Contract Research Projects

Contract Research Projects

Earth Simulator based researches by Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST)

Project Name
Name of Project Representative
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative
Global Cloud Resolving Model Simulations toward Numerical Weather Forecasting in the Tropics
Masaki Sato
Integrated Predictive Simulation System for Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster
Mitsuhiro Matsu'ura
Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
High Performance Simulation for Disaster Prediction
Keiko Takahashi
Construction of Nano-Architecture Based on Computational Quantum Theoretical Sciecnes
Atsushi Oshiyama
Center for Computational Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Foundation Construction for Multi-Scale and Multi-Physics Simulations toward Novel Superconducting Applications
Masahiko Machida
CCSE, Japan Atomic Energy Agency
