.
The shore-based team caught up processing the samples arrived to KCC. The team members
continued working on DNA extraction protocol optimization and processing samples fixing samples for cell counts.
Today's photo; Shore-based team scientists Akira Ijiri and Yuki Morono work on the wet test for high temperature and pressure vessels.

October 8
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

We recovered cores 66R to 71R, reaching 798 mbsf. Core recovery is low compared to previous
intervals, potentially reflecting more fragile nature of the formation.
The shipboard team focused on sampling and analysis with extra caution. Data correlation with the nearby ODP sites is also ongoing.
The shore-based team has been working hard to catch up the onboard coring activity. Preparation of high temperature and pressure incubation is ongoing.
Today's photo; Shore-based team Microbiologists Harry McClelland and Emily Whitaker processes samples in the anaerobic glove box.

October 7
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

We recovered cores 61R to 65R, reaching 771.5 mbsf.
The shipboard team focused on sampling and analysis of relatively fragile formation with extra caution.
The shore-based team continued subsampling of the cores with having a great effort of onshore
curators and lab technicians.
Today's photo; Microbiologist Kyle Metcalfe processes a sample in the anaerobic glove box.

October 6
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

We resumed RCB coring and recovered six cores by the end of the day.
The shipboard team was back to core processing work with a slightly customized core flow for thehigh priority target zone.The shore-based team continued to work on the subsampling work for both refrigerated and frozenwhole round cores. The processing work went very smoothly.
Today's photo; Coring operation resumed after a short break.

October 5
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

We re-entered the hole to resume RCB coring. The shipboard team had a summary meeting for
the results obtained so far. Based on the results from each group, the team is integrating their
results for further data interpretation.
The shore-based team worked to catch up the arrived core samples. Also the team was happy to
hear the shipboard scientists' results updates through video conference.
Today's photo; Curator Masaru Yasunaga sorts out and packs scientists' samples during the short break of coring operation.

October 4
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

After confirmation of the condition of the drill bit, we started running into the hole with RCB BHA including a stabilizer.
The shipboard team has almost finished the analysis of the split sections. They also reviewed the sampling and analysis protocol and are making a work plan after 55R.
The shore-based team worked to subsample the arrived whole round cores. The team members
submitted drafts for method chapter.
Today's photo; The core description team discussing over the lithology of the core sections.

October 3
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

RCB coring was suspended after C0023A-54R before we enter the most critical interval around
decollement zone. Driller’s attempts to improve the core quality achieved some success at the end,
and cores 53R and 54R looked much better than previous several cores.
The shipboard team is still busy to process and analyze all the cores to 54R during this break. The
team is also reviewing the results to polish up the work plan after 55R.
The shore-based team continued to work on subsampling of the WRC core samples. The team
started optimization experiment of DNA extraction protocol for microbial community structure
Today's photo; Stabilizer to be installed for further coring

October 2
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

RCB coring with short (4.5 - 5.0 m) advance continued. Drillers attempted various combination of
drilling parameters, core catchers, and wireline speed to improve the core quality.
The shipboard team has been trying to locate intact pieces in the sections based on X-CT images
for microbiological and geochemical use. Sedimentologisits and physical properties specialists
worked on correlation between this site and ODP site 1174.
The shore-based team continued to work on sample processing. A member of Royal family visited
Kochi Core Center and observed the shore-based team activity.
Today's photo; Sedimentologists Man-Yin Tsang (left) and Stephen Bowden (right) observe the lithology of split core surface.

October 1
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

After relatively low quality samples in 42R and 43R, we attempted short advance cores after 45R.
The shipboard team assumes that the hole entered the Lower Shikoku Basin Unit, which includes
decollement zone, based on lithology and other data interpretation.
The shore-based team worked on whole round core subsampling. Although the cores are getting
hard, the team still managed to keep the clean sampling according to the established procedure.
For quick check of the rough estimate of cell number in the samples, membrane preparation for
cell counting was started.
Today's photo; Coring operation continued.

September 30
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The coring passed 600 mbsf and continued to deeper, hotter zone.
The shipboard team confirmed that the hole entered the low magnetic susceptibility interval that
was found in Unit III at previous ODP site 1174.
The shore-based team continued sampling from whole round cores. Things are going very
smoothly and the team is almost catching up the arrival of the cores.
Today's photo; Microbiologists Maija Raudsepp (left) and Lorenzo Lagostina (right) cut out a whole round sample from a section.

September 29
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team continued core processing and is trying to correlate the lithology to nearby ODP Site 1174 in order to narrow down the expected depth of decollement zone. The shore-based team continued subsampling of the whole round cores. Frozen WR samples and relatively hard refrigerated WR samples were subsampled by using core drill in clean bench and anaerobic chamber, respectively.
Today's photo; Sedimentologist Satoshi Tonai monitors X-CT image, which is critically important for developing sampling plan.

September 28
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

The shipboard team spent a busy day with good recovery cores every 3-4 hrs.
The shore-based team continued to work on subsampling of the whole round cores. Frozen cores
were cut into shorter length to be subsampled by core drill located in clean bench. Another unit of
core drill was placed in anaerobic chamber to take live and clean samples anaerobically.
Today's photo; A new core has just been recovered on deck during RCB coring.

September 27
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team resumed core processing for the RCB cores after a break during the pipe trip.
The cores were good enough to be used for various shipboard, shore-based, and post-cruise
The shore-based team worked on subsampling following protocol that was modified according to
the points raised at yesterday's trial run. Things are getting proceed smoothly for all members. In
the later afternoon, the scientists had 15 min presentations to share each member's research plan.
Today's photo; Organic geochemists Hayley Manners discussing about the sampling plan.

September 26
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

The shipboard team had a summary meeting for the cores 1F - 15F. Data from APCT-3 indicated
that the temperature profile was good to test our hypothesis. All other preliminary dataset and the
protocol for sampling and analysis were reviewed before the coring operation would resume.
The shore-based team started subsampling of the whole round core sample transferred from
Chikyu. The team created two groups to handle refrigerated and frozen cores. For today, both
teams work together to help each other's smooth work by checking procedure and suggesting
points to be modified.
Today's photo; The drill bit re-entering the hole in the image from under water TV.

September 25
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

We pulled out of the hole and started preparing to run into the hole with RCB BHA.
The shore-based team started sample processing after a video-conference with the shipboard team.
Today's photo; Drill bit for HPCS/ESCS assembly bak from the hole.

September 24
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

We continued coring with short HPCS for 12F and 13F, then drilled down to 400 mbsf to take ESCS core 14X with a half (4.5m) advance. Then we switched back to another short HPCS core 15F. While running ESCS inner barrel after 15F, hole condition got worse and high torque was observed. We decided to pull out of the hole.
Today's photo; Disassembled APCT-3 tools after formation temperature measurement.

September 23
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

We decided to continue using short HPCS, instead of ESCS, after seeing the quality of the recovered ESCS core 7X. Cores 8F to 11F were then obtained from the selected depths.
We continued spot coring operation with short-HPCS, and coring method was switched to ESCS from the core 7X at 302 mbsf. The first set of samples were sent to Kochi Core Center for the shore-based team.
Today's photo; Four scientists joined the New Scientists Live event via internet.

September 22
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

We continued spot coring operation with short-HPCS, and coring method was switched to ESCS from the core 7X at 302 mbsf. The first set of samples were sent to Kochi Core Center for the shore-based team.
Today's photo; First helicopter flight with the selected core samples for the shore-based team.

September 21
Location (at 2400):Site C0023
Weather:Fine but cloudy

We resumed coring operation with short-HPCS at 200 mbsf. The core quality improved with the depth, and formation temperature data was obtained successfully.
Today's photo; Inorganic geochemist Justine Sauvage works on her samples for gas analysis in the laboratory.

September 20
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

We have recovered the first core of the expedition from 186 mbsf with the new short HPCS. Immediately after the first core on deck we had to suspend the operation due to rough sea conditions from the typhoon.
Today's photo; Co-chief scientists Verena Heuer (left) and Fumio Inagaki (right) celebrates the first core with Operation Superintendent Tomo Saruhashi (center).

September 19
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

After successful test run of short HPCS, we re-entered the hole C0023A with 11-7/16" HPCS/ESCS coring BHA.
Today's photo; Inorganic geochemist Susann Henkel discusses with laboratory technicians on her measurement protocol.

September 18
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

We are running coring BHA and testing the new short-HPCS. We expect an impact from typhoon tomorrow.
Today's photo; Underreamer recovered after the casing installation

September 17
Location (at 2400):Site C0023

We have started the hole C0023A with jetting the 20" casing into 180 mbsf.
Today's photo; Release of hydraulic actuated running tool on underwater TV image

September 16
Location (at 2400):Proposed site ODP11-74B

Continue running the 20" casing. Shipboard scientists observed core sections from ODP Sites 808 and 1174 to familiarize with the expected lithology.
Today's photo; Scientists discussing over the ODP cores from Sites 808 and 1174.

September 15
Location (at 2400):Proposed site ODP11-74B

Continue preparation to start the hole. Shipboard had a meeting and presented their research plans for this expedition.
Today's photo;
20" casing pipes waiting to be lowered into the water.

September 14
Location (at 2400):Proposed site ODP11-74B

Chikyu arrived at the drill site and has been deploying transponders. Shipboard scientists had a ship tour visiting key facilities and departments onboard. They had a short lab tour as well before starting discussion on the analytical plan.
Today's photo;
Scientists walking by riser pipes during the ship tour.

September 13
Location (at 2400):On transit

Chikyu departed Shimizu port and is heading to the drilling site, while the shipboard team takes part in a series of induction meetings including the pre-spud meeting with the ship crew in the afternoon.
Today's photo;
Many ship crew took part in the pre-spud meeting.

September 12
Location (at 2400):Shimizu port, Shizuoka, Japan
Weather: cloudy

Shipboard team of the science party got onboard at Shimizu port, while loading and tools installation continued.
Today's photo;
Scientists started taking a series of induction lectures.

September 11
Location (at 2400):Shimizu port, Shizuoka, Japan
Weather: cloudy

Loading various cargo and drilling tool maintenance were continued.
Lab area is cleaned up to welcome shipboard science party.
Today's photo;
Various cargo are put in mini-container for loading.

September 10
Location (at 2400):Shimizu port, Shizuoka, Japan
Weather: cloudy

IODP expedition 370 "T-Limit of Deep Biosphere off Muroto" officially started from 0000 hrs on 10 September 2016.
We will collect cores in anomalously high heat flow regimes in the central Nankai Trough to examine how deep biosphere changes in-depth close to its upper temperature limit.
Also, "fresh" whole round core samples will be transported by helicopter to analyze with state-of-art instruments/equipment at Kochi Core Center.
Shipboard science party will embark on Sep 12, and shore-based team will get started on Sep 23. Now, all ship and lab staff are busy for loading and preparation.
Today's photo;
Drilling tools are stand-by to be loaded at Shimizu Port.