Mr. Yutaka Matsuzawa (MOEJ)
Opening address
Mr. Shohei Okano (MOEJ)
Overview of GOSAT series contributions and the future projects
Dr. Tazu Saeki (NIES)
GHG observations by GOSAT series satellites
Dr. Akihiko Ito (University of Tokyo/NIES)
Introduction of SII-8 and follow-up projects for integrated monitoring
Dr. Masataka Watanabe (Chuo University)
Development of cost-efficient and transparent method to estimate CO2 emission using GOSAT satellite in Mongolia and Central Asia countries
Dr. Yu Someya (NIES)
Introduction of GOSAT-GW products and expected outcome
Dr. Yugo Kanaya (JAMSTEC)
Major roles of SLCFs (short-lived climate forcers) in the mitigation pathway
Dr. Prabir Patra (JAMSTEC/Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN))
Regional emissions and removals of carbon dioxide (2000-2022), and co-benefits of biomass burning emission reduction for air pollution control
Open panel discussion(*)
Ms. Aya Takatsuki (MEXT)
Closing address
(*)Open panel Discussion will include Dr. Hiroshi Tanimoto (NIES), Representative from Mongolia, Representatives from Central Asia countries, Dr. Tomohiro Oda (Universities Space Research Association (USRA) /University of Maryland)
MOE seminar web site:
Abstract of seminar:
Accelerated increases in concentrations of anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs: carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O)) are the well-known primary driver of climate change. Besides, short-lived climate forcers (SLCFs) such as ozone (O3) and aerosols are also important - the assessment of residual carbon budget and the development of climate mitigation policies need to integrally take into account these substances. In this seminar, we will first discuss the roles and contribution of the Japanese GOSAT satellite series in understanding the changes in GHGs as well as their future prospects. They include 1) advanced assessment of GHGs inventories and international collaboration, 2) contributions to Global Stocktake, 3) prospect with GOSAT-GW observations measuring NO2 as a SLCF, and 4) a follow-on mission currently under discussion. Studying SLCFs together is important to refine GHG flux estimations and also to better estimate future changes in the lifetime of CH4. In addition, aspects of SLCFs reduction that generate benefits to human and plant health, i.e., co-benefits with climate change measures, are to be highlighted; sustainable development will also be discussed in this context.