Earth Simulator Proposed Research Projects
Authorized Project List in FY2010
<Earth Science>
Project Name |
Name of Project Representative |
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative |
Understanding Roles of Oceanic Fine Structures in Climate and its Variability | Wataru Ofuchi | ESC, JAMSTEC |
Simulations of Adaptation-Oriented Strategy for Climate Variability | Keiko Takahashi | ESC, JAMSTEC |
Development of a High-quality Climate Model for Global Warming Projection Study | Akira Noda | RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Simulations of Atmospheric General Circulations of Earth-like Planets by AFES | Yoshiyuki Hayashi | Graduate School of Science, Kobe University |
Study on the Diagnostics and Projection of Ecosystem Change Associated with Global Change | Michio Kishi | RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Development of a Numerical Model of Urban Heat Island | Yasunobu Ashie | National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management |
Study of Cloud and Precipitation Processes using a Global Cloud-system Resolving Model | Masaki Sato | RIGC, JAMSTEC/Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute The University of Tokyo |
Study on the Predictability of Climate Variations and Their Mechanisms | Yukio Masumoto | RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Simulation and Verification of Tropical Deep Convective Clouds using Eddy-permitting Regional Atmospheric Models | Kozo Nakamura | RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Atmospheric Composition Change and its Climate Effect Studies by a Chemical Transport Model | Masayuki Takigawa | RIGC, JAMSTEC |
Ocean State Estimation for the Recent Decade and Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for the Optimal Observing System, by using a 4D-VAR Ocean Data Assimilation Model | Shuhei Masuda | RIGC, JAMSTEC |
High-frequency Global Ocean Modeling with the 1-km Spatial Resolution | Ryota Hino | Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University |
Global Elastic Response Simulation | Seiji Tsuboi | IFREE/DrC, JAMSTEC |
Simulation Study on the Dynamics of the Mantle and Core in Earth-like Conditions | Yozo Hamano | IFREE, JAMSTEC |
Predictive Simulation for Crustal Activity in and around Japan | Chihiro Hashimoto | Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University |
Numerical Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation and Strong Ground Motions in 3-D Heterogeneous Media | Takashi Furumura | Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo/Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo |
Development of Advanced Simulation Tools for Solid Earth Sciences | Akira Kageyama | Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University |
Numerical Simulations of the Dynamics of Volcanic Phenomena | Takehiro Koyaguchi | Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo |
Space and Earth System Modeling | Kanya Kusano | IFREE, JAMSTEC |
<Epoch-making Simulation>
Project Name |
Name of Project Representative |
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative |
Development of General Purpose Numerical Software Infrastructure for Large Scale Scientific Computing | Akira Nishida | Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University |
Large-scale Simulation on the Properties of Carbon-nanotube | Syogo Tejima | Research Organization for Information Science & Technology |
Development of the Next-generation Computational Fracture Mechanics Simulator for Constructing Safe and Sustainable Society | Ryuji Shioya | Faculty of Information Sciences and Arts, Toyo University |
Large-scale Simulation for a Terahertz Resonance Superconductors Device | Mikio Iizuka | Research Organization for Information Science & Technology |
Direct Numerical Simulations of Fundamental Turbulent Flows with the World's Largest Number of Grid-points and Application to Modeling of Engineering Turbulent Flows | Yukio Kaneda | Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University |
A Large-scale Post-genome Analysis using Self-Organizing Map for All Genome and Protein Sequences | Toshimichi Ikemura | Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology |
First Principles Calculation on Hydrogen Diffusion Behavior in Iron Containing a Dislocation and Grain Boundary | Hideo Kaburaki | Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
Development of a Fluid Simulation Approach by Massively Parallel Bits-operations with a New Viscosity Control Method | Hiroshi Matsuoka | Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University |
Development of Adaptive High Accuracy Libraries | Hidehiko Hasegawa | Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba |
Developments of Sophisticated Simulation Analysis Method of Actual Reinforced Concrete Building by Shaking Table Test | Yoshiyuki Kasai | Graduate School Department of Urban Environment and Information Sciences, Graduate School, Maebashi Institute of Technology |
Numerical Studies of Droplet Impacts (Splashes) | Feng Xiao | Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology |
Theoretical Study of Drug Resistance Mechanism Based on the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method | Shigenori Tanaka | Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University |
JAMSTEC : Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
ESC: The Earth Simulator Center
RIGC : Research Institute for Global Change
IFREE : Institute for Research on Earth Evolution
DrC : Data Research Center for Marine-Earth Sciences