2015 年度

Use of bottom image mapping by a new underwater camera system, and application of 3D mosaicking to observe the Spatial distribution of benthic organisms off The coast of Sanriku

課題名課題3 沖合底層生態系の変動メカニズムの解明
発表形態学術発表 > 学会(ポスター)
著者・発表者Takehisa Yamakita, Yoshihiro Fujiwara, Shinji Tsuchida, Masaru Kawato, Takayuki Uemura, Hiroyuki Yokooka, Yumiko Yara, Hiroyuki Yamamoto, Katsunori Fujikura, Hiroshi Kitazato
公表日2016/03/02 - 2016/03/03
公表先International Symposium on Restoration after Great East Japan Earthquake -Our Knowledge on the Ecosystem and Fisheries-
会場情報Yayoi Auditorium, the University of Tokyo