1. Purpose of the project
Most of people in Africa often suffer from several similar infections. However, they cannot take proper treatments because there is no an effective and easy method. Most of these infections are not big problems in developed countries, so they are called "Neglected Tropical Diseases ( NTD )". The investigation into the actual conditions of these infections are proceeding slowly. Recently, the technology of multiplex analysis was invent, it enables us to measure of hundreds of antigens and antibodies at once. However, there is no case used this new technology for the investigation into the actual condition of the infection endemic in Africa. The purpose of this project is that to develop a simultaneous diagnosis method for multiple infections of neglected tropical diseases ( NTD ) in Africa.
2. Contents of the project
- To establish the methods of the fixation of antigen and antibody for microbeads in order to apply multiplex analysis method of several tropical infections.
- To make some microbeads for a simultaneous diagnosis method for multiple infections of neglected tropical diseases (NTD)
- To investigate into the actual conditions of tropical infections for local residents in the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and Nagasaki University Nairobi Research Station.
- To assess the kits of a simultaneous diagnosis method
3. Importance of the project
- Political needs
In G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit, they said that the measure against neglected tropical diseases (NTD) in Africa is the big challenge. This is the research to invent the basic technology to solve it and the result of this research will make the subjective countries improve the measure against these infections. Therefore, the relationship between Kenya and Japan governments will be strong.
- Joint Research foresight
Although the investigation into the actual conditions of tropical infections is important for the diseases control in Africa, there are still many unknown things for the lack of a simple method. This research have foresight in respect of using this new technology for the investigation into the actual conditions.
- Value system
By applying this technology to the field, not only we can find a clue to solve the problem of infectious disease control in many African countries, but also it enables us to develop international standard level about the actual condition of "neglected tropical diseases (NTD)", as well, to evolve to combat infectious diseases of a global issue across borders.
- Accumulation of research
So far, many studies have been over as the tropical disease research in the Institute of Tropical Medicine NAGASAKI UNIVERSITY. In Kenya, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) was established from the Japan International Coorperation Agency (JICA) and we continue the relationship between business and research collaborations. In 2005, we exchange the agreement of joint research project (MOU) to KEMRI when Nagasaki University Nairobi Research Station was established. We sent a few researchers from Nagasaki University, then expand some researches by Biosafety Level 3 research lab and the epidemiological studies based on the follow-up survey and registration of all the 55,000 residents living in the field of western Kenya.