
Available Position Researcher or Researcher (II) (EKS24-012)
Recruiting Department Super-cutting-edge Grand and Advanced Research (SUGAR) Program, Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research (X-star)

*There may be a change in affiliation in the event of a reorganization of JAMSTEC.
Job Description We are recruiting a Researchers or Researchers (II) to engage in the following research project.

[Research Description]
(Immediately upon employment)
JAMSTEC’s microbiological research has earned a global reputation through its extensive work on extremophiles. Our studies have unveiled numerous novel microorganisms, metabolisms, symbioses, evolutionary traits, and ecological roles in deep-sea and subseafloor environments. Despite these advancements, the ocean’s vast mysteries remain largely unexplored. We are seeking researchers eager to explore unidentified microbial ecosystems in these environments. Our goals include expanding our understanding of the limits of life and the biosphere, uncovering new evolutionary interactions between environmental changes and microbial functions, investigating the connections between biogeochemical cycles and microbial communities, and developing state-of-the-art techniques to advance our research. Ideal candidates will bring multi-disciplinary perspectives and innovative approaches.

(1) Investigation of uncultivated microorganisms, unidentified microbial metabolisms, physiologies, genomes, and functions, and the impact of environmental changes on microbial community structures and functionalities, using tools from microbiology, genome science, ecology, bio-engineering, geochemistry, computer science, and more.
(2) Development of innovative methods and techniques to support the research described in (1).
(3) Establishment of a foundation for new legacy research at JAMSTEC, emphasizing multi-disciplinary collaboration and the advancement of collaborative research initiatives.

(The scope of possible changes)
The duties designated by JAMSTEC

[Relevant Research Fields]
Microbiology, Ecology, Genome science, Bio-engineering, Geochemistry, Computer Sciences, etc.
Job Type [Job Title]
Researcher (Science):
Researcher (Science) is expected primarily to conduct fundamental, originative or advanced research based on theories, observations and experiments related to research and development.

Researcher (Technology):
Researcher (Technology) is expected to conduct fundamental, originative, or advanced technology development and related research.

Researcher is expected to further accumulate and develop its own expertise, and to continuously create and publish the results of their main papers and technology development as a dedicated researcher.

Researcher (II):
Researcher (II) is expected independently to conduct research and technology development and to share results through scientific publications and achieve technology innovation.

*Job Title (Science/Technology) and the position will be determined during the employment process.
Requirements Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. in a closely related field of research or technology development.
Work Place (Immediately upon employment)
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
Yokosuka Headquarters, 2-15 Natsushima-cho, Yokosuka,
Kanagawa, 237-0061, JAPAN
*Measures to prevent passive smoking: No smoking on the premises (smoking areas are available outside), no work in areas where smoking allowed.

(The scope of possible changes)
The places designated by JAMSTEC (including a place for working from home)
Working Conditions & Contract Period (1) Number of positions:
1 position for a Researcher or Researcher (II)

(2) Type of contract:
Tenure-track fixed-term employee

(3) Working Hours:
Discretionary labor system for professional work
*The determination of working hours allocation, including start and end times, as well as the method of carrying out research and development activities (including teleworking), is left to the discretion of the employee.

(4) Contract Period:
Period of employment is from April 1, 2025 to March 31, 2030

*Effective date of employment is negotiable.
*One contract period is a maximum of five fiscal years. The contract period will not be renewed.
*On reaching the age of 65 during an employed fiscal year, the contract period will expire at the end of the same fiscal year. This bylaw may change.
*After undergoing an evaluation during the period of employment, the contract may be modified to one without termination (termination of employment would be at the end of the fiscal year in which the employee reaches the age of 60, or the age of 65 if the employee is rehired after their retirement). For details on this system, please contact Human Resources Section.
*This position fall under Article 15-2, Act on Promotion of Science and Technology Innovation.
Salary Annual salary (paid in 1/12 equal monthly payments)
e.g., JPY 6,000,000-7,500,000

*Salary will be competitive, based on the academic qualifications and demonstrated research skills of the candidate.
*Bonus and retirement allowance are included in the annual salary.
Terms of Employment (1) Upon appointment, the successful candidate will receive relocation allowances.
(2) Allowance for commuting expenses will be provided.
(3) Employee and JAMSTEC will share the premiums for social insurance and labor insurance in the proportion specified by current statute.
(4) JAMSTEC employee cooperative provides various subsidies for mutual aid and welfare services.
(5) Housing lease service will be available. (There are criteria based on income etc.)
(6) Holidays and vacations: Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays, year-end, and New Year's holidays. Annual vacations with pay, special vacations, leave of absence to care for a family member, and maternity leave are provided.
Application Procedure (1) Required documents

a) CV. Valid email and home address must be provided.
*Please include contact information for two references.
*The person listed as a reference should be different from the person who wrote the letter of recommendation and should not be an employee or Visiting Researcher of JAMSTEC.
b) Summary of your research (1 page)
c) Research plan at JAMSTEC (1 page)
d "Publication (achievement) list" including thesis titles and "List of competitive research funds" awarded to the applicant
*Please list publications in refereed (peer-reviewed) journals separately from unrefereed publications.
*Include DOI codes if available.
*If you have not been awarded any, include "none" in the list.
e) Two (or fewer) representative publications
f) Two letters of recommendation from two senior research scientists (1 letter from each).
*The person providing the recommendation should email to JAMSTEC directly with a signed letter as an attached file in PDF format by the closing date. Please include "SUGAR EKS24-012 and the applicant's name" in the subject line.
*Employee or Visiting Researcher of JAMSTEC will not be accepted as a writer of Letter of recommendation.

(2) Submission
Please apply via the following website:

*All files must be converted to PDF format.
*Since some of the notation is in Japanese on the website, please refer to the following input procedure when entering your information.
Application guide

(3) Interview
Applicants will be selected based on submitted application material, followed by an interview.
*Web-based online interviews are expected basically.
Closing Date October 21, 2024 at 23:59 in Japan time
*Depending on the situation of applications, the closing date may be extended.
Contact Human Resources Section, Human Resources Dept., JAMSTEC
Email: recruit-app[at]jamstec.go.jp
*Please replace [at] with @ when addressing Emails and include "SUGAR EKS24-012" in the subject line.
Remarks (1) Submitted documents will be managed safely according to strict rules. Personal information received during the recruiting process will be used only for recruitment screening and appointment procedures and not for any other purposes.
(2) Successful candidate should submit a certificate documenting their health upon appointment.
(3) Please kindly inform us in case of withdrawal of your application by Email.
(4) Above conditions may be changed at the discretion of the agency.
(5) For non-Japanese speakers, the interview and daily work will be conducted in English.
Diversity and Inclusion In our quest to perform state-of-the-art research and develop scientific and technological innovations based on diverse values, JAMSTEC not only actively recruits women based on gender equality but also strives to create a work environment in which individuality is respected regardless of nationality, race, gender, gender identity, age, or the presence or absence of disabilities.
In response to the diverse needs of our employees, we will also promote more flexible work styles and environments, including shorter working hours and opportunities for discretionary work.