
2016年度 2015年度 2014年度 2013年度 2012年度
( i ) 自然災害に関する気候変動リスク情報の創出
Ishikawa, H., Y. Oku, S. Kim, T. Takemi, and J. Yoshino, 2013
Estimation of a possible maximum flood event in the Tone River basin, Japan caused by a tropical cyclone. Hydrological Processes.
岡田翔太, 鈴木善晴, 喜田智也
GCM出力に基づいた日本域における降雨イベントの将来変化に関する研究, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.69, No.4, I_373-I_378, 2013年2月
Nishijima, K., 2013
Adaptation efficiency in climate change for typhoon induced wind risk of residential buildings in Japan. European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2013, Hamburg, Germany, 18-20 March 2013.
Takemi, T., 2013
Sensitivity of orographically induced precipitation to the track and intensity of typhoons for the assessment of meteorological hazards in complex terrain. International Conference on MCSs and High-Impact Weather in East Asia (ICMCS-9), Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China, 27-30 March 2013.
Y. Kuzuha, S. Tachinami and C. Gomi
Application of the fractional Levy motion to precipitation data, 23B-1564, AGU Fall meeting 2012, Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA, USA, 3-7 December 2012.
日降水量の確率分布と異常値に関する研究, 水文・水資源学会, 2012.
竹見哲也, 2012
熱帯低気圧の構造および強度に及ぼす乱流粘性の影響に関する数値実験. 第26回数値流体力学シンポジウム, 東京都渋谷区国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター, 2012年12月19日, A07-1.
中北英一, 宮宅敏哉
領域気候モデルを用いた気候変動に伴う梅雨期集中豪雨の将来変化予測に関する研究, 平成24年度京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会, C17, 2013年2月20日.
中根武志, 岡田翔太, 鈴木善晴
地球温暖化の影響を考慮した日本域における降雨イベントの将来変化に関する研究, 第40 回土木学会関東支部技術研究発表会講演概要集(CD-ROM), II-24, 2013年3月14日.
Duc Toan DUONG, Yasuto TACHIKAWA, Michiharu SHIIBA, Kazuaki YOROZU
River discharge projection in Indochina Peninsula under a changing climate using the MRI-AGCM3.2s dataset, Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 69, No. 4, pp. I_37-I_42, 2013.
Kwak, Y., K. Takeuchi, J. Fukami, J. Magome, 2012
A New Approach to Flood Risk Assessmentin Asia-Pacific Region Based on MRI-AGCM Outputs.Hydrological Research Letters6,55-60.
Sato Y., T. Kojiri, Y. Michihiro, Y. Suzuki and E. Nakakita, 2013
Assessment of climate change impacts on river discharge in Japan using the super-high-resolution MRI-AGCM. Hydrological Processes (HYP13-4)
Sato Y., T. Kojiri, Y. Michihiro, Y. Suzuki, and E. Nakakita, 2012
Estimates of climate change impact on river discharge in Japan based on a super-high-resolution model. Terrestrial Atmospheric and Ocean Science 23(5): 527-540.
Sato Y. and T. Kojiri, 2012
River water management for climate change in the Kiso river system in Japan. Proceedings of the 18th congress of the IAHR-APD2012, 946-947.
Shrestha, B.T. Okazumi, S. Tanaka,A.Sugiura, Y.Kwak and S. Hibino, 2013
Developmentof Flood Vulnerability Indicesfor Lower Mekong Basinin Cambodian Floodplain. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser.B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol. 69 (4), I-1-6.
佐藤嘉展・道広有理・鈴木 靖
木曽川水系統合流出解析モデルの高度化,2012 京都大学防災 研究所年報 55B:519-527.
長谷川聡・深見和彦・田中茂信, 2012
統計的バイアス補正されたMRI-AGCM3.2H の降水量の気候変化, 日本気象学会2012 年度秋季大会, P374.
DEM解像度に依存しないTOPMODELによる流出解析,水文・水資源学会誌, 第26巻,第1号,pp.26-36,2013
道広有理・佐藤嘉展・鈴木 靖,2012
流域スケールの水文解析に向けたGCM 出力の活用方法の検討.土木学会論文集B1(水工学)68(3):125-135.
Kwak, Y., J. Park, K. Fukami, 2013
Estimating a floodwater from MODIS time series and SRTM DEM data. The Eighteenth International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics 2013, 210-213.
Kwak, Y., J. Park, A. Yorozuya, K. Fukami, 2012
Estimation of floodvolume in Chao Phraya river basin, Thailand from MODIS imagescoupled with flood Inundation level. IEEE-IGARSS2012, 887-890.
Matsuura, S., Matsushi, Y. and Abe, K. (2013)
Research on snow melting properties in a mountainousarea during extreme weather events, Proc. of the Int. Symp. on "Cycle and Span of Sustainability", Institute of Sustainability Science, pp.58-59.
Sunmin Kim and Eiichi Nakakita,
"Estimating the Systematic Bias in the Present and Future Precipitation Output of AGCM60km", International Conference on Climate, Water and Policy (ICCWP) 2012 Busan, Republic of Korea, 11-13 Sep 2012.
郭栄珠, 萬矢敦啓, 白鳥昭浩, 田中茂信, 朴鍾杰, 2012
MODIS 時系列データとDEMによる広域の洪水氾濫域抽出―タイ国チャオプラヤ川流域2011洪水の事例研究. 日本リモートセンシング学会第53回学術講演会論文集, 61-62.
萩村俊司、松浦純生、千木良雅弘、中町 聡、阿部修、上石勲、平島寛行、岡本 隆(2012)
松浦純生、岡本 隆、阿部和時(2012)
Mori, N. (2012)
Projection of Future Tropical Cyclone Characteristics based on Statistical Model, In Cyclones Formation, Triggers and Control, Eds. K.Oouchi and H.Fudeyasu, Chapter 12, Nova Science Publishers, pp.249-270.
Hemer, M.A., Y. Fan, N. Mori, A. Semedo and X.L.Wang (2013)
Projected changes in wave climate from a multi-model ensemble, Nature Climate Change, 6p., doi:10.1038/nclimate1791.
Mase, H., D. Tsujio, T. Yasuda and N. Mori (2013)
Stability analysis of composite breakwater with wave-dissipating blocks considering increase in sea levels, surges and waves due to climate change, Ocean Engineering.
Mori, N., T. Shimura, T. Yasuda and H. Mase (2013)
Multi-Model Multi-Scenario Ensemble Projection of Future Upper Ocean Environment Change under Global Warming, Ocean Engineering.
Nakano, T., J. Nasuda, Y. Agata, T. Yurimoto, Y. Maeno, Y. Nakamura, F. Yamada, and A. Tamaki (2012)
Life history and population dynamics of the surf clam, Mactra veneriformis (Bivalvia: Mactridae), on an estuarine intertidal sandflat in western Kyushu, Japan, Molluscan Research, Vol. 32 (3), pp.159-176.
Yamada, F., N. Kobayashi, Y. Shirakawa, Y. Watabe, S. Sassa, and A. Tamaki (2012)
Effects of Tide and River Discharge on Mud Transport on Intertidal Flat, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 138(2), pp. 172-180.
Yamada, F., R. Tateyama, G. Tsujimoto, S. Suenaga, B. Long, and C. Pilote (2013)
Dynamic monitoring of physical models beach morphodynamics and sediment transport using X-ray CT scanning technique, Journal of Coastal research, SI, Vol. 65.
北野利一,高橋倫也,田中茂信 (2013)
降水量の極値の予測区間, 確率降水量の信頼区間を誤解していませんか?, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学) Vol.69, No.4, pp.I_271–I_276.
黒岩正光・松原雄平・市村 康・丸茂裕治・中野伸太郎・津留秀臣(2012)
志村智也・森 信人・中條壮大・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇 (2012)
辻尾大樹・間瀬 肇・森 信人・安田誠宏 (2012)
中條壮大・森 信人・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇 (2012)
林 健太郎・森 信人・間瀬肇・栗山善昭 (2012)
林 祐太・安田誠宏・森信人・中條壮大・間瀬肇 (2012)
間瀬 肇・安田誠宏・Tracey H.A. Tom・森 信人・中條壮大 (2012)
森 信人・村上裕之・志村智也・中條壮大・安田誠宏・間瀬 肇 (2012)
山田文彦,立山龍太,辻本剛三,末長清也,Bernard Long,Constant Pilote(2012)
医療用X線CTを用いた波作用下の地形変化・底質輸送の同時連続計測,土木学会論文集B2 (海岸工学), Vol.68 , No. 2, pp. I_506 - I_510.
<Conference Proceedings>
Kitano, T., W. Kioka and R. Takahashi (2012)
Outlier sensitivity on the sea extremes by the temporal and climate index covariations, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), management.3. doi:10.9753/icce.v33. management.3.
Hayashi, K., N. Mori, Mase, H., Y. Kuriyama, and K. Kobayashi (2012)
Influence of climate change on beach profile, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), sediment.17. doi:10.9753/icce.v33.sediment.17
Mori, N., T. Shimura, S. Nakajo, T. Yasuda and H. Mase (2012)
Multi-model ensemble projection of future coastal climate change, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), management.25. doi:10.9753/icce.v33. management.25
Nakajo, S., N. Mori, T. Yasuda and H. Mase (2012)
Basic examination of future change of tropical cyclone and storm surge properties under climate change, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), management.23.doi:10.9753/icce.v33.management.23
Shimura, T., N. Mori, T. Yasuda and H. Mase (2012)
Wave dynamics and its impact to wave climate projection, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), management.24. doi:10.9753/icce.v33.management.24
Qiuhua, L., F. Yamada, G. Tsujimoto and J. Zheng (2013)
Combined physical and numerical modeling study of surge impact on structures, Proceedings of 23th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference.
Nobuoka, H., and C. M., Van and T. V. P., Dang (2013)
Probabilistic coastal flood hazard due to storm surges with sea-level rise in Mekong-Delta , MES2013, Ho Chin Minh City.
Yasuda, T. (2012)
Projection of climate change impact on storm surge and its uncertainty, Advances in Coastal Disasters Risk Management - Lessons from the March 2011 Tsunami and preparedness to the climate change impact, NWO-JSPS Joint Seminar(2012年6月8日,JAL シティ仙台)
Yasuda, T. (2013)
Projection of Future Coastal Climate Change—Typhoons, Waves and Storm Surges, The 1st Bristol-Kyoto Symposium(2013年1月11日,英国ブリストル大学)
大規模災害時における産業部門の生産能力の推計-東日本大震災を対象として,自然災害科学 31-4, 283-304.
Kajitani, Y., Chang, S. and H. Tatano, 2013
Economic Impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, Earthquake Spectra , accepted.
動学的確率的マクロ経済モデルの長期的な防災投資計画への応用,土木学会論文D3, vol.68, No.3, pp.129-143.
従属経済モデルにおける巨大災害ショックの長期的影響,第45 回土木計画学研究発表会・講演集,361.
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), Vol.69, No.4, I_1-I_6,2013
Shresta et al. Development of flood vulnerability indices for lower Mekong basin in Cambodian floodplain
建部 祐哉・佐山 敬洋・牛山 朋來・藤岡 奨・田中 茂信
チャオプラヤ川流域における長期降雨流出氾濫解析、土木学会論文集B1(水工学)、Vol. 69、No. 4、I_457-I_462、2013.
( ii ) 水資源に関する気候変動リスク情報の創出
Kotera, A., T. Nagano、P. Hanittinan, S. Koontanakulvong (2012)
Assessing Flood Damages of Rice in the Chao Phraya Delta, Using MODIS Satellite Imageries, PAWEES 2012 -International Conference on "Challenges of Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia."
Nohara, D., T. Hori (2012)
Impact Analysis of Reliability and Discriminability Index of Stochastic Inflow Prediction and Its Application to Long-term Reservoir Operation, Proc. of 10th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. (8pp).
Ock, G., Y. Takemon, T. Sumi (2012)
Particulate organic matter retention as an ecological indicator for riverbed management. 18th Congress of the Asia and Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR-APD 2012).
Ock, G., Y. Takemon , T. Sumi , G M. Kondolf (2012)
Ecological significance of riverine gravel bars in regulated river reaches below dams. AGU2012.
Sato Y, M. Honma, Y. Suzuki, K. Tanaka, and E. Nakakita (2013)
Assessment of climate change impact on river discharge in cold and mountainous region in Japan, Proc. of H02, IAHS-IAPSO-IASPEI Assembly (In Printing).
Sato Y, Y. Michihiro, Y. Suzuki (2012)
Application of an integrated hydrological model for river ecosystem assessment under future climate change. Proc. of the 9th International symposium on Ecohydraulics.
Sato Y, M. Honma, Y. Suzuki, Y. Michihiro (2013)
Suspended sediment transport in the Kiso River basin. Proc. of the 12th International symposium on river sedimentation.
Takemon, Y. (2012)
River Basin Ecosystem Management under Reservoir Dam Impacts. The second JE-Hydronet Symposium on the Nile River System and the Delta of Egypt. pp.27-35.
天井洋平, 野原大督, 堀智晴, 角哲也 (2013)
予測流入量情報を用いたダム事前放流操作の影響分析手法に関する基礎的検討。土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 69(4), I_1627-I_1632.
奥村裕史、角哲也 (2013)
貯水池式水力発電所ダム湖における堆砂進行が発電運用に及ぼす影響、土木学会論文集B1(水工学), Vol.69, No.4, I_979-I_984.
小槻峻司, 田中賢治, 小尻利治 (2013)
気候変動が日本の水資源に与える影響推計 (I) -日本全域水資源モデルの開発- 水文・水資源学会誌 (受理済)
竹門康弘 (2012)
河川の生息場研究の歴史・課題・展望. 水環境学会誌, 35A (4), pp.110-113.
涼允, 糠澤桂, 風間聡, 竹門康弘(2013)
水温が源流域の水生昆虫に与える影響, 水工学論文集, 57.
Kamal ,E. A., T. Hamaguchi, T. Sumi, K. Tanaka (2012)
Two-dimensional Basin-scaled Groundwater Modeling of the Nile Delta, Egypt、水文・水資源学会2012 年度研究発表会要旨集、pp.16-17。
Kotera, A., T. Nagano, (2012)
Assessing Flood Damages of Rice in the Chao Phraya Delta, Using MODIS Satellite Imageries, PAWEES 2012 International Conference on "Challenges of Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia."
Nagano, T. (2012)
Assessing impacts of climate extremes on agriculture by use of time-series satellite imagery, Seminar on the guideline on adaptation measures for irrigation systems.
Nagano, T., A. Kotera, A. Fujita (2012)
Development of World Atlas of Irrigated Agriculture for Sustainability Science, PAWEES 2012 International Conference on "Challenges of Water & Environmental Management in Monsoon Asia."
天井洋平, 野原大督, 堀智晴, 角哲也 (2013)
予測流入量情報を用いたダム事前放流操作の影響分析手法に関する基礎的検討, 平成24 年度京都大学防災研究所研究発表講演会.
大西暁生, 佐藤嘉展, 奥岡桂次郎, 森杉雅史, 2012
竹門康弘 (2013)
「自然の恵み」を活かす復興の必要性、日本生態学会第60 回大会フォーラム講演, U03.
中川光, 竹門康弘 (2013)
定量的な食物網の記載による相互作用強度の評価, 日本生態学会第60回大会, B2-14.
長野宇規 (2012)
衛星画像解析による極端気象現象の農業への影響の評価-気候変動対策に向けて-、2012 年推廣先進農業技術因應氣候變遷中日研討會。
浜口俊雄, 角哲也, A. Kamal (2012)
地下水涵養量変動による沿岸域帯水層塩水侵入長変化の理論的考察、水文・水資源学会2012 年度研究発表会要旨集、pp.22-23。
2011年タイの大雨の季節予測可能性, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 第69 巻4 号, ppI_391-I_396, 2013.
2010年パキスタン豪雨に対する地球温暖化の寄与度の定量化, 土木学会論文集B1(水工学), 第69 巻4 号, ppI_337-I_342, 2013.
Hiroki Minakawa and Takao Masumoto(2012)
A quantitative evaluation method of flood risks in low-lying areas associated with increase of heavy rainfall in Japan、2012 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting.
Kudo, R., Masumoto, T., Horikawa, N., Yoshida, T. (2012)
Modeling of basin-wide water management for dry-season paddy irrigation with large reservoirs in the Mekong River Basin、AGU Fall Meeting 2012, 8 December 2012, San Francisco.
Masumoto Takao (2012)
Model of Climate Change Impact Assessment on Irrigation Facilities in the Mekong, Seminar on "Guideline on Climate Change Adaptation Measures for Irrigation Systems", 26-27 Nov. 2012, Bangkok
Watanabe, S., S. Kanae, S. SETO, P. J. .-F. Yeh, Y. Hirabayashi, and T. Oki (2012)
Intercomparison Of Bias-Correction Methods For Monthly Temperature And Precipitation Simulated By Multiple Climate Models, AGU fall meeting 2012, USA.
Yoshida, T., Masumoto T., Horikawa N. and Minakawa N. (2012)
Modeling of short-term runoff processes in heterogeneous watersheds dominated by abandoned paddies in hilly areas, AGU Fall Meeting 2012, 7 December 2012, San Francisco.
気候変動と貯水池管理, 中日2012 年推廣先進農業技術因應氣候變遷研討會議, 371-424, 2012年12月18~19日, 台北.
工藤亮治, 増本隆夫, 堀川直紀, 吉田武郎(2012)
気候変動影響評価に向けた分布型水循環モデルの中国地方主要河川への適用, 平成19 年度農業農村工学会中国四国支部講演会講演要旨集, 46-48, 2012年11月1日, 岡山.
水田灌漑主体流域における気候変動影響評価法とその利活用, 中日2012年推廣先進農業技術因應氣候變遷研討會議, 平成24 年12 月18~19 日, 台北.
( iii ) 生態系・生物多様性に関する気候変動リスク情報の創出
Ohte N, Nakaoka M, Shibata H (2012) ILTER and JaLTER
Their Missions and Linkage to Database Development in the Asia-Pacific Region. In "The Biodiversity Observation Network in the Asia-Pacific Region; Toward Further Development of Monitoring (Nakano S, Yahara T, Nakashizuka T Eds)", Ecological Research Monographs, Springer Japan, pp 205-215, Tokyo
Shibata H, Hasagawa Y, Watanabe T, Fukuzawa K
Impact of snowpack decrease on net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification of forest soil in northern Japan. Biogeochemistry.
Takano, K. T. (2012)
Genetic Resources. In Geall S, Liu J, and Pellissery S (eds.), The Berkshire Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol. 7: China, India, and East and Southeast Asia: Assessing Sustainability. Berkshire, Great Barrington, MA: USA. pp. 171-173.
Vihervaara P, D. D'Amato, M. Forsius, P. Angelstam, C. Baessler, P. Balvanera, B. Boldgiv, P. Bourgeron,
  J. Dick, R. Kanka, S. Klotz, M. Maass, V. Melecis, P. Petřík, H. Shibata, J. Tang, J. Thompson, S. Zacharias (2013)
Using long-term ecosystem service and biodiversity data to study the impacts and adaptation options in response to climate change: insights from the global ILTER sites network. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability.
齊藤修・柴田英昭 (2012)
幸福、QOL、well-being。地球環境学マニュアル(仮題)II-はかる, みせる, 読みとく- 5章 人間をはかる。朝倉書店。東京.
Shibata H, Hasagawa Y, Watanabe T, Fukuzawa K
Impact of snowpack decrease on net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification of forest soil in northern Japan. BIOGEMON, The 7th International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior, North Port, Maine, USA, July 15-20, 2012.
Shibata H, ILTER initiative
Socio-biogeochemistry of Nitrogen cascading and interactions. ILTER Science meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, September 18, 2012.
Shibata H, Hasagawa Y, Watanabe T, Fukuzawa K
Impact of snowpack decrease on net nitrogen mineralization and nitrification of forest soil in northern Japan. 第60回日本生態学会。2013年3月、静岡市。
ナラ枯れで消失が懸念される里山旧薪炭林の経済評価。環境経済・政策学会2012年大会。2012年9月, 仙台市。
土地利用と作物生産の関係-統計資料による送粉サービスの評価。日本生態学会第60回大会。2013年3月, 静岡市。
東日本の高山植物分布に対する気候変動の影響予測。日本生態学会第60 回大会。2013年3月, 静岡市。
Abe, M. M. Hori, T. Yasunari, A. Kitoh, 2013
Effects of the Tibetan Plateau on the onset of the summer monsoon in South Asia: The role of the air-sea interaction. J. Geophy Res., doi: 10.1002/jgrd.50210.
Fukutomi, Y. and T. Yasunari, 2012
Structure and characteristics of submonthly-scale waves along the Indian Ocean ITCZ.Climate Dynamics.
Kajikawa, Y., T. Yasunari, S. Yoshida, and H. Fujinami, 2012
Advanced Asian summer monsoon onset in recent decades. Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L03803, 5PP., 2012, doi:10.1029/2011GL050540
Kanamori, H., T. Yasunari, and K. Kuraji, 2013
Modulation of the diurnal cycle of rainfall associated with the MJO observed by a dense hourly rain gauge network at Sarawak, Borneo. J. Climate.
Katayama, A., Kume, T., Komatsu, H., Saitoh, T., Ohashi, M., Nakagawa, M., Suzuki, M., Otsuki,
  K. and Kumagai, T. 2013
Large total belowground carbon flux in a Bornean tropical rainforest without dry seasons. Journal of Plant Research.
Kumagai, T. and Kume, T. 2012
Influences of diurnal rainfall cycle on CO2 exchange over Bornean tropical rainforests. Ecological Modelling, 246, P91-98.
Kumagai, T. and Porporato, A. 2012
Drought-induced mortality of a Bornean tropical rainforest amplified by climate change. Journal of Geophysical Research -Biogeosciences, 117, G02032, doi:10.1029/2011JG001835.
Kumagai, T. and Porporato, A. 2012
Strategies of a Bornean tropical rainforest water use as a function of rainfall regime: isohydric or anisohydric? Plant, Cell and Environment, 35(1), P61-71.
Mathison, C., A. Wiltshire, A. P. Dimri, P. Falloon, D. Jacob, P. Kumar, E. Moors, J. Ridley, C. Siderius,
  M. Stoffel, and T. Yasunari, 2012
Regional projections of North Indian climate for adaptation studies. Science of Total Environment., doi: 10.1016/ j.scitotenv.2012.04.066
Prasanna, V., J. Subere, K. Dwijendra, G. Srinivasan, T. Yasunari, 2012
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柴野良太, 藤井賢彦, 山野博哉, 屋良由美子, 山中康裕
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地球温暖化に伴う水温上昇がサンゴ分布に及ぼす影響 ~温室効果ガスの排出シナリオの違いから~, 第15回日本サンゴ礁学会, 東京, 2012年11月.
屋良由美子, 山野博哉, 藤井賢彦, 山中康裕, Marco Steinacher
地球温暖化に伴う水温上昇および海洋酸性化が日本近海のサンゴ分布に及ぼす影響 ~CO2排出シナリオの違いから~, 日本海洋学会春季大会, 東京, 2013年3月.