Earth Simulator(ES2) Operation Status

Earth Simulator(ES2) Operation Status

The percentage of unavailable node hour in this fiscal year, which excludes scheduled maintenance, is 1.46%.


  • If one processor of the Processor Node (PN) is in failure, the PN will be excluded from operation.
  • If a job is aborted because of PN failure, the job will be restarted using another node automatically.
  • The disk system employs RAID5 configuration. Most of the disk failures have no influence on user program execution.

Number of components

  • Processor Node (PN) : 160 nodes
  • Internode Crossbar Switch (IXS)

  • User disks (about 1.5 PB)
  • Work disks (about 500 TB)

  • Login servers
  • Remote servers
  • Various other servers, network devices