2015 年度

TEAMS Biological Observation Record Archive System (BORAS): a web tool for managing and sharing observation data of marine organisms

課題名課題4 東北マリンサイエンス拠点データ共有・公開機能の整備・運用
発表形態学術発表 > 学会(ポスター)
著者・発表者Tohru Iseto, Tsukane Yamauchi, Hiroe Suzuki, Hideaki Saitoh, Marika Ichiyanagi, Miwa Hishiki, Nobuyuki Saitoh, Makino Kayo, Kazuhiro Irei, Yasunori Hanafusa, Akira Sonoda
公表先International Symposium on Restoration after Great East Japan Earthquake -Our knowledge on the Ecosystem and Fisheries-
会場情報Yayoi Auditorium, the University of Tokyo