Earth Simulator Proposed Research Projects

Earth Simulator Proposed Research Projects

Authorized Project List in FY2010

<Earth Science>
Project Name
Name of Project Representative
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative
Understanding Roles of Oceanic Fine Structures in Climate and its Variability Wataru Ofuchi ESC, JAMSTEC
Simulations of Adaptation-Oriented Strategy for Climate Variability Keiko Takahashi ESC, JAMSTEC
Development of a High-quality Climate Model for Global Warming Projection Study Akira Noda RIGC, JAMSTEC
Simulations of Atmospheric General Circulations of Earth-like Planets by AFES Yoshiyuki Hayashi Graduate School of Science, Kobe University
Study on the Diagnostics and Projection of Ecosystem Change Associated with Global Change Michio Kishi RIGC, JAMSTEC
Development of a Numerical Model of Urban Heat Island Yasunobu Ashie National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management
Study of Cloud and Precipitation Processes using a Global Cloud-system Resolving Model Masaki Sato RIGC, JAMSTEC/Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute The University of Tokyo
Study on the Predictability of Climate Variations and Their Mechanisms Yukio Masumoto RIGC, JAMSTEC
Simulation and Verification of Tropical Deep Convective Clouds using Eddy-permitting Regional Atmospheric Models Kozo Nakamura RIGC, JAMSTEC
Atmospheric Composition Change and its Climate Effect Studies by a Chemical Transport Model Masayuki Takigawa RIGC, JAMSTEC
Ocean State Estimation for the Recent Decade and Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis for the Optimal Observing System, by using a 4D-VAR Ocean Data Assimilation Model Shuhei Masuda RIGC, JAMSTEC
High-frequency Global Ocean Modeling with the 1-km Spatial Resolution Ryota Hino Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University
Global Elastic Response Simulation Seiji Tsuboi IFREE/DrC, JAMSTEC
Simulation Study on the Dynamics of the Mantle and Core in Earth-like Conditions Yozo Hamano IFREE, JAMSTEC
Predictive Simulation for Crustal Activity in and around Japan Chihiro Hashimoto Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University
Numerical Simulation of Seismic Wave Propagation and Strong Ground Motions in 3-D Heterogeneous Media Takashi Furumura Center for Integrated Disaster Information Research, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo/Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Development of Advanced Simulation Tools for Solid Earth Sciences Akira Kageyama Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University
Numerical Simulations of the Dynamics of Volcanic Phenomena Takehiro Koyaguchi Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo
Space and Earth System Modeling Kanya Kusano IFREE, JAMSTEC

<Epoch-making Simulation>
Project Name
Name of Project Representative
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative
Development of General Purpose Numerical Software Infrastructure for Large Scale Scientific Computing Akira Nishida Research Institute for Information Technology, Kyushu University
Large-scale Simulation on the Properties of Carbon-nanotube Syogo Tejima Research Organization for Information Science & Technology
Development of the Next-generation Computational Fracture Mechanics Simulator for Constructing Safe and Sustainable Society Ryuji Shioya Faculty of Information Sciences and Arts, Toyo University
Large-scale Simulation for a Terahertz Resonance Superconductors Device Mikio Iizuka Research Organization for Information Science & Technology
Direct Numerical Simulations of Fundamental Turbulent Flows with the World's Largest Number of Grid-points and Application to Modeling of Engineering Turbulent Flows Yukio Kaneda Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
A Large-scale Post-genome Analysis using Self-Organizing Map for All Genome and Protein Sequences Toshimichi Ikemura Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology
First Principles Calculation on Hydrogen Diffusion Behavior in Iron Containing a Dislocation and Grain Boundary Hideo Kaburaki Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Development of a Fluid Simulation Approach by Massively Parallel Bits-operations with a New Viscosity Control Method Hiroshi Matsuoka Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University
Development of Adaptive High Accuracy Libraries Hidehiko Hasegawa Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba
Developments of Sophisticated Simulation Analysis Method of Actual Reinforced Concrete Building by Shaking Table Test Yoshiyuki Kasai Graduate School Department of Urban Environment and Information Sciences, Graduate School, Maebashi Institute of Technology
Numerical Studies of Droplet Impacts (Splashes) Feng Xiao Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Theoretical Study of Drug Resistance Mechanism Based on the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method Shigenori Tanaka Graduate School of System Informatics, Kobe University

JAMSTEC : Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
ESC: The Earth Simulator Center
RIGC : Research Institute for Global Change
IFREE : Institute for Research on Earth Evolution
DrC : Data Research Center for Marine-Earth Sciences