About SDGs

The UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, featuring the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, was unanimously adopted by world leaders at a historic UN summit in September 2015. By aligning national priorities with the 2030 Agenda and working together with the private sector and civil society, governments have started mobilizing efforts to end poverty, address inequalities and tackle climate change by 2030.


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Message from JAMSTEC

Human activity has increased dramatically since the 1960s, causing a variety of problems on a global scale. Awareness is growing that we have entered a new epoch in the history of the Earth, an epoch we call the Anthropocene. It has become clear that extreme weather events are accompanying global climate change. Japan is only one of many countries throughout the world that have experienced the frequent occurrence of major disasters due to, for example, extremes of heavy rain or drought. The biosphere is also changing significantly, with pollution spreading to the ocean depths. In addition, human population growth has led to shortages of food and water. A host of other issues, including maintaining healthy urban functions, the spread of infectious diseases, and social issues such as gender equality, is also arising. The sustainability of the human race and of the Earth itself is called into question.

JAMSTEC, with marine science as its core mission, is deeply involved in efforts to understand and forecast the behavior of the wide variety of gigantic complex systems that make up our Earth. We are also focusing on understanding how human activity influences those systems worldwide and are moving forward with research and development on a variety of related areas. Through these activities, we are contributing to achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This website was created to showcase our activities as Japan’s leader in comprehensive marine-earth science research and to share with people everywhere the positive steps we are taking to address the problems that confront us all. We look forward to your support and cooperation in these efforts.

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