JAMSTEC > Engineering Department (Eng D) > Ocean Drilling Technology

Engineering Department (Eng D)

Ocean Drilling Technology

Drilling Data Informatics

Drilling is a mechanical process of removing rock by rotary movement of the bit and pressurized drilling fluid carried out thousands of meters below the drill floor. The drilling process and equipment is operated and monitored from the drill floor on the drilling vessel Chikyu. The resultant operational data, however, only partially describe the borehole condition.
For ultra-deepwater drillings such as Nankai Trough or future mantle drilling JAMSTEC is developing an integrated system where both, downhole and surface drilling data are displayed and analyzed in real-time.
Our work also concentrates on estimating the physical and mechanical properties of the drilled geological formations, anomaly detection and core recovery prediction from the surface drilling data with the help of machine learning algorithms.

Development Objectives

  • Real-time surface drilling data monitoring system integrated with monitoring and analysis of drillpipe and drill bit dynamics.
  • Drilled formation properties evaluation based on drilling data.
  • Support system using machine learning algorithms.

A screenshot of the Drilling Data Monitoring System.

A screenshot of the Real-Time Drillpipe Stress Monitoring System.