Challenge Usage Project 2023

Challenge Usage Project

List of JAMSTEC Strategic Projects(Challenge Usage Project) in FY2023

<Solid Earth and Space>
Project Name
Name of Project Representative
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative
Whole solid-earth numerical simulation Masaki Yoshida VERC, IMG, JAMSTEC

<Ocean & Atmosphere>
Project Name
Name of Project Representative
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative
Climate modeling study on snowball earth conditions and ocean circulations Takashi Obase Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Ensemble data assimilation of ocean surface wind estimated by seabird biologging Akira Yamazaki APL, VAiG, JAMSTEC

Project Name
Name of Project Representative
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative
Evolutionary and adaptation process of the microbial community in the sub-seafloor biosphere Tatsuhiko Hoshino KOCHI, X-star, JAMSTEC
Tracing the Origin of Plastic Debris through Colonized Microorganisms Shiye Zhao BioEnv, RIGC, JAMSTEC

JAMSTEC : Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
IMG : Research Institute for Marine Geodynamics
 -VERC : Volcanoes and Earth’s Interior Research Center
X-star : Institute for Extra-cutting-edge Science and Technology Avant-garde Research
 -KOCHI : Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research
VAiG : Research Institute for Value-Added-Information Generation
 -APL : Application Laboratory
RIGC : Research Institute for Global Change
 -BioEnv : Marine Biodiversity and Environmental Assessment Research Center