@The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth
Sciences and Technology (JAMSTEC) carried out the research cruise
along the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), Hydrographic
Program (WHP) lines in the southern hemisphere with oceanographic
research vessel "MIRAI" from August 2003 to February 2004, to commemorate
the 30th anniversary of its establishment.
@"MIRAI" started her survey cruise
at Brisbane on August 3, 2003 and took an eastward course along
approximately 30 degrees south latitude. She called at Tahiti,
Valparaiso, Santos, Tamatave, and Port Luis. "MIRAI" arrived at
Fremamtle on January 25, and left there for the last survey cruise
of Leg 6 on January 27. She has completed her more than half year
cruise BEAGLE 2003 by arriving at Fremantle again on February
19, 2004.