


Vol. 67, Issue 11 (Dec. 2010)?Vol. 69, Issue 3 (Mar. 2012)

Multiscale Waves in an MJO Background and Convective Momentum Transport Feedback (Khouider et al., Vol. 69, Issue 3)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:Multi-scale Interaction, MJO, CCEW


Potential Vorticity Accumulation Following Atmospheric Kelvin Waves in the Active Convective Region of the MJO (MacRitchie and Roundy, Vol. 69, Issue 3)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:MJO, Kelvin, PV


Equatorial Planetary Waves and Their Signature in Atmospheric Variability (Grise and Thompson, Vol. 69, Issue 3)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:CCEW


A Model for the Interaction between 2-Day Waves and Moist Kelvin Waves (Liu and Wang, Vol. 69, Issue 2)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:CCEW, EMT


Potential Vorticity of the Madden?Julian Oscillation (Zhang and Ling, Vol. 69, Issue 1)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:MJO

MJOと赤道ロスビー波、ケルビン波との構造の違いをPVに注目して整理した。ケルビン波擾乱は、顕著なPVの変動を示さず、赤道ロスビー波擾乱は、赤道に近づくほど西向きに傾くPVの構造を示し、MJOは赤道ほど東に傾くSwallow Tailパターンをもつ。PV収支からMJOは、MJOスケールの加熱も、小スケールの加熱もMJOの自己強化につながることが分かった。東進を説明するには移流等の非線形効果が重要と考えられるが、そこはまだ計算できていない。

Differences between More Divergent and More Rotational Types of Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves. Part II: Composite Analysis based on Space?Time Filtering (Yasunaga and Mapes, Vol. 69, Issue 1)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:CCEW


Differences between More Divergent and More Rotational Types of Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves. Part I: Space?Time Spectral Analyses (Yasunaga and Mapes, Vol. 69, Issue 1)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:CCEW

スペクトル解析から赤道波動擾乱の降水特性について調べた。Kelvin, EIG, WIGなどの重力波系の波に関しては、層状性降水が卓越し、赤道ロスビー波や混合ロスビー重力波などの回転系の波に関しては、対流性降水が卓越することが示唆された。

Nonlinear Dynamics and Regional Variations in the MJO Skeleton(Majda and Stechmann, Vol. 68, Issue 12)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:MJO


Clouds Associated with the Madden?Julian Oscillation: A New Perspective from CloudSat(Riley and Mapes, Vol. 68, Issue 12)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:MJO


Coupling between Gravity Waves and Tropical Convection at Mesoscales(Todd and Zhang, Vol. 68, Issue 11)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:Gravity Wave, Cloud-Organization


A Model for Scale Interaction in the Madden?Julian Oscillation(Wang and Liu, Vol. 68, Issue 11)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:MJO, Multi-Scale Interaction


Impacts of Idealized Air?Sea Coupling on Madden?Julian Oscillation Structure in the Superparameterized CAM(Benedict and Randall, Vol. 68, Issue 9)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:MJO, Sir-Sea Interaction


Thermodynamics of the Madden?Julian Oscillation in a Regional Model with Constrained Moisture(Hagos et al., Vol. 68, Issue 9)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:MJO, Moisture


Modulations of the Phase Speed of Convectively Coupled Kelvin Waves by the ITCZ (Dias and Pauluis, Vol. 68, Issue 7)

最終加筆日:2012.03.22Key Words:Kelvin, Phase speed


Excitation of Intraseasonal Variability in the Equatorial Atmosphere by Yanai Wave Groups via WISHE-Induced Convection (Solodoch et al., Vol. 68, Issue 2)

最終加筆日:2011.04.12Key Words:MRG

WISHE効果を組み込んだ簡略化した2つの数値モデルで再現されたForced Kelvin波擾乱に似た雲システムの遅い東進速度について調べている。MRGの南北風偏差によるWISHEメカニズムを通じて雲システムの遅い東進速度がコントロールされていることを示している。MJOとの関連性を議論しているが、現在のフレームワークでは、MJOとの相違点も多く(例えばRossby gyresが見られないとか、南北風のアノマリーが東西風よりも卓越しすぎる等々)、MJOを完全に説明するものではないと述べている。むしろ彼らは、北進するISV等との関連性の方が高いと考えているようだ。

Testing the Hypothesis that the MJO is a Mixed Rossby?Gravity Wave Packet (Yang et al., Vol. 68, Issue 2)

最終加筆日:2011.04.12Key Words:MRG

"This study will test the hypothesis that the MJO is not a wave but a wave packet?the interference pattern produced by a narrow frequency band of mixed Rossby?gravity (MRG) waves." OLRを使った解析結果として、MJOとMRGのWave Packetとの相関は、0.21 (EastwardのMRGでの値。Westwardでは、0.08。)と、有意な相関があるが、この"Wave Packet Hypothesis" は、MJOを完全には説明できない。なお、他の波(IG, ER, Kelvin)等の相関は、もう少し低く有意とはいえない。

The MJO and Convectively Coupled Waves in a Coarse-Resolution GCM with a Simple Multicloud Parameterization (Khouider et al., Vol. 68, Issue 2)

最終加筆日:2011.04.12Key Words:moisture profile, stratiform rain

次世代NCAR GCMで" Simple multicloud parameterization "を使って、理想化実験を3つ行っている。1つ目は、大きな水蒸気鉛直勾配で層状性降水の割合を小さくした実験。2つめ目は、小さな水蒸気鉛直勾配で層状性降水の割合を大きくした実験。3つ目は、小さな水蒸気鉛直勾配で層状性降水の割合を小さくした実験。1つ目は、MJOに似た擾乱が、2つ目は、ERやWIG、Kelvin波等の対流結合赤道波が再現されている。3つ目は、いわゆる" bad MJO model solution " を再現するための実験で、非現実的な特徴を持っている。水蒸気と層状性降水が、熱帯における擾乱の再現に重要なパラメタ-であることは、これまでの研究と整合的である。しかし他のパラメータの調整によって、新たなRegimeが現れる可能性は否定しない。

The Wavelength Dependence of the Gross Moist Stability and the Scale Selection in the Instability of Column-Integrated Moist Static Energy (Kuang, Vol. 68, Issue 1)

最終加筆日:2011.04.13Key Words:GMS

column-integrated moist static energy (MSE)の不安定としてMJOを説明しようとする一派がある(ある気柱において、放射や下面フラックスによるMSEの供給が対流に伴う発散風によるMSEの輸出を超えると、どんどんとMSEが増加することになり不安定となる)。そこではGMS("a measure of how efficient divergent flow exports column moist static energy")は、一定と仮定されて、議論が展開されてきた。その束縛を緩めてやることで、(温度と水蒸気偏差と対流の関係については、何かしらの形で関係づけてやる必要が出てくるため、そこに雲モデルを利用することで)、GMSは大きなスケールの波でより小さい値となることを示している(より不安定になりやすい)。このスケール依存性は、現象のスケールが大きくなると、循環を維持ずるために要求される温度偏差も大きくなることに起因する。結果として、対流加熱の形がよりBottom Heavyな形となる。"Given the ongoing theoretical efforts that view the MJO as resulting from instability in column-integrated MSE, the results presented here provide a planetary-scale selection for such instability, which is absent in current theoretical models that assume a constant GMS."

MJO Signals in Latent Heating: Results from TRMM Retrievals (Zhang et al., Vol. 67, Issue 11)

最終加筆日:2011.04.14Key Words:heating profile

"Four Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) datasets of latent heating were diagnosed for signals in the Madden?Julian oscillation (MJO). In all four datasets, vertical structures of latent heating are dominated by two components?one deep with its peak above the melting level and one shallow with its peak below. " "All four datasets exhibit robust MJO spectral signals in the deep component as eastward propagating spectral peaks centered at a period of 50 days and zonal wavenumber 1." "The shallow component shows similar but slightly less robust MJO spectral peaks. MJO signals were further extracted from a combination of bandpass (30?90 day) filtered deep and shallow components. Largest amplitudes of both deep and shallow components of the MJO are confined to the Indian and western Pacific Oceans. There is a local minimum in the deep components over the Maritime Continent."

Mechanisms of Poleward Propagating, Intraseasonal Convective Anomalies in Cloud System?Resolving Models (Boos and Kuang, Vol. 67, Issue 11)

最終加筆日:2011.04.14Key Words:northward propagation

"the mechanisms of poleward propagating convective anomalies are examined in a nonhydrostatic model with zonally symmetric boundary conditions, integrated on a beta plane at resolutions high enough to explicitly represent moist convection." "Robust poleward propagating anomalies are obtained when the high-resolution, nonhydrostatic model is integrated in a wider domain with a zonal dimension near 1000 km. Diagnostics suggest that poleward propagation in this wide domain results from the convectively coupled beta drift of low-level vorticity anomalies. Deep near-equatorial ascent produces low-level cyclones that migrate poleward through the process of beta drift; Ekman pumping in these drifting cyclones then humidifies the free troposphere ahead of the initial deep ascent, shifting the convection poleward. The moist static energy budget and model sensitivity tests suggest that these anomalies can be viewed as moisture modes destabilized through a moisture?radiation feedback. Wind?evaporation feedback also seems to contribute to the instability of these anomalies, but because it enhances surface fluxes on the equatorward side of the anomalies, it also reduces their propagation speed. "


Vol. 138, Issue 11 (Nov. 2010)?Vol. 140, Issue 3 (Mar. 2012)

A Global View of Equatorial Waves and Tropical Cyclogenesis(Schreck et al., Vol. 140, Issue 3)

最終加筆日:2012.03.23Key Words:CCEW, MJO, TC


A Subtropical Cyclonic Gyre Associated with Interactions of the MJO and the Midlatitude Jet(Molinari and Vollaro, Vol. 140, Issue 2)

最終加筆日:2012.03.23Key Words:MJO, Mid-latitude


Does the Madden?Julian Oscillation Influence Wintertime Atmospheric Rivers and Snowpack in the Sierra Nevada? (Guan et al., Vol. 140, Issue 2)

最終加筆日:2012.03.23Key Words:MJO, Mid-latitude

観測データを用いた統計解析研究。MJOの位相とAtmospheric Riverと、カリフォルニア付近の降水との関係について統計的に(13年間)調べた。(Abst)

Vertical Diabatic Heating Structure of the MJO: Intercomparison between Recent Reanalyses and TRMM Estimates (Jiang et al., Vol. 139, Issue 10)

最終加筆日:2012.03.23Key Words:MJO, Heating Profile


Tropical Cyclogenesis Associated with Kelvin Waves and the Madden?Julian Oscillation (Schreck and Molinari,, Vol. 139, Issue 8)

最終加筆日:2012.03.23Key Words:MJO, TC


The Madden?Julian Oscillation's Influence on African Easterly Waves and Downstream Tropical Cyclogenesis (Ventrice et al., Vol. 139, Issue 8)

最終加筆日:2012.03.23Key Words:MJO, TC


Seasonal Modulations of the Active MJO Cycle Characterized by Nonlinear Principal Component Analysis (Jenkner et al., Vol. 139, Issue 7)

最終加筆日:2012.03.23Key Words:MJO


An Evaluation of Precipitation Forecasts from Operational Models and Reanalyses Including Precipitation Variations Associated with MJO Activity (Janowiak et al., Vol. 138, Issue 12)

最終加筆日:2011.04.13Key Words:prediction


An Update and a Comparison to ECMWF Interim Re-Analysis (Tian et al., Vol. 138, Issue 12)

最終加筆日:2011.04.13Key Words:prediction

Tian et al. (2006)の続編。ERA-Interimでは、温度・水蒸気ともにAIRSとの相関がやはり低い。"The correlation between AIRS and ERA-Interim temperature anomalies is >0.9 in the stratosphere and upper troposphere (above 400 hPa), 0.7 in the middle and lower troposphere, and 0.3 in the boundary layer with ERA-Interim consistently smaller than AIRS, especially in the lower troposphere. The correlation between AIRS and ERA-Interim moisture anomalies is 0.95 in the free troposphere (above 850 hPa) with ERA-Interim consistently 20% larger than AIRS, and 0.8 in the boundary layer with ERA-Interim consistently 30% smaller than AIRS. In particular, the correlation between AIRS and ERA-Interim moisture anomalies is very poor (i.e., 0.3) near the surface, especially over the leading edge of the low-level moisture anomalies, with ERA-Interim consistently 80% smaller than AIRS. "

Characteristics of 3?4- and 6?8-Day Period Disturbances Observed over the Tropical Indian Ocean (Yasunaga et al., Vol. 138, Issue 11)

最終加筆日:2011.04.13Key Words:MRG, ER



Vol. 23, Issue 23 (Dec. 2010)?Vol. 24, Issue 12 (Jun. 2011)

Role of Indian and Pacific SST in Indian Summer Monsoon Intraseasonal Variability(Achuthavarier and Krishnamurthy, Vol. 24, Issue 12)

最終加筆日:2011.07.05Key Words:ISV, Monsoon, Air-Sea Interaction


The Role of Moisture?Convection Feedbacks in Simulating the Madden?Julian Oscillation(Hannah and Maloney, Vol. 24, Issue 11)

最終加筆日:2011.07.05Key Words:GMS, Parameterization


Physical Mechanisms for the Maintenance of GCM-Simulated Madden?Julian Oscillation over the Indian Ocean and Pacific (Deng and Wu, Vol. 24, Issue 10)

最終加筆日:2011.06.06Key Words:GCM, Convective Momentum Transport


Structural Evolution in Heating Profiles of the MJO in Global Reanalyses and TRMM Retrievals (Ling and Zhang, Vol. 24, Issue 3)

最終加筆日:2011.04.14Key Words:heating profile

"Diabatic and latent heating profiles from four global reanalyses and three Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) algorithms were compared." データは、CSH, TRAIN, SLH (TRMM-Product)と、MERRA, ERA, CFSR, JRA (客観解析)。データ間の差違が非常に大きい。ある1つのデータセットだけで調べても、経度やイベントによって、加熱プロファイルの変動の違いが大きく、ある場所でのあるイベントに絞っても、"currently available heating datasets do not always provide consistent results."

Scale Interaction of the Diurnal Cycle of Rainfall over the Maritime Continent and Australia: Influence of the MJO(Rauniyar and Walsh, Vol. 24, Issue 2)

最終加筆日:2011.04.14Key Words:ifluence

"The influence of the MJO on the phase and amplitude of the diurnal cycle of rainfall during Australian summer [December?February (DJF)] over the Maritime Continent (MC) and northern Australia is investigated using the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) 3B42 and 3G68 datasets."

Mechanisms of Northward-Propagating Intraseasonal Oscillation?A Comparison between the Indian Ocean and the Western North Pacific (Chou and Hsueh, Vol. 23, Issue 24)

最終加筆日:2011.04.14Key Words:northward propagation

"Mechanisms of northward-propagating intraseasonal oscillations (ISOs) over the Indian Ocean (IO) and the western North Pacific (WNP) are examined." "The vorticity advection effect is consistently found over both the IO and the WNP, while the air?sea interaction has different impacts on the northward-propagating ISOs over the IO and the WNP. The vertical wind shear effect and the moisture advection effect are relatively important over the IO but not over the WNP. Processes to determine changes in SST are also different between the IO and the WNP. Over the IO, SST is mainly associated with surface solar radiation. Wind-stirring effects, surface latent heat flux, and subsurface water entrainment are secondary. Over the WNP, wind-stirring effects become important, but surface solar radiation is secondary."

How Important Is Air?Sea Coupling in ENSO and MJO Evolution? (Newman et al., Vol. 22, Issue 11)

最終加筆日:2011.04.19Key Words:Air-sea interaction



最終加筆日:2011.04.19Key Words:Prediction


Moisture Modes and the Madden?Julian Oscillatio (Raymond and Fuchs, Vol. 22, Issue 11)

最終加筆日:2011.04.19Key Words:moisture mode

2つの不安定モードが熱帯大気の簡略化モデルで出てきた。1つは、大気中の水蒸気量に関係したmositure modeと呼ばれるMJOに対応するもので、もう1つはCINに関係した対流結合ケルビン波に対応するもの。Toy Modelでも、前者のMJOに対応していると考えられる水蒸気モードが再現され、GMSを計算すると、鉛直成分が負であった。一方、MJOが再現できないNCEpのモデルではGMSの鉛直成分も水平成分と同様に正であった。


Vol. 38 (Publication Date: 1 Januar 2011?2 July 2011)

Verification of medium-range MJO forecasts with TIGGE (Matsueda and Endo , Vol. 38)

最終加筆日:2011.07.05Key Words:Prediction, TIGGE



Vol. 116 (Publication Date: 1 Januar 2011?2 July 2011)

Observations of eastward propagation of atmospheric intraseasonal oscillations from the Pacific to the Atlantic(Yu et al., Vol. 116)

最終加筆日:2011.07.05Key Words:Atlantic


