Development of ice-sheet/climate models for projection of global sea-level change

JAMSTEC has been developing an ice-sheet/climate model in collaboration with domestic research institutes which aims to contribute the model to the intercomparison projects CMIP6 (for the climate model) and ISMIP6 (for the ice-sheet model) in IPCC AR6. To accomplish the goal related to SDG13, uncertainty in sea-level projection is evaluated using the result of simulation. Until 2021, development of a high-resolution ice-sheet model as well as an improvement in the process modeling of ice–climate interaction will be completed to improve the projection of changes in global sea level.

Schematic design of a Greenland ice-sheet model, simulating evolution of the ice sheet via interaction between the atmosphere, ocean, and solid earth

Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC)
Institute of Arctic Climate and Environment Research (IACE)
Pan-Arctic Climate Change Projection Research Group