
2016年度 2015年度 2014年度 2013年度 2012年度
( i ) 多様なシナリオを踏まえた長期的な地球環境変動の予測
Ito, A., and J. F. Kok, 2017
Do dust emissions from sparsely vegetated regions dominate atmospheric iron supply to the Southern Ocean?, Journal of Geophysical Research submitted.
Yamazaki D., Watanabe S., Hirabayashi Y, (accepted in 2016)
Global flood risk modeling and projections of climate change impacts. AGU Book "Global Flood Hazard", Section 2, Chapter 5, AGU Wiley Publishing.
徳田大輔・山崎大・沖大幹, 2017
河川水温モデルを用いた河川水温形成に氾濫原が果たす役割の解明. 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), vol.73, no.4, (in print)
Abe, M., Nozawa, T., Ogura, T., and Takata, K. (2016)
Effect of retreating sea ice on Arctic cloud cover in simulated recent global warming, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 14343-14356, doi:10.5194/acp-16-14343-2016.
Fujimori S, Abe M, Kinoshita T, Hasegawa T, Kawase H, Kushida K, et al. (2017)
Downscaling Global Emissions and Its Implications Derived from Climate Model Experiments. PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169733. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0169733
Alexander, …, S. Watanabe, et al.,
Southern Hemisphere extra-tropical gravity wave sources and intermittency revealed by a middle atmosphere General Circulation Model (2016), J. Atmos. Sci., 73, 1335–1349, doi:10.1175/JAS-D-15-0149.1.
Laurenza M., Consolini G., Storini M., Pallocchia G., Damiani A.,
The Weibull functional form for the energetic particle spectrum at interplanetary shock waves, Journal of Physics, 767, 012015, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/767/1/012015, 2016
Damiani A., Funke B., Lopez-Puertas M., Gardini A., von Clarmann T., Froidevaux L., Santee M.L., R.R. Cordero,
Impact of the sudden stratospheric warming in February 2009 on the composition of the northern polar upper stratosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research, DOI: 10.1002/2014JD021698, 2014
Cordero R.R., Seckmeyer G., Damiani A., J. Jorquera, J. Carrasco, R. Munoz, L. Dasilva, F. Labbe, D. Laroze,
Aerosol Effect on the UV Irradiance in Santiago de Chile, Atmospheric Research, DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2014.07.002, 2014
Yamazaki D., and M. A. Trigg (2016)
Hydrology: The dynamics of Earth's surface water. Nature, 540, 348-349 (査読なし解説記事)
Ito, A., J. F. Kok
Global modeling study of dust source and Fe input to the Southern Ocean, Goldschmidt 2016, June 2016, Yokohama, Japan.
伊藤彰記、Kok Jasper F.
Ito, A., J. F. Kok.
Global modeling study of dust source and soluble Fe input to the Southern Ocean, 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, December 2016, California, USA.(ポスター発表)
Ito, A., J. F. Kok.
Global modeling study of dust source and soluble Fe input to the Southern Ocean, IGAC 14th International Conference, September 2016, Colorado, USA.(ポスター発表)
伊藤彰記、Kok Jasper F.
Yamazaki D., Ikeshima D., Tawatari R., Kanae S. 2016
New and better topography for global hydrology modelling. AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, California, United States, December 2016.
Yamazaki D., 2016
Global-scale swamp forest modelling using satellite-based elevation and forest datasets. JpGU 2016 Meeting, Makuhari, Chiba, Japan, May 2016.(ポスター発表)
Abe, M., K. Takata, M. Kawamiya, and S. Watanabe
Vegetation masking effect of snow-albedo feedback in Siberia during future global warming simulated by MIROC-ESM, JpGU Meeting 2016, 2016 May 26, Chiba, Japan
Abe, M.
Effect of anthropogenic aerosol emission on water temperature variation in the North Pacific Ocean during late 20th Century, 7th Japan-EU workshop on climate change reseach, 2016 Apr 26, Tokyo, Japan
Abe, M., K. Takata, M. Kawamiya, and S. Watanabe
Vegetation masking effect on snow albedo feedback trends in a boreal forest region of northern Eurasia in future projection, 2016 AGU Fall Meeting, 2016 Dec 13, LA, USA.
Tomohiro Hajima
Long-term climate and carbon cycle projections by an Earth system model. 7t h Japan-EU Workshop on Climate Change Research, Japan-EU workshop 2016/4/26, 東京.
Tomohiro Hajima, Kaoru Tachiiri, Michio Kawamiya
Climate-carbon cycle changes during 1000 years in doubled CO2 concentration simulated by MIROC-ESM, JPGU2016, 2016/5/23, 幕張.
Tomohiro Hajima
Land ecosystem model in Earth system modeling. Workshop on Land surface model development for the coming decade 2016/7/28, 東京.
Damiani A., Watanabe S., Okajima H., Watanabe M.,
Ozone-climate coupling: an attribution study based on MIROC-ESM-CHEM, The Seventh Symposium on Polar Science, Tokyo (Japan), 29 November to 2 December 2016
Cordero R. R., Damiani A., Jorquera J., Caballero M.,
Measurements of the spectral albedo at Union Glacier Camp (Antarctica): A case study, 34th SCAR, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), 22-26 August 2016
Damiani A., Funke B., Lopez Puertas M., Santee M.L.,
Effects of energetic particle precipitation and solar irradiance on ozone, Japan Geosciences Union Meeting 2016, Tokyo (Japan), 22-26 May, 2016
Laurenza M., Consolini G. Storini M., Pallocchia G., Damiani A.,
The Weibull functional form for the energetic particle spectra at interplanetary shock waves, The 15th Annual International Astrophysics Conference, Cape Coral/FL (USA), 4-8 April 2016
Damiani A.,
Energetic particle precipitation: a major driver of the ozone budget in the Antarctic upper stratosphere, seminar at JAMSTEC, Yokohama, Japan, 7 January 2016
山崎大, 2016
地球規模での河川流れのシミュレーション -数学による地球システムの記述と予測-, JSTサイエンスアゴラ2016 数学協働プログラム「科学における発見、数学における発見」シンポジウム, 産総研臨海副都心センター, 東京, 2016年11月
Yamazaki D., 2016
Global hydrodynamic modelling of flood inundation in continental rivers: How can we achieve it? AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, California, United States, December 2016.
山崎大, 2016
Landsat衛星が捉えた世界の河川と湖沼の分布, 文部科学省 科学技術週間 第57回科学技術週間行事における科学技術の美パネル展, 東京, 2016年4月18-24日(研究成果の画像提供)
山崎大, 2016
アマゾン川『水没ジャングル』の地形分布, JAMSTEC横須賀本部 一般公開 「地球環境写真展」, 横須賀, 2016年5月21日(研究成果の画像提供)
山崎大, 2016
Landsat衛星が捉えた世界の河川と湖沼の分布, JAMSTEC WebPage 「今週の一枚」, 2016年6月13日(研究成果の画像提供)
Tachiiri, K, T. Hajima, M. Kawamiya
Robustness of the transient climate response to cumulative carbon emissions (in prep).
Matsumoto, K., K. Tachiiri, M. Kawamiya (2016)
Evaluating multiple emission pathways for fixed cumulative carbon dioxide emissions from global-scale socioeconomic perspectives, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, doi: 10.1007/s11027-016-9726-8.
Matsumoto, K., K. Tachiiri, M. Kawamiya (2016)
Do different emission pathways under fixed cumulative CO2 emissions affect socioeconomic conditions. USAEE/IAEE Working Paper Series, 16-271(論文(査読あり)1はアップデート版).
Silva Herran, D., K. Tachiiri, and K. Matsumoto.
Contribution of bioenergy in long-term mitigation scenarios considering climate uncertainties. Climatic Change. Submitted.
Silva Herran, D., K. Tachiiri, K. Tanaka.
Global emission scenarios for analyzing the role of non-CO2 GHGs in climate stabilization. In preparation.
Tachiiri, K. (2016)
Linking Earth system and socio-economic model for setting climate stabilization target, The 7th Japan-EU Workshop on Climate Change Research, April 26-27, Tokyo.
Tachiiri, K., T. Hajima, A. Ito, M. Kawamiya (2016)
Decomposition of CO2 fertilization effect into contributions by land ecosystem processes: comparison among CMIP5 Earth system models, 2016 International Land Model Benchmarking (ILAMB) Workshop, May 16-18, Washington DC.
Tachiiri, K and T. Hajima (2016)
Effect of bias in Leaf Area Index to climate in MIROC-ESM, Japan Geoscience Union 2016, May 23, ACG09-P04. (ポスター発表)
立入 郁(2016)
Matsumoto, K., K. Tachiiri, M. Kawamiya (2016)
Socioeconomic implications of cumulative CO2 emissions in the 21st century under climate mitigation scenarios, 11th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water, and Environment Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2016.
Silva Herran, D., and K. Tachiiri.
Socio-economic implications of stabilization scenarios from MIROC-ESM. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016, 22-26 May 2016, MakuhariMesse, Japan.
Silva Herran, D., and K. Tachiiri.
Development of emission scenarios for climate stabilization considering mitigation of non-CO2 GHGs. Poster presented at the JGCRI Annual Integrated Assessment Workshop and GCAM Community Modeling Meeting 2016, 11-14 October, 2016, College Park, MD, USA.
Silva Herran, D., and K. Tachiiri.
Socio-economic implications of climate stabilization scenarios from MIROC Earth System Model. 34th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, 24-26 October, 2016, Tulsa, OK, USA.
Silva Herran, D., and K. Tachiiri.
Role of non-CO2 GHGs in climate stabilization within emission scenarios aiming at global temperature targets. 9th Annual Meeting of the IAMC, 5-7 December, 2016, Beijing, China.
Silva Herran, D., and K. Tachiiri.
Socio-economic changes of stabilization scenarios considering global temperatures targets in the long term. 22nd AIM International Workshop, 9-10 December, 2016, Tsukuba, Japan.
Silva Herran, D., and K. Tachiiri.
Development of Emission Scenarios for Stabilization of Global Temperature under Different Socioeconomic Settings. 第33回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス (32nd Conference on Energy, Economy, and Environment), 2-3 February 2017, Tokyo, Japan.
Tsutsui, J. (2017),
Quantification of temperature response to CO2 forcing in atmosphere ocean general circulation models. Climatic Change, 140, 287 305.
Yamamoto, H., 2017,
An analysis of supply and demand strategy of bioethanol using an agent-based global energy model. J. Japan Institute of Energy (under review).
Nishizawa, K., 2017,
A method for estimating the efficacies of radiative forcing by using an energy balance model of climate. Int. J. Climatol. (submitted).
筒井純一 (2016),
シナリオ・イニシアティブについて, 日本版エネルギーMIPワークショップ, 2016/6/16, 東京大学.
筒井純一 (2016),
パリ協定における緩和目標と温度目標の定量的関係, 「1.5℃に抑える努力の追求(パリ協定)」研究者集会, S-10(ICA-RUS)・シナリオイニシアティブ共催, 2016/9/5, 航空会館(東京)
筒井純一 (2016),
地球温暖化緩和策の長期目標における温室効果ガスの人為的な排出と吸収の均衡について, 日本気象学会2016年度秋季大会, 2016/10/26--28日, 名古屋大学.
Yamamoto, H., J. Tsutsui (2016),
The development of BET-GLUE model? An integrated assessment model and a land use model?, Workshop on Energy Models and Applications, 2016/12/14, 東京大学.
坂本将吾, 筒井純一, 山本博巳 (2017),
共有社会経済パスに対応した世界食料需要シナリオの検討, 第33回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス, エネルギー・資源学会, 2017/2/2, 砂防会館(東京).
監修 (河宮未知生、立入郁、羽島知洋、ほか)
「異常気象と温暖化がわかる」, 技術評論社, pp192, 2016/5/20.
取材協力 (河宮未知生、羽島知洋)
NHK スペシャル MEGA CRISIS 巨大危機 第1集「異常気象との闘い」, 2016/6/27.
筒井純一 (2016),
共有社会経済パス(Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, SSP), 天気(日本気象学会会誌), 63, 575 577.
筒井純一 (2016),
気候影響評価のための将来のシナリオに関する研究動向, 電力土木(電力土木技術協会会誌), 384, 98 101.
筒井純一 (2017),
地球温暖化に関する気候と社会経済の研究をつなぐ簡易気候モデル, ながれ(日本流体力学会会誌), 36, 1, 印刷中.
筒井純一, 渡邊茂, 林千絵 (2017),
IPCC第44回総会参加報告, IPCC WG1国内支援事務局 会合等参加報告
( ii ) 大規模な気候変動・改変に関する科学的知見の創出
Saito, F., A. Abe-Ouchi, K. Takahashi and H. Blatter (2016)
SeaRISE experiment revisited: potential sources of spread in multi-model projections of the Greenland ice-sheet, The Cryosphere, 10(1), 43-63, doi:10.5194/tc-10-43-2016
Saito, F., K. Takahashi, A. Abe-Ouchi,
Sources of Spread in Multi-model Projections of the Greenland Ice-Sheet, 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, 2015/06/27, Prague, Czech.
Saito, F., K. Takahashi, A. Abe-Ouchi,
Development of numerical ice-sheet model (IcIES) and its application of Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets PALSEA2 2015 Meeting: ``Data-Model Integration and Comparison'', 2015/07/23, Kashiwa, Japan.
Saito, F., K. Takahashi, A. Abe-Ouchi,
Development of a numerical ice-sheet/ice-shelf model IcIES: numerical exercises in ice-sheet simulation, International Symposium on Contemporary Ice-Sheet Dynamics: ocean interaction, meltwater and non-linear effects, 2015/8/20, Canbridge, UK.
Tomohiro Hajima.
Climate Change Projections with Caron Cycle: Earth System Models. Japan Pavilion Side Event in the COP21/CMP11 "Global Carbon Monitoring - towards Modeling, Projection and Policy Making". December 4, Paris-Le Bourget, France.
    GTMIP グループ
北極陸域モデル相互比較とサイト間差異 - 物理・物質循環過程に着目して - 、JpGU 2015 meeting 2015、2015/5/25、幕張
Kazuyuki Saito, Shin Miyazaki, Junko Mori, Takeshi Yamazaki, Takeshi Ise, Tetsuo Sueyoshi, Hazuki Arakida,
    Eleanor Burk, Tomohiro Hajima, Masahiro Hosaka, Kazuhiro Ichii, Yoshihiro Iijima, Hiroki Ikawa, Akihiko Ito,
    Ayumi Kotani, Yojiro Matsuura, Masashi Niwano, Tomoko Nitta, Ryouta Oishi, Takeshi Ohta, Hotaek Park,
    Takahiro Sasai, Atsushi Sato, Hisashi Sato, Atsuko Sugimoto, Rikie Suzuki, Katsunori Tanaka,
    Satoru Yamaguchi, Kei Yoshimura
GRENE-TEA Model Intercomparison Project (GTMIP) stage 1: Protocol, forcing data and results. The 4th International Symposium on Arctic Research, 2015/04/30, Toyama, Japan.
Sekiya, T., K. Sudo, and T. Nagai (2016)
Evolution of stratospheric sulfate aerosol from the 1991 Pinatubo eruption: Roles of aerosol microphysical processes, Journal of Geophysical Research, 121, doi:10.1002/2015JD024313.
Kashimura, H., M. Abe, S. Watanabe, T. Sekiya, D. Ji, J. C. Moore, J. N. S. Cole, C. L. Curry, A. Jones, and J. M. Haywood
Shortwave radiative forcing and response to the surface by sulfate geoengineering: Analysis of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project G4 scenario.
Kashimura, H., M. Abe, and S. Watanabe.
Analysis of G4, Fifth GeoMIP Meeting, Boulder, USA, 2015年7月22–23日