Earth Simulator Proposed Research Projects

Earth Simulator Proposed Research Projects

List of Authorized Project in FY2019

<Ocean & Atmosphere>
Project Name
Name of Project Representative
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative
Predictability Variation in Numerical Weather Prediction Takeshi Enomoto Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
Numerical Climate Experiments for Past and Future Environmental Change Ayako Abe Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Impacts of Extratropical Coupled Ocean-atmosphere Variability on Seasonal Predictability Hisashi Nakamura Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
High Resolution Typhoon Prediction Experiments Using Multiple Next-generation Nonhydrostatic Global Models Hiromasa Yoshimura Meteorological Research Institute
High-resolution Simulation of a Supertyphoon Observed by Aircraft Using the Cloud-resolving Model Kazuhisa Tsuboki Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University
Development of Long-term Evaluation Method of Typhoons and Coastal Hazards Under Climate Change Nobuhito Mori Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University
Internal Gravity Wave Emission from Three-dimensional Turbulent Spot Tomoaki Watanabe Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Elucidation of Atmospheric Hierarchy by Integration of Atmospheric Radar International Collaborative Observation Data and High Resolution Atmospheric General Circulation Model Kaoru Sato Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Study of the Superposition of Extreme Precipitation and Storm Surge, Tsunami Taro Arikawa Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University

<Solid Earth & Space>
Project Name
Name of Project Representative
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative
High-accurate Simulation of Tsunami Caused by Outer-rise Earthquake for Disaster Mitigation Toshitaka Baba Graduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences, The University of Tokushima
Numerical Simulations of Seismic- and Tsunami-wave Propagation in 3D Heterogeneous Earth Takashi Furumura Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
High Resolution General Circulation Simulation of Venus and Mars Atmosphere Using AFES Yoshiyuki Hayashi Graduate School of Science, Kobe University
Numerical Simulations of the Dynamics of Volcanic Phenomena Yujiro Suzuki Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Generation Mechanism of the Banded Structures Observed in the Jovian-type Planetary Atmospheres Shin-ichi Takehiro Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University
Developments of Sophisticated Simulation Analysis Method of Actual Reinforced Concrete Building by Shaking Table Test Atsunori Kitano Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture, Maebashi Institute of Technology
Star and Planet Formation Simulation Masahiro Machida Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University
Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction (PSTEP) Kanya Kusano Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University

Project Name
Name of Project Representative
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative
Making Urban Environmental Design Guideline for Mitigation of Urban Warming Takahiro Tanaka Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University
Prediction of Seepage of Sub-seabed-stored Material from Multiple Posints at the Seafloor, Using the MEC Model Toru Sato Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo

<Computing Science>
Project Name
Name of Project Representative
Professional Affiliation of Project Representative
Development of DFT-based Simulation Method for the Low Carbon Society Takahisa Ohno National Institute for Materials Science
Turbulence and the Flow Past an Obstacle in Salt-stratified Fluid Hideshi Hanazaki Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University
Large Scale Numerical Simulation and Modeling of Turbulent Scalar Transport in Nonequilibrium Environments Toshiyuki Gotoh Nagoya Institute of Technology
Frozen turbulent hypothesis in high Re number turbulent boundary layer: application to atmospheric turbulent boundary layer Yoshiyuki Tsuji Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Numerical Simulation of Multiphase Flow Including Water, Air and Moving Body Minoru Shirazaki Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences, Yokohama National University
Study on Relationship between Turbulence Structure in Real Space and Scale-by-scale Energy and Scalar Transport for Prediction of Diffusion in Atmospheric/oceanic Flows Yasuhiko Sakai Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Analysis of Interface between Positive Electrode Active Material and Electrolyte Satoshi Yoshio Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.