2020 年度

Geolocator tagging links distributions in the non-breeding season to population genetic structure in a sentinel North Pacific seabird.

課題名課題2 海洋生態系変動メカニズムの解明
発表形態学術発表 > 学術論文
著者・発表者J Mark Hipfner, Marie M Prill, Katharine R Studholme, Alice D Domalik, Strahan Tucker,, Catherine Jardine, Mark Maftei, Kenneth G Wright, Jessie N Beck, Russell W Bradley, Ryan D Carle, Thomas P Good, Scott A Hatch, Peter J Hodum, Motohiro Ito, Scott F Pearson, Nora A Rojek, Leslie Slater, Yutaka Watanuki, Alexis P Will, Aidan D Bindoff, Glenn T Crossin, Mark C Drever, Theresa M Burg