JAMSTEC Research Projects
List of JAMSTEC Proposed Project in FY2023
<Ocean & Atmosphere>
Project Name |
Name of Project Representative |
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative |
High-resolution Sea Ice–ocean Modeling on the Arctic Environmental Change | Eiji Watanabe | IACE, RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Global Ocean State Estimation by Using 4D-VAR Ocean Data Assimilation System | Satoshi Osafune | GOORC, RIGC, JAMSTEC |
High-performance Computing of Ocean Models for Japan Coastal Ocean Predictability Experiment | Yasumasa Miyazawa | APL, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Seasonal to Decadal Prediction and Its Application | Swadhin Behera | APL, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Study on Mechanisms and Predictability of Convective Disturbances by High-resolution Global Nonhydrostatic Simulations | Tomoe Nasuno | CEMA, RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Development Research of a High-quality Climate Model for Long-term Climate Change Projection Study | Michio Kawamiya | CEMA, RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Understanding the Arctic Climate Change and Its Global Impact for Climate Change Projection | Yoshiki Komuro | IACE, RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Understanding Roles of Oceanic Fine Structures in Climate and Its Variability | Masami Nonaka | APL, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Observing System Research Using Ensemble-based Data Assimilation Methods | Akira Yamazaki | APL, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Multi-Scale Environmental Simulations for Sustainable and Safe Living | Keigo Matsuda | CEIST, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Prediction of the Middle Atmosphere | Shingo Watanabe | CEMA, RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Ensemble Ocean Data and Downscaling for Policy Decision Making for Near-Future Climate Change | Hiromichi Igarashi | CEIST, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Environmental Geochemical Cycle Modelling Research | Takashi Sekiya | ESS, RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Mathematical Theory of Synchronization Phenomena in Marine-Earth Science | Yoji Kawamura | MAT, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Development of seasonal/weather prediction system for predicting extreme events | Yuya Baba | APL, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Moisture source, transport, and moisture-related initiation mechanisms of extreme rainfall events | Zhao Ning | CCOAR, RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Elucidation of water and material balance in a large boreal river basin using a coupled ecohydrological model and data assimilation | Kazuyoshi Suzuki | IACE, RIGC, JAMSTEC |
<Solid Earth & Space>
Project Name |
Name of Project Representative |
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative |
Convection in Various Prandtl Numbers and Its Application to Solid Earth Science | Takehiro Miyagoshi | MAT, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Development of Advanced Particle Simulation Code | Mikito Furuichi | MAT, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Global Seismic Wave Propagation Simulation | Daisuke Sugiyama | CEIST, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Integrated Research for Fault Slip Estimation, Prediction of Spatio-Temporal Evolution of Fault Slip and Earthquake/Tsunami Damage Estimation Considering Heterogeneous Material Property and Uncertainty | Takane Hori | FEAT, IMG, JAMSTEC |
High power laser aided manufacturing process optimization in space environment using particle method simulation | Yousuke Kawahito | VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Application of 3D Convolutional Neural Network with Theoretical Seismograms for Locating Earthquakes | Daisuke Sugiyama | CEIST, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Development of numerical analysis method for dynamic behavior with energy dissipation of continuum | Sayako Hirobe | MAT, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Development and application of general purpose parallel finite element method for seismic structural analysis | Muneo Hori | VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Integrated research for tsunami analysis and its prediction | Kentaro Imai | FEAT, IMG, JAMSTEC |
Numerical experiment studies on plate tectonics and mantle dynamics by 3D spherical models | Masaki Yoshida | VERC, IMG, JAMSTEC |
Seismic imaging of marine crustal structure with high resolution and uncertainty quantification | Ryoichiro Agata | SDR, IMG, JAMSTEC |
<Computing Science>
Project Name |
Name of Project Representative |
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative |
Development of Deep Learning based Image Recognition for Marine and Earth Sciences | Daisuke Matsuoka | CEIST, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Research and Development of Basic Technologies for Detecting Anomaly Predictor Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Algorithms | Yujin Nakagawa | MarE3, JAMSTEC |
Project Name |
Name of Project Representative |
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative |
Making of Scenarios for Sustainable City | Toru Sugiyama | CEIST, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Genomaple-ES4 (Genome Metabolic And Physiological potentiaL Evaluator) | Mikito Furuichi | MAT, VAiG, JAMSTEC |
Elucidation of water and material balance in a large boreal river basin using a coupled ecohydrological model and data assimilation | Satoshi Okada | SUGAR, X-star, JAMSTEC |
Study of deep-sea bioresource using large-scale genomic data | Satoshi Hiraoka | CeBN, MRU, JAMSTEC |
: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology | |
VAiG | : Research Institute for Value-Added-Information Generation |
 -APL | : Application Laboratory |
 -CEIST | : Center for Earth Information Science and Technology |
 -MAT | : Center for Mathematical Science and Advanced Technology |
RIGC | : Research Institute for Global Change |
 -CEMA | : Research Center for Environmental Modeling and Application |
 -ESS | : Earth Surface System Research Center |
 -GOORC | : Global Ocean Observation Research Center |
 -IACE | : Institute of Arctic Climate and Environment Research |
IMG | : Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics |
 -FEAT | : Research and Development Center for Earthquake and  Tsunami Forecasting |
 -SDR | : Subduction Dynamics Research Center |
 -VERC | : Volcanoes and Earth’s Interior Research Center |
MarE3 | : Institute for Marine-Earth Exploration and Engineering |
X-star | : Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Researchs |
 -SUGAR | : Super-cutting-edge Grand and Advanced Research |
 -KOCHI | : Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research |
MRU | : Research Institute for Marine |
 -CeBN | : Research Center for Bioscience and Nanoscience |