The Final Chapter “The Drifters’ Destination”2010.12.13
I know I had written “Chapter 1.” last time on this report, but today’s report is the final one. (“WHAT!?” By the publishers...)。
Anyhow, fully-assembled LTBMS (still a temporary name... Dr. Araki, make it official, please!) had to go hanging for about 20 miles to the installation site.
Why hang the sensor for such a long distance? Because, the currents at the installation site are quite strong and assembling such a sensitive sensor like LTBMS can be under great risk of possible damages caused by Kuroshio. So, what we did was to assemble the system where the currents were calm, and kind of “surf” on the current or the flow, and approach the installation site, literally by drifting.
We call this technique of approaching to the site by drifting “The Drifters”. The Drifters’ specialists are Sawada-san and Saru-chan. They have successfully done many operations using this technique in this area where it is affected by strong current. They are the true professionals. Lowering the system where the current is mild, drifting away and approaching to the installation site, and install it in a small borehole 2,000 m from Chikyu... Does it all sound very difficult? This is definitely a highly specialised task, which only a limited number of people can make it. In our mission this time, how we succeeded in “The Drifters” technique was the key. The following is how we worked it out!
We must not rush. We must be ultra-super-patiently slow. The speed we “drift” is as slow as a 100-year-old grandfather walking. The distance we need to drift is over 35 km. Surely, it takes a long, very long time. We take about two days for this drift. However, we must not rush. This is a sacred rule for the sake of our success in this mission!
Drifters” has a reliable supporter. His name is “The Rope Boy”! Yes, there is “The METABO Boy”, and now, it is the Rope Boy’s turn. Both METABO and Rope are official supporters of LTBMS. Anyhow, The Rope Boy’s mission is to stop the pipe from oscillating. As we drift, it can alleviate some of the relative convection, however, we are still located in the main street of Kuroshio Town here in Kumano-nada! The current around here is indeed, very powerful. We can’t play with Kuroshio. It is actually hard to imagine when you look at these firm, metallic drill pipes, however, when many of these are connected for 2,000 m down to the seafloor and put within a strong current, they start to oscillate so badly. We don’t want that to happen, and the Rope Boy helps us greatly! Just run the rope along the drill pipe, tie it with a band. It is amazing how this mere act of tying a rope along the pipe stops the oscillation! I can not forget the excited face of Saru-chan when he turned and shouted at me, saying “This rope works!” (Sorry, Saru-chan, but I could not believe even half of what you were telling me about back then.)
That was the beginning of my friendship with the rope, and now I am an eager rope collector! And so, Sara Chan has gathered all the ropes on Chikyu... literally uncountable numbers of ropes are piled up here!
Thanks to these ropes, LTBMS could reach that entry cone without oscillating but standing ramrod straight.
The Drifters operation members just before leaving Chikyu
Let me write a little more, for this is the final chapter of Chikyu Report. After the arrival at the re-entry cone, the LTBMS completed the sensor operation check, and finally went into that narrow borehole. We were all so excited, and also worried. The LTBMS staff all gathered in front of the large-screen monitors, sat still, ad waited for the moment of those critical images to be sent to us by ROV. The 3-1/2” tubing suddenly started to look thinner, the cable loose, the packer swollen... but no, these negative images were just our illusion. We said, “let’s just trust in our struggles we’ve made so far!” and the moment began in a very smooth movement. We saw each part of LTBMS’ body, the bull nose, mini screen, centraliser, strain meter, sensor carrier, disappearing into the borehole in that dark and silent deep sea. After the “strong current hell”, the “abrasion shock hell” awaited the LTBMS, however, it successfully went into the borehole, checked, got cemented, drill pipe cut off. All were well done. Thus the entire installation was completed.
04:01, 9th of December 2010.
LTBMS... He is smiling down there below the seafloor, standing firm against the current, shock from the drill head and abrasion within the casing. Never failing in all functions, staying in the borehole neatly. We will come to see you again next year in March by HYPER-DOLPHIN...!

His smile awaits us at Site C0002!
Nori KYO