Swadhin K. Behera is a leading scientist in global ocean and climate research, especially he is known for discoveries of several modes of tropical and extratropical climate variations such as IOD and IOSD. After obtaining a Ph. D. degree from India and working for about 10 years in Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, he moved to JAMSTEC in 1998. Since then he has been associated with various centers and programs of JAMSTEC and currently heads the Application Laboratory.
He also serves as an adjunct professor in the Department of Ocean Technology, Policy and Environment at the University of Tokyo and as a visiting professor at the Nagasaki University. He has published more than 200 articles in highly cited international journals with an h-factor of 46 in Web of Science, and presented many invited talks and key-note speeches. He has also appeared in several radio and television programs.
At the beginning of his career, he has developed and worked with various ocean models to simulate the ocean circulation and temperature variations. He has then actively managed an EU-Japan collaborative project to develop the SINTEX-Frontier coupled GCM for climate studies using the Earth Simulator. The SINTEX-F is a leading climate model in the world for climate predictions on seasonal-to-decadal time-scales. The predictions are used in several outreach programs for societal benefits.
A brief career sketch -->