JAMSTEC > Developing Innovative Technologies for Exploration of Deep Sea Resources  > Organization

Developing Innovative Technologies for Exploration of Deep Sea Resources | Cross-ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program


Promoting research and development by an all Japan community between government, industry and academia

The project is working on the following four themes with collaboration between themes.

Theme 1
Survey and analysis of marine mineral resources
Theme 2-1
Development of survey technologies (operation of multiple types of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and a terminal system with battery charger in the deep sea)
Theme 2-2
Development of production technologies (sampling and lifting technology for rare-earth element deposits)
Theme 3
Verification of deep sea survey and development system

The program director (PD) is responsible for general planning and management. Theme 1, 2-1 and 2-2 promote technology development jointly with industries. In theme 3, industries operationalize the survey and operation system based on the results of development from theme 1, 2-1 and 2-2. The management agency supports the PD and all themes to enhance our activities.

The advisory board gives advice to the PD in terms of technology and science. The promotion committee, consisting of relevant ministries and agencies, facilitates coordination and collaboration between government agencies. This structure will steer the program to establish deep sea resource survey technologies for the future of Japan.

Implementation structure for the program