Earth Simulator(ES1) System Overview


Mar. 61st Orientation for users
Mar. 112nd Orientation for users
Mar. 15Opening Ceremony at the Earth Simulator Center
Apr. 1835.86 Tflops at Linpack test, registered as no.1 of TOP500
Jun. 51st meeting of Mission Definition Committee
Jun. 20TOP500 Award at Heidelberg
Jun. 21-30Public project recruitment of FY2002
Jul. 101st Selection Committee
Jul. 16Start of the Authorized project
Jul. 30 - Aug. 1 Orientation and Seminar for Users (Vectorization/Parallelization)
Aug. 27 & 29Seminar for Users (MPI/HPF)
Sep. 281st Earth Simulator Center Symposium
Harmonious Relationship between the Earth and Mankind
Oct. 232nd Meeting of Mission Definition Committee
Nov. 1 - 30Additional Public project recruitment of FY2002
Nov. 20TOP500 Award
Nov. 22Gordon Bell Award at SC2002 in US;
- The Gordon Bell Award for Peak Performance
- The Gordon Bell Award for Language (special category)
- Three additional papers earned Gordon Bell Awards for special accomplishment
Dec. 132nd Selection Committee
Dec. 17 - 19Orientation and Seminar for Users (Vectorization/Parallelization/MPI/HPF)
Dec. 24Start of the additional authorized project
Dec.TIME 42 Inventions 2002
Feb. 1 & 2Annual Meeting for research projects in FY2002
Feb. 283rd Advisory Committee
Mar. 53rd Mission Definition Committee
Mar. 12-30Public project recruitment of FY2003
Apr. 103rd Selection Committee
Apr. 19Open House of Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences
Jun. 32003 Computerworld Honors 21st-Century Achievement Awards in the Environment, Energy & Agriculture category
Jun. 192nd Earth Simulator Center Symposium
A message from another Earth
Jun. 25TOP500 Award at Heidelberg
Aug. 214th Mission Definition Committee
Nov. 20TOP500 Award
Nov. 20Gordon Bell Award at SC2003 in US;
- A 14.6 billion degrees of freedom, 5 teraflops, 2.5 terabyte earthquake simulation on the Earth Simulator
Jan. 10 - 11Annual Meeting for research projects in FY2003
Jan. 214th Advisory Committee
Jan. 225th meeting of Mission Definition Committee
Feb. 2 - 29Public project recruitment of FY2004
Mar. 114th Selection Committee
Mar. 19Tokyo Creation Award 2003
Apr. 1Start of the additional authorized project
Apr. 17Open House of Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences
May 20IPSJ Industrial Achievement Award
Jun. 16A JAMA-JAMSTEC Joint Research Project Employing the Earth Simulator
Jun. 21TOP500 Award at Heidelberg
Sep. 151st Mission Definition Committee
Oct. 133rd Earth Simulator Center Symposium at Iino Hall (Tokyo). "Harmonious Relationship between the Earth and Human Being - The Earth is changing this way"
Oct. 25ESC made a contract with Institute of Economic Research of Hitotsubashi University for collaborative research.
Nov. 17Earth Simulator is awarded as the world's 3rd fastest super computer, at TOP 500 Award
Nov. 17Winning Gordon Bell Award at SC2004 conference in U.S;
- A 15.2 TFlops Simulation of Geodynamo on the Earth Simulator
Nov. 29Mid-term Evaluating Committee starts evaluating the research activities associated with Earth Simulator
Jan. 7 - 8Annual Meeting for research projects in FY2004
Jan. 132nd Mission Definition Committee
Jan. 19Initiation of international collaborative research with HCCPR (Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research)
Feb. 2 - 28Public project recruitment of FY2005
Mar. 105th Selection Committee
May 162nd Mission definition committee
Jul. 144th Earth Simulator Center symposium
Sep. 224th Mission definition committee
Jan. 6 - 7Annual meeting for research projects in FY2005.
Jan. 85th Mission definition committee
Jan. 20 - Feb. 20Public project recruitment of FY2006
Mar. 86th Selection committee
Apr. 15Open house of Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences
Sep. 225th Earth Simulator Center symposium
Jan. 26 - 27Annual meeting for research projects in FY2006.
Jan. 286th Mission definition committee
Feb. 1Conclusion of the ESC/Meraka Institute Collaborative Research Agreement
- Cooperation for Simulation Study and Human Capital Development -
Feb. 1 - 28Public project recruitment of FY2007
Mar. 57th Selection Committee
Apr. 167th Mission Definition committee
Sep. 20Open House of Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences
Oct. 316nd Earth Simulator Center Symposium
Jan. 11 - Jan. 12Annual Meeting for research projects in FY2007
Jan. 138th Mission Definition Committee
Feb. 1 - 22Public project recruitment of FY2008
Mar. 18th Selection Committee
Mar. 13Gulf Stream's influence to the troposphere has been revalved, research results was on the "Nature"
Aug. 25 - 26"OFES International Workshop" in Yokohama.
Aug. 28New Generating Mechanism of Geomagnetic Field Found in the Highest-resolution Simulations Using Earth Simulator, research results was on the "Nature"
Sep. 20Open House of Yokohama Institute for Earth Sciences
Oct. 1Replacement for the new ES system has started
Dec. 9 - 10Annual Meeting for research projects in FY2008
Feb. 9 - 27Public project recruitment of FY2009
Mar. 1Operation of the new ES system has started
Mar. 10Selection Committee
Apr. 1Organizational change
Jun. 4New ES achieved 1st prize in LINPACK benchmark test in Japan.