Conditions for Using Core Samples

Requesting JAMSTEC core samples

To access the core samples obtained by JAMSTEC cruises and Cooperative Research Cruises stored at KOCHI/JAMSTEC (KCC), you need to submit a sample request to the Core Sample Management Office. Based on the description in the request, the Core Sample Management Office will determine whether the purpose, method, and requested amount of use are appropriate, and may provide samples to the requester. Please refer to the "Guideline for Using Core Samples" for the sample request procedures.

Policies for handling data and samples

Please visit the following websites to understand JAMSTEC basic policies and procedures related to data, sample, and personal information management:

Request for yet-closed samples

Core samples are generally subject to moratorium periods of up to 2 years for JAMSTEC cruises, and 5 years for Cooperative Research Cruises. Even after the expiration of the moratorium periods, accesses to some samples may be resricted due to individual arrangements making them classfied. If you further wish to request these "closed" samples, please contact JAMSTEC core curator and describe your plan.

Non-scientific, non-educational uses of JAMSTEC core samples and rights for intellectual properties

In principle, JAMSTEC provides core samples for scientific/educational uses for free of charge, however users are liable for sample handling costs. For other uses, JAMSTEC and requesters may require to create appropriate contracts. Provided data and samples may involve intellectual property rights. If you are planning to request data and samples for industrial/commercial uses or if you are going to claim the rights for intellectual properties, please consult with JAMSTEC core curator in advance.