4.26, 2016
Location:Outside of Shimizu Port

Chikyu tied up quayside by 10:00 h, and the scientists will presently disembark. The expedition will officially end mid night tonight (27 April 2016), but we will be back for the shore-based sampling party later this summer.
Photo of the Day:
View from the Shimizu port

4.25, 2016
Location:100 nmi of Site C0010; underwater TV test site.

All expedition science targets and contingency science successfully achieved. Report writing.
Photo of the Day:
Calm seas after the storm of work on coring and science report writing.

4.24, 2016
Location:Hole C0010E.
Weather:Partly cloudy

Completed coring at Hole C0010E; whole round IW and MBIO samples were collected, XCT and MSCL-W scans complete. Scientists working on completing Hole C0010D text and compiling E results from whole round scans. All expedition science targets and contingency science successfully achieved.
Photo of the Day:
Scientists and Drilling Engineer checking the sensors downhole C0010A via ROV hook-up, as the last sea floor science operations during IODP Exp. 365.

4.23, 2016
Location:Hole C0010E.

Scientists working on completing Hole C0010C results. A science meeting to check the status of results was held in the evening. Figures for the entire volume were reviewed and consolidated.
Photo of the Day:
Scientists gather to see core from Hole C0010E.

4.22, 2016
Location:Hole C0010D.
Weather:Partly cloudy

Scientists working on completing Hole C0010C results. A science meeting to check the status of results was held in the evening. Figures for the entire volume were reviewed and consolidated.
Photo of the Day:
Full moon, as seen from Chikyu’s core cutting area.

4.21, 2016
Location:Hole C0010D.

Scientists working on completing Hole C0010C results. A science meeting to check the status of results was held in the evening.
Photo of the Day:
MWJ Lab Technician squeezing an IW whole round sample in the press to recover interstitial water for geochemical analysis.

4.20, 2016
Location:Hole C0010C.

Core condition continues to improve with depth. A quick science meeting to bring both shifts up to speed on coring and operation plans was held. As of midnight, we have cored a total of 95 meters, with 52.6 m recovered (55.4%).
Photo of the Day:
The scientists taking a moment to enjoy watching the sun set from the helideck.

4.19, 2016
Location:Hole C0010C.
Weather:Partly cloudy

The science party had their first experience with core, and the watchdogs for the XCT whole round scanning began. Although core recovery is generally good, there are few large intact whole round intervals. Core condition seem to be improving with depth. Writing for the methods chapter is largely complete, and results writing are proceeding apace. The MWJ publications specialists boarded today, so they are working to ensure all loose ends are being tied up.
Photo of the Day:
MWJ Lab Technician preparing the XCT scanner for the first core sections from Hole C0010C.

4.18, 2016
Location:Hole C0010C.

The science party had their first dry run in the core cutting area, and prepared for cores from Hole C0010C. Science reports have completed methods, and are in the process of completing the C0010A methods.
Photo of the Day:
Co-Chief on the bridge after the spud-in position for Hole C0010C was confirmed.

4.17, 2016
Location:Hole C0010B.
Weather:Partly cloudy

The science party prepared for coring operations, and decided on shifts and XCT watch dogs.
Photo of the Day:
Co-Chief on the bridge after the spud-in position for Hole C0010B was confirmed.

4.16, 2016
Location:2.9 nmi NW of Hole C0010A.

The science reports are in final editing for most of the methods, and results drafts are in review for the LTBMS and GeniusPlug data and samples. Sample request revisions were reviewed and discussed. The science party is prepared for the shift in tempo once coring operations being.
Photo of the Day:
Looking up the 10-5/8-inch bit and derrick after making up the coring BHA on the rig floor.

4.15, 2016
Location:2.9 nmi NW of Hole C0010A.
Weather:Partly cloudy

The scientists worked on testing the LTBMS downhole sensors and the LTBMS CORK head PSU unit. All sensors were left in working order at the end of deployment. Contingency science targets will now include coring operations at Site C0010. Scientists worked on setting coring targets and lab orientation for limited core analysis and sampling. Whole round cores will be left for s future shore-based sample party.
Photo of the Day:
The Oceaneering ROV team plugging the underwater mateable connector (UMC) cable into the LTBMS pressure sensor unit (PSU) so the scientists can perform a health check of the pressure sensors.

4.14, 2016
Location:Hole C0010A.

The scientists continued to work on their reports; a science meeting to review progress was followed by a lab tour led by MWJ Lab Officer, who guided the scientists along a typical core flow. Various instruments typically used for whole round core analyses were introduced. The Test rigs for the LTBMS were rigged down and removed from the moon pool area into the core processing lab.
Photo of the Day:
OSI and Drilling Engineer watching from the driller’s house as the LTBMS CORK head is lowered on the wellhead.

4.13, 2016
Location:5.7 nmi NW of Site C0010.

CDEX Science Director stayed overnight on Chikyu to meet with the science party and get briefed on the expedition progress and future schedule. He returned on the first heli to shore. Sensor communication tests before and after running the LTBMS into the moon pool confirmed that all sensors were operating as expected.
Photo of the Day:
LTBMS being run into the moon pool after assembly completed.

4.12, 2016
Location:13.9 nmi NW of Site C0010.

One of the co-chief rotated off Chikyu today, leaving the other sole co-Chief aboard. We were able to have crossover meetings with both co-Chief scientists and CDEX, discussing operational progress and review of the current operational schedule. The scientists held a small science meeting to catch up on expedition reports and parallel research related to the 1 April 2016 earthquake.
Photo of the Day:
Co-Chiefs checking the pressure sensor flatpack configuration early in the morning above the moon pool.

4.11, 2016
Location:21.1 nmi NW of Site C0010.
Weather:Partly cloudy

The scientists worked on finalizing the PSU for deployment on the LTBMS head. The sensor carrier and strainmeter sensor were periodically checked to confirm that they were still functioning correctly. Report writing and editing continued.
Photo of the Day:
The LTBMS seen above the moon pool after making up and being lowered through the rig floor.

4.10, 2016
Location:24 nmi NW of Site C0010.

The functions testing for the PSU unit continues, while troubleshooting the PSU data recorder continues. The scientists are working on completing the methods sections for the expedition report.
Photo of the Day:
Microphotograph of the successful barite culture experiment showing SYBR GRGreen 1 stained microbes seen through a FTIC filter.

4.9, 2016
Location:24.3 nmi NW of Site C0010.

The functions testing for the PSU unit continues, and is partially completed. The FLOCS microbial culture experiment returned some positive results, showing growth on the culture medium. Analysis of the FLOCS/Osmosampler chemistry continues. The co-Chiefs reviewed the sample requests and the shipboard Sample Allocation Committee submitted their final approval to the Chikyu curator for the current requests.
Photo of the Day:
Co-chiefs dressed in appropriate PPE at the moon pool to oversee flatpack mating to the pressure sensor miniscreens.

4.8, 2016
Location:24.3 nmi NW of Site C0010.
Weather:Partly cloudy

The functions testing for the PSU unit continues, and will be continued for the next 24 hours. The scientists gathered to discuss post cruise research plans, and a summary was passed around to the shipboard and shore-based scientists for review and revision.
Photo of the Day:
Co-chief and CDEX Engineer finishing a check of the Swagelok fittings for the #1 pressure sensor miniscreens.

4.7, 2016
Location:33 nmi NW of Site C0010.

Pressure testing on the primary PSU on the aft pipe rack began in the morning, revealing some leaks in the hydraulic valves. Science party discussed post-cruise research targets. Some ideas for papers tangentially related to the expedition, but relying mainly on the Hole C0002G LTBMS were also discussed.
Photo of the Day:
Scientists in tyvek suits ready to head out to the rear pipe rack to begin function testing the LTBMS PSU.

4.6, 2016
Location:3.2 nmi SE of Site C0010.
Weather:Partly cloudy

There was a brief meeting to review methods writing assignments in afternoon. Osmosampler specialist updated the co-Chiefs in the evening about the chemistry results from the ICP-AES.
Photo of the Day:
Scientists working on the pressure sensor unit (PSU).

4.5, 2016
Location:Hole C0010A.
Weather:Partly cloudy

The new O-rings were fitted to the pressure chamber of the LTBMS pressure sensor unit (PSU), which was configured for deployment and a 12-hour test run. The GeniusPlug pressure data was finally successfully converted for an initial review, and the 1 April (“April Fool’s”) quake signal was clearly seen. Further analysis is underway. The initial chemistry analysis results from the FLOCS & Osmosampler were received, and science discussions regarding the chemistry continues.
Photo of the Day:
Scientist shows the results of struggling to remove the inner structure of the GeniusPlug.

4.4, 2016
Location:Hole C0010A.
Weather:Partly cloudy

Photo of the Day:
Scientists working on samples extracted from the GeniusPlug Osmosampler/FLOCS experiment.

4.3, 2016
Location:In low current area 8 nmi from Site C0010.

Photo of the Day:
Scientist is on the rig floor, plugging the inlet tubing for the GeniusPlug OsmoSampler/FLOCS experiment as co-Chief steps in to observe.

4.2, 2016
Location:In low current area 13.5 nmi from Site C0010

Photo of the Day:
Scientists examining GeniusPlug back up on Core Processing Deck.

4.1, 2016
Location:Site C0010

Photo of the Day:
The GeniusPlug observatory clears the Hole C0010A wellhead (20:40 h).

3.31, 2016
Location: 1.9 nmi NW of Site C0010
Weather: Overcast

The L10 On/Off tool Bore Hole Assembly (BHA) was run while attaching anti-Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) ropes. Once the LCA was reached, drifting to Site C0010 began.
Photo of the Day:
MWJ Lab Officer examining thin section lab optical microscope during monthly laboratory safety review.

3.30, 2016
Location: In the low current area (LCA) 12 nmi NNW of Site C0010
Weather: Partly cloudy

Reached Site C0010, dove ROV, surveyed seabed, placed transponders, calibrated the DPS, and removed corrosion cap. The ROV was recovered for needed umbilical repairs. The vessel moved 12 nmi NW from well center. The A-3 packer retrieval tool was run into the hole (RIH).
Photo of the Day:
Rig crew in the moon pool on the new anti-VIV running tools on the BOP cart. This new configuration increases safety and efficiency in attaching and removing the anti-VIV ropes to the drill string.

3.29, 2016
Location: In transit to Site C0010
Weather: Clear

Photo of the Day:
Scientists getting a quick overview of the new LTBMS CORK heads on the aft pipe rack aboard DV Chikyu. Two complete sets, including ROV platforms, are onboard.

3.26-28, 2016
Location: Shimizu harbor
Weather: Clear

Photo of the Day:
MQJ and scientists testing the new guide roller for the LTBMS deployment in the moonpool.