Japan Support Program for IODP/ICDP-related Workshops
The Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) provides support to the Japanese research community for part of the costs involved in participating or holding workshops related to the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP).
Overview of the Support Program
Supported workshops:
- Workshops, research meetings, etc., for developing new drilling proposals to be submitted to IODP or ICDP,
- Workshops, research meetings, etc., to promote the scientific results after the implementation of research expeditions or drilling projects of IODP or ICDP.
In addition, the purposes including particular items below are highly recommended in this fiscal year.
- Workshops, research meetings, etc., along with the contents of the new 2050 Science Framework: Exploring Earth by Scientific Ocean Drilling.
Type of support:
- Travel expenses support for workshop participants
- Holding expenses support for workshop organizers (or Support for holding workshops)
Evaluation and selection of the applications:
JAMSTEC Committee for Earth Drilling Science will review and determine the appropriate amount of support.
Application Deadline for forth call:
January 31, 2024
* This call mainly applies to workshops, etc. to be held in February 2024 or later.
Procedures after adoption:
After selection, applicants must follow the procedures based on JAMSTEC regulations. Support may be withdrawn if the awardee is unable to perform the necessary procedures.
1. Travel Expenses Support
We support all or partial travel expenses for applicants to participate in supported workshops.
Qualification requirements:
Researchers and students belonging to universities and research institutions in Japan.
Application method
Please send the following documents to the recipient by e-mail (Both Japanese and English are acceptable):
- Application form (for travel expenses support) (word file)
- Supplemental documents:
・Applicant CV
・Summary of the workshop (Agenda and information)
- Submit to:
Workshop support office
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
※Change "(a)" to "@"
Application amount
The maximum application amount is 300,000 yen per application.
Responsibilities of adopters
- Immediately after participation: Submit a participation report
- Within one year of participation: Submission of project progress / result status report.
2. Support for holding workshops
We support some limited expenses for applicants to hold their own workshops.
Qualification requirements:
- A researcher who belongs to a university or research institution in Japan and who is involved in the workshop with some leadership responsibility as a convener or organizer (students are not eligible to apply).
Submission of applications
Please send the following documents to the office by e-mail (Both Japanese and English are acceptable):
- Application form (for holding expenses support) (word file)
- Supplemental documents
・Applicant CV (representative)
・Documents that give an overview of the workshop, etc. (guidance, agenda etc.)
・If the organizer of the workshop is an organization, materials that give an overview (organization, organization outline, pamphlet, etc.)
- Submit to:
Workshops support office
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
※Change "(a)" to "@"
Application amount
The maximum application amount is 1 million yen with a condition that a matching level of the support award is to be paid by self-funding. It is not possible to cover all expenses with this support fee.
Responsibilities of adopters:
The maximum application amount is 1 million yen with a condition that a matching level of the support award is to be paid by self-funding. It is not possible to cover all expenses with this support fee.
- Immediately after the event: Submission of the event report (JAMSTEC designated form), income and expenditure report, and event report.
- Within 1 year of submission: Submit a report summarizing the results of the workshop (If you want to publish a detailed report on the organizer's website, you can replace it with the URL)
Contact information
Workshop support office
Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering
Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
2-15 Natsushimacho, Yokosuka 237-0061, Japan