It still remains the high incident rates of malaria, diarrheal diseases, and pneumonia/ respiratory diseases which HIV/AIDS can severely affect on the immunity. In the Republic of South Africa where economically most developed in African continent, these diseases are not only threatening lives due to the poverty and barriers in access to medical facilities, but also obstructing economic growth by the slow recovery and costly treatment. We focused on these diseases’ characteristics that climatic conditions affect on the outbreaks, and the correlation leaded us in the development of a new infectious Early Warning System incorporating clime predictions. Institute of Tropical Medicine in Nagasaki University has developed research in field of infectious diseases in African continent, especially in Kenya since 1960s, which provide plenty of information and experience in the research activities in Africa. The partner institute, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has also developed collaborative research with Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa for 3 years from 2010, which enabled them predict exordinal increase of rainfall in summer 2011 by the high-resolution ocean-atmosphere coupled model (SINTEX-F). From South Africa side, remarkable research institutes such as CSIR above, Medical Research Council (MRC), Universities of Pretoria, Cape town, Limpopo, Western Cape, has been participating in the project. This multi-disciplinary teams develops the infectious Diseases Early-Warning System incorporating climate prediction, especially focusing on Malaria, pneumonia, and diarrheal diseases, and we will also provide valuable information for the prevention of infectious diseases above with governmental authorities in South Africa.
- 2020-1-10
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- 2018-12-11
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- 2017-11-20
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- 2017-10-03
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- 2017-06-21
- English page was created.