Technical Support Group


Technical Support Group provides advanced technical support for operation/maintenance of major analytical equipment in order to maximize scientific output of Research Groups in Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research (KOCHI). In addition, world-class core sample curatorial service for both International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and JAMSTEC expeditions is a major task of the group.

Detail of Technical Support Group

1)Research Support & Technological Development

⇒This group provides technical services for operation/maintenance of various analytical facilities (e.g., clean room, mass-spectrometers etc) at KOCHI. Development/improvement of laboratory infrastructure & safety planning, etc. are also carried out. Advanced analytical support and technological development are implemented by well-trained lab technicians for three Research Groups in Kochi (Fault Mechanics, Geomicrobiology, and Isotope Geochemistry). This group also plans and supports scientific outreach and education for promoting young scientists (e.g., “Core Analysis School” under the joint auspices of Japan Drilling Earth Science Consortium and Kochi University).

2)Core Curation

⇒KOCHI has one of the largest marine core repositories in the world (ca. 250 km core storage capacity), and provides world class curation service for marine core samples collected under the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and its predecessors (DSDP, ODP, former IODP). Current collection of the cores is about 113 km, and it continues to grow by a few kilometers every year as a result of scientific drilling of the world ocean. The cored material is stored in the repository at +4°C and 80% humidity to maintain their original condition as long as possible. From recent drilling operations, some core material is also stored in deep frozen condition like -80°C and -160°C for study of biomolecules like DNA and RNA. Besides these samples, many piston cores collected by the JAMSTEC research vessels are also being curated. Aliquots from the core material are provided to researchers all over the world. The cores are also available for educational purpose and display in museum.


Yusuke Kubo Group Leader
IODP Curator

Toshio Hisamitsu Deputy Group Leader
IODPCuratorial Superintendent

Takayuki Tomiyama Senior Engineer(Ⅱ)

Takeshi Arimoto Engineer(Ⅱ)

Ryo Yamaoka Curation staff

Aki Hatakenaka Administrative Support Staff

Kazuya Nagaishi Research Support Staff

Takeshi Terada Research Support Staff

Shigako Nigi Research Support Staff

Takahiro Suzuki Research Support Staff

Tatsuya Kawai Research Support Staff

Toshikuni Yabuki Research Support Staff

Osamu Tadai Research Support Staff

Erii Irie Research Support Staff

Ryo Takahashi Research Support Staff