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  2. About Us
  3. Research Vessels, Facilities and Equipment
  4. Chartering Research Vessels, Vehicles, and Equipment

Chartering Research Vessels, Vehicles, and Equipment

With the objective to contribute to the improvement of marine science and technology and to the advancement of academic research, the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) conducts research cruises using its own research vessels/facilities.
These facilities are available for contract research; chartering costs and contact information for such cruises are as follows.

Price list (as of JPFY 2024) for chartering research vessels with or without specific facilities and equipment

Research Vessel Vehicles/Equipment
(AUV/ROV/Submersible, etc.)
Day Rate *1
(x1000 JPY)
Yokosuka None 8,112
Shinkai 6500 (submersible)*2 11,011
Jinbei (AUV)*2 9,039
Mirai None 9,735
Shinseimaru None 6,490
Hyper-Dolphin(ROV)*2 7,193
KAIKO(ROV)*2 7,647
Hakuhomaru None 7,301
Kaimei None 8,924
Kaimei-ROV*2 9,667
Boring Machine System (BMS)*2 10,289
Kaimei-ROV, BMS 10,485
Power Grab Sampler with Finder (FPG)*2 9,561
Jinbei (AUV)*2 9,851
Hyper-Dolphin (ROV)*2 9,627
40 m Giant Piston Corer (GPC)*2 8,924
Multi-Channel Seismic System (MCS)*2 10,140
  1. Fuel charge, port charge, observation support costs, insurance premiums for navigating sea areas outside the standard route, operation cost of submarine equipment (refer Appendix below) and consumption tax have to be paid in addition to Day Rate mentioned above.
  2. Vessels may be chartered "as is" but other facilities (AUVs, ROVs, etc.) cannot be leased independently; they MUST be chartered with a launching/recovering JAMSTEC vessel.

AUV: Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
ROV: Remotely Operated Vehicle

Appendix Operation cost of submarine equipment

Vehicles/Equipment Cost per dive or deployment
(x1000 JPY)
Other cost
(x1000 JPY)
Shinkai 6500 1,450
Kaiko 618
Hyper-Dolphin 696
Jinbei (AUV) 1,796
Kaimei-ROV 543
GPC Consumables are needed based on the sampling condition by the GPC.
BMS No Cost per deployment,
but Consumables are needed per cruise with an individual quote.

Personnel costs for Technical staff

Science support staff for onboard analysis and survey equipment Hourly
Other costs
Chief 8,520 Additional travel expenses, daily allowances and other allowances may be required depending on the type of services requested.
A 7,858
B 6,519
C 6,275
D 4,964
Science support staff for Ship-mounted Survey Tools marine observation and survey systems Hourly
A 7,946
B 6,357
C 4,943

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