JAMSTEC > Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research (X-star) > Super-cutting-edge Grand and Advanced Research (SUGAR) Program

Super-cutting-edge Grand and Advanced Research (SUGAR) Program

Our imagination creates realty. Realty creates our imagination.

Understanding the principle of how the Earth could become a rare planet of diverse living forms has been one of the biggest and fundamental subjects of Liberal Arts, as crystals of intellectual curiosity for human beings. I believe what we solve this basic principle is one of the most important scientific and social missions for JAMSTEC, which is a Center Of Excellence in ocean and earth sciences in the world, and is not less than socially and industrially relevant research activities tied with monetary values. JAMSTEC has established its identity and renown as one of the world's best research institution with development and operation of crowning exploration vessels and vehicles, platforms and multiple technology, and has the greatest potential to explore the yet-unknown diversity of life in the hidden biosphere in the deep and dark world of the Earth and the limits and boundaries of life and biosphere in this planet. Thus, the primary mission of our D-SUGAR is to explore the yet-unknown ecosystems and biospheres in the deep-sea and deep subseafloor environments, to clarify the limits and boundaries of life and biosphere in this planet, and to solve the physical-chemical-biological interactions in such unexplored ecosystems and biospheres. We, D-SUGAR, are multidisciplinary research department that consists of a variety of scientific backgrounds and scientists, and are going to make technological innovations for better understanding and exploration of the hidden world in situ. In addition, we have established the world's best techniques and endeavors to culture and investigate living extremophilic microorganisms and chemosynthetic macrofaunas in our laboratories under the simulated in situ environmental conditions. So, we will deeply pursue their unidentified and unique biogeochemical, physiological and molecular characteristics in our laboratory experiments. These investigations provide significant clues to elucidating not only interactions between the present Earth and a diversity of life but also the co-evolution of Earth and life for about 4 billion years. It is one of the ultimate research missions in JAMSTEC manifestly declared in the JAMSTEC vision.

Ken Takai
Director, Super-cutting-edge Grand and Advanced Research (SUGAR) Program

Recruitment of a Project Research Technician (II) (EGJ24-019)
Recruitment of a Postdoctoral Researcher (EGP24-022)
Recruitment of a Researcher or Researcher (II) (EKS24-012)
Recruitment of a Postdoctoral Researcher (EGP24-004)
Recruitment of a Postdoctoral Researcher (EGP24-002)
Recruitment of a Postdoctoral Researcher (EGP23-026)
Recruitment of a Project Researcher (II) or Postdoctoral Researcher (EGM23-025)
A new species of mysterious jellyfish belonging to a new subfamily discovered in a submarine volcanic caldera. -Environmental impact assessments for seafloor resource development yields new discoveries-
Recruitment of a Postdoctoral Researcher (EGP23-022)
Recruitment of a Postdoctoral Researcher (EGP22-017)
Recruitment of a Senior Researcher (EKS22-014)
Using Carbon-Carbon Clumping to Detect the Signature of Biotic Hydrocarbons
[Link to Tokyo Institute of Technology]
Recruitment of a Postdoctoral Researcher (EGP22-012)
Recruitment of a Research Assistant (EKR22-011)
Recruitment of a Researcher (Ⅱ), Research Technician (Ⅱ) or Engineer (Ⅱ) (EKM22-004)
Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher (EGP22-003)
A highly simplified method allows preparation of artificial cells quickly and easily. ---Ready to produce an artificial cell kit
Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher (EGP21-008)
Disparate baseline soundscapes from different deep-sea ecosystems in Japan: implications on environmental monitoring and assessment
Recruitment of Project Researcher (Ⅱ) (EGS20-016)
Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher (EGP20-006)
Recruitment of Researcher (Ⅱ) (EKS20-008)
FY2020 Recruitment of Postdoctoral Researcher (EGP20-006)
The Scaly-foot Snail genome sheds light on the origin of biomineralised armour
Yutetsu Kuruma was awarded HFSP Awards 2020 Research Grants
FY2020 Recruitment of a Project Scientist or Project Technical Scientist (EGS-022)
Capturing our closest prokaryotic relative reveals insight into the origin of Eukaryotes