NIES/FRCGC Global Atmospheric Tracer Transport Model:
Description, Validation, and Surface Sources and Sinks Inversion
Shamil Maksyutov, Prabir K. Patra, Ryo Onishi,
Tazu Saeki, Takakiyo Nakazawa
Internal and External Flow of Rocket Nozzle
Taro Shimizu, Masatoshi Kodera, Nobuyuki Tsuboi
Development of an Atmospheric General Circulation Model
for Integrated Earth System Modeling on the Earth Simulator
Shingo Watanabe, Hiroaki Miura, Miho Sekiguchi, Tatsuya Nagashima,
Kengo Sudo, Seita Emori, Michio Kawamiya
Global Warming Simulation using the High-Resolution Climate Model
A Summary of the K-1 Project
Akimasa Sumi
Vectorization of Polygon Rendering for Off-line Visualization
of a Large Scale Structural Analysis with ADVENTURE System
on the Earth Simulator
Hiroshi Kawai, Masao Ogino, Ryuji Shioya Shinobu Yoshimura
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