
Recent observations are starting to lead to the identification of new modes of inteannnual climate variability, some of which may play important roles in governing regional and global climate extremes. One such new mode examined was the proposed ENSO Modoki , a coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon in the tropical Pacific Ocean. It is quite different from the canonical ENSO in terms of its spatial characteristics, timescale, and teleconnection patterns—it shows a warm sea surface temperature (SST) anomaly in the central Pacific flanked by cold anomalies on both sides of the tropical Pacific. Several studies have shown that the ENSO Modoki has become more prominent in the past 15 years. Another new climate mode is the Ningaloo Niño/Niña, which was identified recently as warm SST anomalies off the west coast of Australia (Niño) cycling with cold anomalies in the same region (Niña). This regional climate variation is developed by local air-sea feedback and remote influences from La Niña in the tropical Pacific. The Ningaloo Niño/Niña profoundly affects the marine ecosystem, as well as the climate conditions of Australia. In this project, we challenge to predict the newly found climate modes such as the ENSO Modoki and the Ningaloo Niño/Niña by the SINTEX-F seasonal prediction system, and explore possibilities of climate services on agriculture, disease, and water management over Asia-Australia, using dynamical downscaling from global seasonal forecast to regional forecast.


Dec.1, 2014
The 1st advisory board meeting

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